View Full Version : Latest calls

Ken Hill
04-15-2010, 2:53 PM
I dont know if i've ever posted any of my calls here

Squirrel Barker made with cherry


David E Keller
04-15-2010, 2:56 PM
It looks great... Another great photo.

Do you make one that repels squirrels? They are all over our house, and I'd love for them to go away. I've tried a pellet gun , but I'm not much of a shot.

Ken Hill
04-15-2010, 3:04 PM
The call usually alerts the other squirrels that an intruder is in teh area. They are terrirtorial so they will come charging sometimes, other times they just come around the tree to see what the deal is.

Im a good shot, so if one is deemed a pest he finds his way on the menu real fast:D

(Turn yourself a hawk call and scare them away, for a few days at best LOL)

Ken Hill
04-15-2010, 3:09 PM
The laminated wood came from Laminates Afield...great company!!

Ken Hill
04-15-2010, 3:12 PM

Ken Hill
04-15-2010, 3:15 PM

Ken Hill
04-15-2010, 3:18 PM
And the last one for today (tree rats anyway)


Ken Hill
04-15-2010, 3:29 PM
Crow call, made with some of the Persimmon i rescued from the brush pile


Ken Hill
04-15-2010, 3:47 PM
Two predator calls in Persimmon


Cow Elk in Maple Burl


John W Dixon
04-15-2010, 4:08 PM
Beautiful calls! What kind of finish are you using on them?


Ken Hill
04-15-2010, 4:21 PM
Mpst of the natural wood gets a BLO soak, then dewaxed shellac then a Spar dip (60/40)

The laminated gets a straight dip in Spar or Poly

Oak Burl predator call


Ken Hill
04-15-2010, 4:36 PM
Forgot a Maple Burl Tree Rat:D


Roland Martin
04-15-2010, 4:37 PM
These are all beautiful calls Ken. The backdrop and setup for your photos is just as beautiful.

John Keeton
04-15-2010, 9:27 PM
Great wood, beautiful photography, and some nice turning!! When you dip them, how do you avoid a drip run?

David E Keller
04-15-2010, 9:38 PM
Where do you get the kits for all the different calls? I've seen duck and goose call kits, but some of these I've never heard of. I don't hunt, but I'm friends with a bunch of hunters, and the calls would make great gifts or donations to local charity auctions.

Ken Hill
04-15-2010, 9:39 PM
On a game call site I visit, a few fellers came up with using the clip out of a paper clip (type with the plastic center) You pinch it, put it in the call, have it at a slight angle then hang it after dipping. 30 minutes or so after the dip, touch the drip with a small piece of cloth.

I usually clean up the recessed areas as well where the lanyard goes so it doesnt build there unequally.

Baxter Smith
04-15-2010, 9:41 PM
Some nice looking calls and great photography!

Ken Hill
04-15-2010, 9:41 PM
Where do you get the kits for all the different calls? I've seen duck and goose call kits, but some of these I've never heard of. I don't hunt, but I'm friends with a bunch of hunters, and the calls would make great gifts or donations to local charity auctions.

THO Game calls sells alot of the materials. Search "Game call guts" and you should find a ton of places. And you dont have to be a hunter to want game in close. Im a photographer and use them all the time to bring things closer or to get them to look alert etc


Lots of animals are curious...sometimes a sound of another animal makes them come looking just see what is going on


Joe Wiliams
04-15-2010, 10:39 PM
Nice looking stuff Ken:)

Have you ever looked at Art Wolfe's photography? He has a show on PBS that I try to watch when I can.


Aaron Wingert
04-15-2010, 10:41 PM
Good looking calls Ken. The oak burl is especially nice.

Bernie Weishapl
04-15-2010, 10:50 PM
Beautiful woods and calls.

Ken Hill
04-15-2010, 10:58 PM
Nice looking stuff Ken:)

Have you ever looked at Art Wolfe's photography? He has a show on PBS that I try to watch when I can.


Ive seen alot of his stuff before. I cant imagine being on assignment for a year at one location, but where he is sent sure looks amazing! Im lucky to get 1 day in an area haha!

Rick Flink
04-19-2010, 12:19 AM

Your work is really wonderful looking! I'm not ready to give calls a try yet, but it's coming.

Right now, I'm really interested in doing some of the turkey pot calls, but having a tough time finding any real information on how to do them, and where to get the components like slate.

Eventually, I'll get to making calls similar to the ones you've shared with us.

Very Nice!

Rick (mtgrizzly52)

Ken Hill
04-19-2010, 12:24 AM
Brookside is a decent place for slate and pot call supplies. I dont have a link (new computer and all my old info is kaput)

Try tho game calls for supplies and a linkt o their forums. Some amazing talent urking there and they are very helpful. Lots of tutorials as well

Norm Zax
04-19-2010, 2:31 AM
Great work and wonderful photos!
What cam are u using and what lighting (tent or ambient)?
What makes the calls appropriate for different animals (this is a major beginners Q)?
How do you texture the black parts?

Ken Hill
04-19-2010, 2:46 AM
I usual use a Nikon D3

I have studio lighting here (usually 1 AB800 into a 4 foot softbox, although on these I used a 22 inch beauty dish)

Attracting animals....for predators think food (rabbit in distress etc) for deer...mating grunts and bleats. Ive called in Does in the spring when calling for coyotes as they mistake the call for a fawn in distress. The squirell calls immitate a bark and when run correctly will tick off a squirrel and they will come to run out another intruding squirell. Ive used a squeeker out of a dog toy to call in foxes...

The textured part your refering to I assume is the bellows. Its a rubber bellows that is used to force air over the reed in the call.

Ive been non stop working on calls lately. I have a few broken ribs so its slow going but thats fine by me. Im working on doing some laminated wood on my own (walnut and maple) (maple burl /cherry burl and walnut etc) Its a learning process for sure but thats what makes it fun.

Here is a gallery with many more calls i've made


Paul Douglass
04-19-2010, 10:18 AM
beautiful stuff. I love the calls and plan on working some up. Yours are some of the nicest I have seen.

Ken Hill
04-19-2010, 1:11 PM
First mix ive done using the new jointer to get things nice and flat. Now to sand and add a finish


brian watts
04-19-2010, 9:35 PM
very nice. very nice crow call..

David Walser
04-19-2010, 11:16 PM

Where do you get your kits?

Ken Hill
04-19-2010, 11:22 PM
Ive been getting the majority of my predator and squirrel calls kits from http://thogamecalls.com/thogamecalls_030.htm


Paul Douglass
04-19-2010, 11:38 PM
What a great website. Thanks for sharing.