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View Full Version : Newbie Questions

Steve Kelsey
04-10-2010, 11:38 AM
I'm getting ready for my laser delivery in two weeks. I can't wait. First, I want to thank all of the members here on the forums for all their help and assistance - even if they didn't know they were doing it! I've read many of the threads here and have gleaned quite a bit of knowledge about the systems and procedures. Second, I have a couple of questions:

1) Has anyone taken the Laser University course offered by LaserBits.com? I looked at it and am curious about peoples opinions to determine if I should invest in it.

2) When files are posted here, what are the rules for them? I see many CDR files that I find interesting and am wondering if they are free for commercial use or just for private use.

Thanks again for all your help and mentoring and my apologies if these questions have been answered previously and I just missed them.


Dee Gallo
04-10-2010, 12:02 PM
Welcome to the Creek, Steve!

I can't speak for everyone, but whenever I post a CDR file, it is for anyone to take and use for whatever they like. Theoretically, if it is not stated in the post, you should ask permission so you're not trampling on copyrights. We should probably make it a practice to state the permission right in the posts to avoid questions.

Have fun with your new toy!

cheers, dee

Tom Bull
04-10-2010, 10:25 PM
Congrats, you'll be lasering everything that will set still long enough!
Don't know about laserbits, but if you are going to be using Corel Draw, I thought Corel Unleashed was money well spent. Also tons of good stuff on YouTube about Corel.