View Full Version : Where is Kevin Gersty?

Michael Stafford
11-12-2004, 8:42 AM
I have noticed that our friend Kevin Gerstenecker has not posted in quite a while. I hope all is well with him. Has anyone any information on him?

Kelly C. Hanna
11-12-2004, 8:51 AM
You're right...let's hope he's way to busy making XMAS gifts and that everything is ok.

Glenn Clabo
11-12-2004, 9:55 AM
Kevin kind of left in a huff...which I still don't get. He was a contributor to this forum with his tree knowledge. I guess this fits into the - to each their own file -...

Michael Stafford
11-12-2004, 11:31 AM
I am sorry to hear that. I was unaware there was a problem. I always enjoyed his work and contributions to the site. I wish him well and hope he returns...

Chris Padilla
11-12-2004, 6:12 PM

I emailed you a location where you can find Kevin. I agree with Glenn...the leaving was a bit strange but so be it. :)

Jack Hogoboom
11-12-2004, 8:04 PM
I wish he'd come back. I miss his insights....


Kelly C. Hanna
11-12-2004, 8:44 PM
Wow, I had no idea that thread had become so unlike SMC. I also had no idea Kevin left. Sad for us since he was a great contributor and a great guy.

Aaron Koehl
11-15-2004, 11:12 AM

Certainly we all benefit from Kevin's posts as well as all of our contributors. We do our best to keep things in line, but sometimes everything doesn't go perfectly smooth--it's just the dynamic nature of a community forum. We observe, learn from it, make changes for the future, and move on--and hope everybody can hang in there.

Kurt Aebi
11-15-2004, 11:27 AM
I guess, we should all try to think of this thread when we get ready to post and think before we put "fingers to keyboard" as to how our thoughts could be taken and be considerate of that when we make posts.

I like to think of this forum as a woodworking "Family" and try to think that way everytime I make a post. I still like to pick fun and have fun picked with me, don't get me wrong.

I just know I will think a little more about how my thread may be taken before I hit the "Submit" button from now on. It is very hard to put that sarcastic or joking meaning in writing without the ability for "inflection".

I think we have a bunch of good people here that would never intentionally try to hurt anyone's feelings, but hey things happen and we must go on from there.

Kevin is doing fine and is still out there on another forum and everyone is welcome to look him up and give him their best wishes over there. I just fear that he may not come over to the "Creek" to say hi anymore. Definitely will be a great loss over here, in my opinion.


Steve Clardy
11-15-2004, 1:26 PM
I guess, we should all try to think of this thread when we get ready to post and think before we put "fingers to keyboard" as to how our thoughts could be taken and be considerate of that when we make posts.

I like to think of this forum as a woodworking "Family" and try to think that way everytime I make a post. I still like to pick fun and have fun picked with me, don't get me wrong.

I just know I will think a little more about how my thread may be taken before I hit the "Submit" button from now on. It is very hard to put that sarcastic or joking meaning in writing without the ability for "inflection".

I think we have a bunch of good people here that would never intentionally try to hurt anyone's feelings, but hey things happen and we must go on from there.

Kevin is doing fine and is still out there on another forum and everyone is welcome to look him up and give him their best wishes over there. I just fear that he may not come over to the "Creek" to say hi anymore. Definitely will be a great loss over here, in my opinion.

Right on Kurt. Sure glad you posted. It has spurred me too post and add some to it.
I am here for ideas, information, to gather and to share, meet new woodworkers, have some fun.
Here lately I have seen thread after thread go down the tubes to some disagreements. Especially the reviews. Everyone has their opinion, that's fine, that's the way it should be. But as I believe Ken S. stated here somewhere, engage brain before keyboard.
I have been guilty of this, not intentionally, just didn't have it thought out before posting. Then it seems someone will come in and pick your post to death. Everyone, myself included, needs to be a little more tackful in their posting.
I am also guilty of hijacking threads with my line of humor. Some of my posts to a thread have turned out wrong. Not intentionally, but it happens. I like to have some fun too like everyone else.
Currently there is a thread going in wood turning forum about alcohol as a drying agent. It started out as a great reading, new info to absorb, and someone has come in and totally whacked the whole thing, basically telling the original poster that their idea is all wrong.
I appreciate people that come in here and share their knowledge and ideas with others. They don't have to do it, but they do.
But when someone comes in and totally whacks the thread into the weeds, it gets very annoying to me.
Makes me want to leave also.:(

Michael Stafford
11-15-2004, 1:34 PM
No intent on my part to open any wounds or any thing like that. Thanks for the info as I have made contact with him and he is fine. That is how I wanted to find him. The rest is not my concern.

