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View Full Version : Old Commodore

Stan Thigpen
11-12-2004, 7:53 AM
I have an old Commodore-64 with all the usual devices that went with it at the time (modem, floppy drive, color monitor, ect) as well as lots of game and program cartridges. Is there any peculiar segment of the population which has an interest in this type of gear? I just hate to toss it into the dustbin. Any suggestions for disposal?

John Miliunas
11-12-2004, 8:01 AM
Stan, do a "google" on "Commodore Computer"; You'll be absolutely amazed at the following STILL out there for these relics! :eek: I'll bet you could find a good home for it just by contacting any one of the many sites and groups catering to "COCO" users. :cool:

Jason Roehl
11-12-2004, 8:29 AM
I think personal ethics play a role here. You could sell it to the enthusiasts for potentially hundreds or thousands of dollars (hey, it could happen), OR, you could make a great personal sacrifice, and do the world a favor by putting that monstrosity to rest. :D

Stan Thigpen
11-12-2004, 8:32 AM
John, I did as you suggested. I had no idea...Thanks

John Miliunas
11-12-2004, 8:39 AM
"One man's junk is another man's treasure..."! :) :cool:

Kevin Arceneaux
11-12-2004, 9:04 AM
One of the guys here at work still has 5 or 6 sitting in the boxes, never opened. Someone gave them to him. I'll have to have him go look also.

Tyler Howell
11-12-2004, 11:02 AM
Still have a Commodore Pet! Was 16k. Beefed it up to a whopping 32k of RAM 4in floppys & cassette recorder memory. My engineer daughter wants me to hang on to it for some scary reason.

Dan Mages
11-12-2004, 12:00 PM
Are you savvy with computers? It would be a load of fun to gut that Commodore and replace all of the innards with a new VIA EPIA motherboard. At about 5.5inches square, it should fit with no problems. Then load it with your favorite games, including an archade/commodore emmulator and plug it into your TV.

Nothing like a little creative recycling

Roger Fitzsimonds
11-12-2004, 12:38 PM
People in ham radio still use the commodore. you might check with any local clubs.


Lee Schierer
11-12-2004, 12:53 PM
Ebay has lots of stuff for Commodore 64's. That might be a good place to get rid of it. My kids like playing some of the old Commodore games we had on the PC we now have. There are a couple of web sites where you can get an emulator and some of the old games. Make sure you get a program to slow down your computer too or the game will end almost before it gets started due to the speed differences.