View Full Version : Wesite Reinstated

Jeff Gorman
04-06-2010, 3:42 PM
Folk who swap links to blogs and suchlike might like to know that after taking up a cheap offer of Serif X2 I've recently edited and I restored the full version of my old web site (previously constructed laboriously with Hot Metal V6).

It's not a blog but an old-fashioned, very didactic & mostly hand-tool site made up of previously published material (in Good Woodworking) that would otherwise lie on my hard disk doing nothing very useful.

Jeff Gorman
www.amgron.clara.net (http://www.amgron.clara.net/)

Wilbur Pan
04-06-2010, 4:26 PM
That is fantastic! I was very sad when your website lost most of its content. It's great to see it back.