View Full Version : Vortex?

John M. Smith
04-11-2010, 7:52 PM
Even though I had a paying job this weekend...........I went to my brothers house ,where he was cutting a tree down, and aquired some bowl blanks. When I got back home instead of working, I played and rough turned a bowl. Do you here the sucking noise of the vortex? After the bowl was down, I turned a wine bottle stopper. Day was done, without the work being done. Oh well, there i always tomorrow.


Joe Wiliams
04-12-2010, 8:55 AM

Roland Martin
04-12-2010, 9:00 AM
That sucking sound is loud & clear John, my best hearing protection is no match for the vortex:D Like you said there's always tomorrow, or at least I'm counting on it!

Bernie Weishapl
04-12-2010, 4:04 PM
Yep all you hear is that sucking sound on your way down.

David E Keller
04-12-2010, 5:27 PM
Sounds like the vortex has got your priorities in order.;)

John M. Smith
04-12-2010, 7:10 PM
Yes.....But I need the side job money to buy more spinny stuff:D