View Full Version : Pens for Doctors

Matt Ranum
04-08-2010, 10:30 PM
In early March my FIL had surgery to remove a brain tumor. This was the second time in 3 years for this surgery and this time it was done by some of the best in the business at one of our University hospitals. The difference in my FIL between this surgery and the first is incredible. 4 weeks after MAJOR brain surgery you would never know he had anything done to him.

My wife and I decided to make some pens as a thank you for the surgeons involved. I took a shot of the group before I packed them up along with a letter and sent them on their way today. I may have posted a couple of these before, but they were meant for this set. About a week ago my FIL and I made our rounds to all the nurses stations that helped in his care while he was there with cards and thank you baskets for them to share. He doesn't yet know we did this on his behalf, but he probably will shortly.

I hope they accept and enjoy them.

David E Keller
04-08-2010, 10:36 PM
Matt, they're really nice. I've been wondering how you made out with your project. The pens look great, and they'll surely be appreciated.

Matt Ranum
04-08-2010, 10:39 PM
Matt, they're really nice. I've been wondering how you made out with your project. The pens look great, and they'll surely be appreciated.

Thanks David, and thanks for the input on the kits.;)

Joe Shinall
04-08-2010, 10:40 PM
Matt, those pens look great. I am sure the surgeons will greatly appreciate it. A while back I had shoulder surgery for a torn labrum and a torn bicep. The surgeon was good but was kinda cocky but the guys in therapy were just great. So as a sign of my appreciation I built them a rack to hold their weighted balls and rubber band straps and such. They had them on a piece of pegboard on the wall so I built this unit to go in the same place but made it look much nicer than just a piece of pegboard.

It really feels good to try and give back to such great people. Keep us updated on what they and your FIL say when they see them.

Donny Lawson
04-08-2010, 10:52 PM
Those are some really nice pens.The Blue one is my favorite.

Mark Hubl
04-08-2010, 10:52 PM

Those look great. They will make very nice gifts to the doc's. I am sure they will appreciate them. Glad to hear your FIL is doing good. Nice photo's as well.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-08-2010, 11:15 PM

Nice pens! I am sure they will be appreciated!

Mike McAfee
04-08-2010, 11:42 PM
Very nice pens and excellent gift(s), I'm sure the Doc's will love em!

Best of luck to your FIL!


John Keeton
04-09-2010, 6:32 AM
Nice work, Matt, and a very nice gesture. Hope you didn't throw in that nice looking Stanley, too!!:eek:

Roger Bullock
04-09-2010, 7:54 AM
Nice looking group of pens you made. I'm sure they will be appreciated. A few months ago, my father went through a near death medical experience. Long story made short, the 1st hospital sent him home on Hospice to die, we brought him to a University hospital and they said no way he was going to die. Less than a week later they sent him home. He is in better health than he has been in for years (he is 85). We too made the rounds to the nurses stations with thank you baskets in his behalf. After seeing your pens, I now know what I will send to the Doctors. Thanks for the idea. Good luck with the FIL, good story, good ending.

Matt Ranum
04-09-2010, 8:06 AM
Thanks for the kind words everyone!

Hope you didn't throw in that nice looking Stanley, too!!:eek:

Ain't got to worry about that John, thats my favorite and most used plane! Love that #3. I needed something to hold up the pens and it was close and the right size.:p;)

Roland Martin
04-09-2010, 8:39 AM
Very good job on the pens Matt. Very glad to hear your FIL made it through well.

Stephan Larson
04-09-2010, 11:41 AM

Good looking set and a great idea. I just spoke with my dad who had knee replacement surgery yesterday. The pens will be something I can give to my Dad so he can pass them around, since it will be awhile before he up and about.
