View Full Version : I have a crazy woodpecker

dennis thompson
04-10-2010, 7:38 AM
For the last week or so a woodpecker has been pecking at the metal cover on my chimney, the noise is very loud inside the house, anything I can do about it ?or should I just wait until he figures out there are no bugs in my chimney cover? or wears his beak out:)

Charlie Reals
04-10-2010, 7:59 AM
For the last week or so a woodpecker has been pecking at the metal cover on my chimney, the noise is very loud inside the house, anything I can do about it ?or should I just wait until he figures out there are no bugs in my chimney cover? or wears his beak out:)

12 gauge lol. I am plagued with these critters every year. I tried one of the owl statues but it didn't work all that well. I know the noise is damned annoying.

Caspar Hauser
04-10-2010, 7:59 AM
Is the chimney cover reflective? If so there may be a mirror/territorial thing going on, or something..


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A. Woodpeckers are dependent on trees for their home and their food. Oftentimes, our manmade areas also fulfill these needs.

Why do woodpeckers / flickers tap on houses and businesses? For several reasons: The pecking signals to their rivals that this territory is taken, and it’s also a very effective way to locate grubs living under the bark of a tree or within the wood on the house or business. If a woodpecker / flicker is making noise on the siding or house, it may be trying to excavate a home for itself.

But food and shelter are not the only reasons woodpeckers / flickers hammer on the roof. Your roof or siding may be bug-free, but a woodpecker will still tap to establish its territory or to attract a mate. Buildings, utility poles and fence posts are favorite spots for woodpeckers / flickers to practice their “drumming.”

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A. Woodpecker pecking, drumming or drilling on wood or metal surfaces can cause damage to your home or business building's paint job or stucco work. Wood and metal surfaces can become disfigured from woodpecker / flicker tapping. Even more importantly, the woodpecker / flicker noise can be heard throughout the house or office and can be very annoying. Woodpeckers don’t care if people are sleeping in the house on which they are tapping. They don’t care if it’s five in the morning. Drumming on the house may occur a number of times in a single day, and go on for weeks or months during early spring and summer.

The more resonant the drumming sound on an object, the more likely a woodpecker / flicker will use it as a drum. This often means woodpeckers will choose metal gutters, TV antennas, chimney caps, plumbing vents and downspouts as objects to peck on.

Mitchell Andrus
04-10-2010, 8:34 AM
Coupla goats?

mickey cassiba
04-10-2010, 11:58 PM
Wood peckers use the noise as advertisement. DAMHIK. Shoot him or get used to it. We had one that found that the noise from our flue pipe was lot's louder than the tree in the yard.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-11-2010, 12:08 AM
My BIL had one that spent some time........drilling holes...move 12 inches.....drill holes...in the siding on his house and detached garage. A F&G officer suggested hanging beef tallow on a string....that didn't help. IIRC he used a 4-10 remedy.

Richard M. Wolfe
04-11-2010, 12:17 AM
I was going for a walk the other day and heard the machine gun hammering. Silly thing was beating on a metal shield of some power line wiring near a transformer. No wood within yards.

Lee Schierer
04-11-2010, 8:22 AM
Cover the area where he is hammering with something soft like an old inner tube. They are making the sound to proclaim their territory and the louder the noise the better, so if the noise isn't loud he will move to another location.

Or put a rubber snake next to the chimney.

Bob Jensen
04-11-2010, 8:38 AM
I had the exact same thing happen a couple years ago, it was so loud in house i had to try something as they would start at 5 A.M. I went up on roof and put black roofing cement on cover and they never came back.

Mike Cruz
04-11-2010, 8:42 AM
You are kidding, right? This is a wood worker's forum... PUT HIM TO GOOD USE! Capture him, train him, strap him into a harness and the next time you need some holes drilled or material removed (instead of a Dremmel), let him at it. It's a win-win situation. He gets all the wood he could ever peck at, and you get, well, at least he won't be pecking at your chimeny cap... :D

Actually, we had a crazy Cardinal around here for a few years. That little booger would attack our windows, sliding glass doors, mirrors and windows on our pick up trucks...ugh, the noise was grating. He would repeatedly jump up and scratch, claw, and beat his wings on the glass. He either died of old age, or moved on to another house, because we haven't seen him the last few years...

Zach England
04-11-2010, 12:04 PM
Can you electrify the metal?

kevin loftus
04-13-2010, 3:43 AM
You still having trouble with your pecker Dennis. :p:D:D:D

dennis thompson
04-13-2010, 6:01 AM
Woodpecker appears to have left the building:)