View Full Version : A little help?

Moshe Eshel
04-11-2010, 4:56 PM
Hi All,

I just bought a replacement TECO VFD for my Jet 1642, but the wiring notation doesn't match...
Can anyone help me attach the cables to the right terminals?
I have the original Delta VFD (VFD015S21U) with the :
Yellow wire going to the +10V
Green Going to AVI
White going to M0
Black going to M1
and Blue going to GND

On the TECO drive (HC1A02D223BE) I figure the following
Yellow goes to the +10
Green goes to AI?
White goes to FOR
Black goes to REV
Blue goes to DCM???

The manuals don't help me at all (I have 0 knowledge in electronics, this is just me attempting to decipher...

Any other light you can shed on this? thanks...

Steve Schlumpf
04-11-2010, 6:58 PM
Mosha - there should be a basic wiring diagram for your TECO drive. Any chance you can post it - it would help trying to figure out the green wire and the blue.

So far, the Yellow, White and Black wires match up correctly from what I can see.

According to the schematic that I have - the Green wire goes to the center tap on the speed potentiometer and is listed as AVI. According to the Delta manual - AVI stands for Analog Voltage Current Frequency Command. Basically, the voltage from the center tap of the potentiometer is used to establish the frequency used to determine turning speed.

So, AI could stand for Analog Current but you need to check in the TECO manual to make sure. Also, check which connector the Ground is connected to - and that is where your Blue wire should be connected.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-11-2010, 7:09 PM

I tried to find a manual for the TECO drive you listed and couldnt' find that model number.

If I had a schematic I could possibly help you.

I was able to find a manual for the Jet VFD however.

Is there some other designation on the TECO drive?

Model Name.......some other model number?

Moshe Eshel
04-11-2010, 7:22 PM
Here are links to the manuals and to the screen captures of the relevant schematics (I think)



I hope this is what can help you help me :-)


Steve Schlumpf
04-11-2010, 7:49 PM
Moshe - to me, and please wait for Ken to back this up - the Green wire goes to VI and the Blue wire does go to DCM.

If you look at the schematic for the Delta - you will see that the VI connection is the same as the AVI.

Ken - you see the same thing?

Ken Fitzgerald
04-11-2010, 8:14 PM
Steve and Moshe,

I agree with Steve..the green wire goes to VI.

However....based on the wiring diagram and the description of the signals on page 14 of the Teco manual, it's becomes confusing.

If you look at the schematics, it shows the ground wire of the pot going to ACM....if you look at the ground wire for the switches (FWD, REV) it shows them attaching to DCM.

The description indicates ACM is analog input ground.

The description indicates DCM is input common ground.

I would try hooking the BLue wire to DCM. If you experience any erratic function of the speed control pot, try connecting the Blue wire to ACM.

Moshe Eshel
04-11-2010, 8:45 PM
I followed your advice, and didn't forget to disconnect everything else in the shop before turning the lathe on...

AND... IT WORKS!!!! finally after more than a month of forced shutdown...

Anyway, I started programming the thing, the stop/start switch works, the forward/reverse works, the increase/decrease speed works (to a degree, it starts way too fast, and doesn't speed up all the way) - this is a game of Hz - I still have to figure it out...
The speed indicator (the led?) is not working at all - no display whatsoever (the VFD is displaying the current Hz going through)...

Any tips you have on programming this unit to work like my old unit worked, I would really appreciate it.

BUT IT WORKS!!! I'm so happy!


Steve Schlumpf
04-11-2010, 8:54 PM
Moshe - glad to hear that your lathe is once again operational. As far as programming it to work like the original - I would think that it is just a matter of walking through the manual and changing the program until you are happy with the end result.

By the time you are finished with getting the system to run like you want - you will be a TECO system expert! Have fun and remember you can always reset the system back to the default settings if you mess it up to much!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-11-2010, 10:49 PM

Report back and let us know how it goes after you get it programmed!

Good luck!