View Full Version : Fine Woodworking online

Mike Palmowski
04-09-2010, 7:32 PM
So I am a subscriber to their online service and have tried to do the search feature, and have some moderate success, and I stress moderate. I am starting to wonder if I am missing something, or if this is how the sight is to be used. I have also gone through all the tabs at the top like joinery and techniques. What type of content are you browsing on the site? Are their any plans anywhere? I also wish I could find more video builds, it seems that there is only about 10. as always thank you for any insight.

Callan Campbell
04-09-2010, 8:05 PM
While I subscribe to both Fine WW and Fine Homebuilding, I use the on-line sites for mostly tool reviews or looking up past articles/issues. Sometimes I've also been frustrated by weird things like incomplete search data that I know is there, somewhere, cause I read it in print months ago. So, I feel your pain.:p

Jim Eller
04-09-2010, 9:08 PM

I too am a FWW online subscriber and have been for a number of years.

I really enjoy the vids(except I can't download them) and articles. I really like the fact I get the magazine, read what I want and print off what ever I want. I do use the search quite often.


glenn bradley
04-09-2010, 9:57 PM
I've had it for a number of years and use it quite often. Their site navigation is not good but there is a lot of great content. Certainly the fact that you are returned to the top of a search after selecting one of the results 3 pages in is a juvenile site goof-up but, they are far from the poorest site development I have seen from a major player.

All that said, I automatically renew my membership, that's how much value I get out of it. Since Jim and I are 'experienced' at their rather novel site navigation, if you tell us something specific you are looking for, we may be able to help you ;-)

Chris Parks
04-10-2010, 6:55 AM
You might try using the Google advanced search engine. At the bottom of the page it can be refined to search a given site and no other, so just insert the site address with your search and you get a good result.