John Miliunas
11-15-2004, 2:05 PM
Right on Kurt. Sure glad you posted. It has spurred me too post and add some to it.
I am here for ideas, information, to gather and to share, meet new woodworkers, have some fun.
Here lately I have seen thread after thread go down the tubes to some disagreements. Especially the reviews. Everyone has their opinion, that's fine, that's the way it should be. But as I believe Ken S. stated here somewhere, engage brain before keyboard.
I have been guilty of this, not intentionally, just didn't have it thought out before posting. Then it seems someone will come in and pick your post to death. Everyone, myself included, needs to be a little more tackful in their posting.
I am also guilty of hijacking threads with my line of humor. Some of my posts to a thread have turned out wrong. Not intentionally, but it happens. I like to have some fun too like everyone else.
Currently there is a thread going in wood turning forum about alcohol as a drying agent. It started out as a great reading, new info to absorb, and someone has come in and totally whacked the whole thing, basically telling the original poster that their idea is all wrong.
I appreciate people that come in here and share their knowledge and ideas with others. They don't have to do it, but they do.
But when someone comes in and totally whacks the thread into the weeds, it gets very annoying to me.
Makes me want to leave also.:(

Steve, I concur on all you say, but the very last statement. Maybe I'm a bit more thick-skinned (thick-headed, more likely), but I've learned to just pass on certain comments and even threads. While some responses get me a bit "fired up", I sit back, take a deep breathe and look at the "whole" rather than the minuscule "part". :) As Aaron pointed out, a forum, especially one as big as this, is dynamic and quite hard to keep tabs on all of it, all the time. There is also the fact that, what some folks find as offensive or rude is of no consequence to the next person. It's totally a judgment call. Personally, if I feel the least bit hesitant on posting something, which may be questionable, I just don't. Not everyone is like that and that's what makes us all different. :) Yes, Kevin's input at this forum will be missed by many, myself inclusive. Yet, it's his choice to leave or remain as an asset to this community. There, I think, lies the key in decisions of leaving or not. To me, this forum would have to go way, WAY out in left field for me to leave, because the assets just far outnumber any liabilities. :D

So, without getting too much windier, I think the next time you (or anyone else) thinks about leaving, look at the "whole" and see if you don't agree that the positives here far, far outweigh the negatives! :D Personally, I still sincerely believe this is the most informative AND civil forum around! :D :cool:

Kurt Aebi
11-15-2004, 2:29 PM

John is right about not leaving.

This is a very good neighborhood and I for one will frequent BOTH this forum and the one Kevin is on as a lot of us do. I also check in at Ellis' Forum and a penturning forum well.
I know it is tough not to get mad (or hurt) at someon'e inconsiderateness, but I guess that is where the statement "To Forgive is Devine" comes into my head and just ignore the ignorance and go on from there. You, Tyler and Chris are a real Hoot in my book and I love your collective comedic genius as well as the vast knowlegde you share through your humor as well. I am not sure everyone can read through the humor to the knowledge, but I see it and those that don't should just take it at face value - Humor!

I am sorry that Kevin has chosen not to hang here, but I have been assured that it is not personal in nature, and I am sure he'll pipe in if he sees somethng that he can help us with here, he IS a Good Man!

That is all and I hope this will end this post. Mike was just concerned about a Cyber Friend and I believe his question has been more than answered.

Kevin Gerstenecker
11-15-2004, 4:00 PM
Hi all! I have read all the replies to this post, and I want to thank you all for thinking of me, I really appreciate it..................I do. I don't feel the need to explain my feelings about no longer posting here, as I stated, it is nothing personal. I have just taken a different direction as I am happily helping to create another Woodworking Forum, and it is taking off and I contribute there in a much more meaningful way, that is very satisfying to me. Sure, there are threads and such here that do rile me at times, but that had minimal impact on my not spending time posting here. I also enjoy Ellis's Forum, as well as WOW too. At the new Forum, I am able to "spread my wings" so to speak with articles and informative things that I think the members enjoy, and help us all become better woodworkers and better informed people. With that, I wish you all the best in all that you do, and if you want to touch base or just say hi, you know where to find me! Take care all.............

Jim Ketron
11-15-2004, 6:58 PM
I have gotten blasted here too :mad: a few times
I havent posted much in the last two months I still look often and post in the threads that I can help someone! I always say good things in my posts or I dont post at all I think a few others should do the same. I have got a lot of good info and help on here!
Their are a lot of knowledgeable people on here and I value their opinions and help!
I hope it get's back the way things was 6 months ago! :(
Sorry for the rant I needed to vent!!!!!

Kelly C. Hanna
11-15-2004, 8:28 PM
Good to hear from you Kevin! Glad you are enjoying creating a new forum. You're still gonna make the CS BBQ next year right?