View Full Version : Uh-Oh! What's This In My Wood Pile?

Tom LaRussa
11-12-2004, 9:43 PM
I think I have an infestation of something. Okay, infestation may -- I hope -- be too strong a term. But there is something living in my little log of "ear tree" (enterolobium cyclocarpum) wood.

Any ideas what it is and how to get rid of it?:confused:

Should I just burn the log? :(

I'm in central Florida (Tampa) and picked up the log from Orlando.

Any advice appreciated.


George Tokarev
11-13-2004, 5:13 PM
Bug(s). With all the radial splits, unless that's some truly precious wood, pitch it.

If you want to try, bag it in a big garbage bag, set a dish of ammonia or denatured alcohol in there, and tie it off for a week. Ammonia might change the wood a bit, but it'll kill the bugger rather than get him loaded enough to be out shaking his little fists at you when you open the bag.

Tony Falotico
11-13-2004, 7:44 PM
I've seen in my outdoor firewood pile here in North Fla, :eek: it's very sluggish, soft and squishy, extremely slow moving, off white (yellow-reddish tint, almost albino looking) that will bore a good size hole (1/4"-3/8" dia). Don't know how to finesse it out, I've only seen it in the outdoor firewood pile in fairly damp rotting wood conditions. I throw that stuff in the outdoor burn pile and burn it.

Tom LaRussa
11-13-2004, 8:52 PM
Thanks George & Tony,

I'll fire up my Stihl tomorrow, chop that sucker up into manageable pieces and have me a little bug-barbecue.


Christopher Pine
11-14-2004, 5:58 PM
I have heard some people rid there wood of bugs and other varmits by putting it in there deep freeze. Mabe wrap it in plastic and leave it in overnight... don't know if its worth it to you or not but a thought.