View Full Version : unfamiliar with some finishes, need guidance

Roger Chandler
04-04-2010, 10:03 PM
I have seen several posts mentioning BLO as a finish. Is this an abreviation for some product, the same as DNA for denatured alcohol, or is it a product that is like shellac or polyurethane?

Pardon my ignorance, but you never learn unless you ask those familiar with the product, and I was always told there are no dumb questions....:o

Thanks all!

Clint Baxter
04-04-2010, 10:09 PM
Boiled linseed oil

Steve Schlumpf
04-04-2010, 10:18 PM
Roger - we are all learning here! The question you ask not only helps you out but also all those that were wondering the same thing - just didn't step up to the mic to ask!

Michael E. Thompson
04-04-2010, 10:26 PM
As Clint said boiled linseed oil. I use it a lot. Especially on on highly figured wood as it "pops" the grain. I usually put it on while on the lathe and "bake it in". Basically, holding a dry rag against the wood and heat it up to cure the oil more quickly. This oil takes a bit of time to dry and IMO by using this method you can add a secondary finish right after in stead of waiting days to weeks before it is fully cured. Usually for me shellac, but lacquer or many other finishes work as well. I have used this method for some time now with no problems.


John Keeton
04-05-2010, 7:14 AM
Roger, as I commented in another thread, I apply BLO and using a little shellac on the same piece of towel, I turn the speed up and burn it in. Makes a very nice finish. Or, so long as you have used dewaxed shellac, you can follow with any finish on top of the shellac - such as lacquer, poly, etc.

The BLO and shellac really bring out the warmth and figure in the wood, though it will darken the wood over time and give it an amber hue. Some do not like it on maple and lighter woods for that very reason. Some, including me, like the amber look on most pieces.

Bill Wilcox
04-05-2010, 8:08 AM
I was wondering if there is a sticky or a thread that could provide some of us new people and some of the veteran posters of the abbreviated terminology used in this part of the creek. I know in some other forums that there is a sticky for this purpose.
I have read threads here that have used abbreviations that I have no clue what it was. I think that it would be a nice feature if it hasn't been done already.

Roger Chandler
04-05-2010, 8:14 AM
John, Micheal, Steve and Clint,

Thank you for your responses. Now I am educated about B-oiled L-inseed O-il, and I like the technique of "burning it in" as you say, and this sounds like something that I will investigate further.

Steve Schlumpf gave me a pointer on wipe on poly a few weeks ago, and I did a turning out of cherry, and took it to the show & tell of our local chapter and numerous people asked about the finish.

I told them 2 coats sanding sealer and 2 coats wipe on poly from Minwax, and it was very nice, and even though the wood was not totally dry, the sanding sealer and the wipe on poly has so far kept it round and it hasn't warped at all on me, which I like.

It remains to be seen if it stays round over the long haul.