View Full Version : Sawstop Contractor / Bosch 4100 fence, space, and dust...

Andrew Pitonyak
04-07-2010, 3:00 AM
I usually work in a portion of a crowded shared basement.

(*) The Bosch 4100 is able to be taken down to a very small size and stored out of the way in a vertical position. Is this possible with the SS using the highly mobile base?

(*) I have seen the "contractor" version of the SS with the larger table attached. I assume that these are not trivial to attach and detach. My point is that if a total tear down is required often, then it is a lot of work. How does this compare to the Bosch 4100 and the available add-on feed tables?

(*) On this forum, it was stated that the smaller SS fence is not that good. I was lead to believe that the larger fence for the SS is very nice. Can anyone elaborate on this?

(*) On the newer version of the Bosch, I understand that the current fence is at last acceptable... Sorry, that is a statement, not a question.

(*) If the smaller SS fence is not so nice and the larger fence is nice, can the larger fence be used in the smaller setup?

(*) Any specific comments on dust collection for these two saws? I assume that on the SS it is fine. I think that I read that with the Bosch it is improved (vague term...).

(*) I understand that the Bosch is easy to get up and down basement stairs. Any thoughts on the SS with the contractor base?

(*) Anyone used a crosscut sled on the Bosch 4100 or the SS Contractor saw? I really should take a look at the plans for one of those...

I have a strong preference for:

Cabinet larger saw, if I can figure out how to organize around it (so please don't bother preaching to the choir about a larger saw).

SS finger saving magic.

Michael MacDonald
04-07-2010, 10:30 AM
taken down to a very small size and stored out of the way in a vertical position

Don't know how you could do that with the SS. Would have to remove a dozen or more bolts, including the front and rear rails to reduce the size of the top. When reassembling, would have to realign the top edges of the extension wings... too cumbersome. Not sure how this changes for the 30 inch... I have the 36 inch

these are not trivial to attach and detach. My point is that if a total tear down is required often, then it is a lot of work.

Right. Sorry, not familiar with the bosch

smaller SS fence is not that good.

the larger 36" and 52" fence is std biesmeier, from what I hear. I like it. very solid, heavy and keeps square to the miter slot. Easy to adjust. It has a large T on the front end, and so the 36" table has to be a lot wider than 36" in order to give the T enough room on the right to stay on the rail at the widest setting. so I guess that is the reason the 30" table is 58" and the 36" table is 69"... don't know the details on the low-end fence...

can the larger fence be used in the smaller setup?

not sure. call 'em. in five minutes you will know. 1-866-SAWSTOP

dust collection for these two saws? I assume that on the SS it is fine.

I don't have much to comare to. I have a 1 HP HF DC on my floor under the extension table... with a 5 micron bag. 4" hose. It works OK... I still end up sweeping under the saw, and I have to dust off my shirt and pants sometimes... but the DC bag does fill up. I probably need overhead collection, but don't have it.

easy to get up and down basement stairs.

The SS is hefty. I did see a pic of the job site base... I can't comment on how easy it would be to move on stairs with that setup... I would think the 30" with steel wing would be more reasonable than the 36" with cast iron wings. I have the mobile base, and I can tell you that this saw has a lot of inertia.

I have had the SS CS about six months, I think. Love it. I wouldn't go back to a circular saw clamped upside down to a step ladder... (just kidding... sort of).

Neil Brooks
04-07-2010, 10:37 AM
(*) On the newer version of the Bosch, I understand that the current fence is at last acceptable... Sorry, that is a statement, not a question.

And I agree !! It locks rock-solid, and seems dead accurate !

(*) Any specific comments on dust collection for these two saws? I assume that on the SS it is fine. I think that I read that with the Bosch it is improved (vague term...).

With my 2HP HF DC, the Bosch does quite an excellent job of DC ... with the usual exception of above-the-table dust that comes with use of a ZCI.

(*) Anyone used a crosscut sled on the Bosch 4100

That would look a lot like this:



Works just fine.

If I were buying again, I'd get a cabinet saw. But ... your need for portability rules that out.

I also have ZERO experience with the SS model, so ... the only thing I could *hope* to do was to answer a few basics about the 4100 -- a saw that I truly enjoy.

Would I LOVE to get a PM or a Unisaw or a SawStop ?? Sure. One day, I probably will, too.

But it isn't because of any particular weakness or shortcoming with the Bosch. It seems to win category awards, regularly, and ... I understand why :)

Mine has the Bosch outfeed and left side extensions, an Incra 1000SE, a WWII, and the digital rip fence on it.

Good luck !

Andrew Pitonyak
04-07-2010, 11:01 AM
Thanks to both of you.... and the picture of the cross cut sled helps a lot. I keep racking my brain trying to figure out how to get a larger saw into place... I think that based on these replies, I will tend toward the Bosch, especially since I can envision how to build a cross-cut sled....