View Full Version : The Happy Hunter...OT

Wally Dickerman
04-14-2010, 4:18 PM
There are a couple of road runners that I see often near my home. This guy had just caught a lizard and was happy to show it off. They are really a hoot to watch. Very aggresive hunters. However, a mocking bird hangs out in a Palo Verde tree nearby and drives the road runner off it it gets too close.


Brian Effinger
04-14-2010, 5:24 PM
Thanks for the photo. The only roadrunner I have ever seen was being chased by a coyote. ;)

David E Keller
04-14-2010, 5:31 PM
Cool photo.

I'm with Brian on this one... Does the mockingbird use acme explosives and rockets?

Wally Dickerman
04-14-2010, 6:11 PM
Thanks for the photo. The only roadrunner I have ever seen was being chased by a coyote. ;)

Well, I doubt that the coyote caught him...the roadrunner can fly, though it seldom does. I've seen them fly across a brushy wash. I've even seen them up in a tree. Surveying their hunting area I suppose.


charlie knighton
04-14-2010, 7:30 PM
thanks for sharing Wally, i have never seen a real one, not even a stuffed one

i bet they like mesquite trees???? :D

Richard Madison
04-14-2010, 8:29 PM
That's a great picture Wally. We have a few RR's in the neighborhood and get to see them once in a while.

Bernie Weishapl
04-14-2010, 9:14 PM
Great picture Wally. Thanks for sharing.

Brett Baldwin
04-15-2010, 3:27 PM
Does anyone else see the very strong resemblance to the latest artistic renderings of velociraptors? It's easy to see the shared heritage there.

Ray Bell
04-15-2010, 4:08 PM
We have been going to Az. for the last 6 years. Four times already this winter, but have yet to see a road runner. Pretty disappointing. Before each trip I tell my wife "this is the time", but has never happened. I'm beginning to believe they are along the same lines as the Sasquatch, and UFO's. Sure there are people that say they have seen them, but......

Roland Martin
04-15-2010, 4:48 PM
Pretty neat Wally, thanks for sharing the photo. No roadrunners in Maine, only coyote and they're a real pain in @$$%!:)