View Full Version : Bosch 12" SCMS dust collection

Randy Rizzo
04-08-2010, 3:16 PM
My brother has a Bosch 12" SCMS. He says the dust collection used to work. Now it's all over the place. He's checked the obvious, dust port, cleaned the bag with an air hose, pulled the blade to check for an obstruction under the guard, all nada. I asked about the blade condition. He said it had a lot of pitch build up behind the teeth ( a 99 toorh Bosch blade) The only thing not changed is the blade. I told him to try either cleaning the blade or replacing it. Anyone got any other ideas? And would the build up of material on the teeth affect the dust collection?

Robert Chapman
04-08-2010, 8:43 PM
I have a 10" Bosch SCMS and the dust collection is a joke. The blade just tries to sling sawdust into a bag. I knew that when I bought the saw and have not tried to improve it.

Joe Shinall
04-08-2010, 9:11 PM
When I first started reading I thought to ask "Did he put a new blade on it with a different tooth setup" thinking it may draw more or less dust away from the port. But it may just be dull and chipping rather than pushing the dust into the port.

Jim Andrew
04-08-2010, 11:51 PM
My Makita saw had a bag when I first got it, I picked up a shop vac on sale, it had the hose which was just right to hook up to the hole where the bag went, and I got a switch at Sears which plugs into the outlet where I plug the saw in and plugged the saw into that, and the vacuum into the other, and I have built in dust collection. Lots better than the bag, but not perfect. At least I don't have to worry about emptying the bag.

Zach England
04-09-2010, 8:50 AM
When I got my Bosch miter saw the first thing I did was throw that bag thingy away. How is the saw supposed to get dust into a little 1 inch hole? I found an adapter in my box of crap that I was able to jam into the hole enough to keep a 2.5 inch DC hose attached and it works ok when cutting thinner stock, but when I was cutting 4x6 pine posts for my porch it didn't work too well.

Guess that doesn't answer the question. Sorry.

Kirk Simmons
04-09-2010, 8:57 AM
IMO the 'bag' is worthless.

I built a box around my miter saw and then plugged a 4" DC port into it. Works pretty well at keeping anything from escaping, although I do get heavier residue collecting in the corners of the box over time.