View Full Version : First commission pieces, first "original" designs

Nathan Conner
04-04-2010, 10:26 AM
Yeah, ok. So, they're not THAT original. Someone saw some photos on a website of a cutting board I did a few years ago and got in touch with me to make them an Entertainment center and a bookcase. We got together for a drawing session and to talk about their available space and their wants. These are what I came up with about two months later.

Almost Mission. Almost A&C. A little of both. The wood is cherry, all from a single tree that came down out in the county for a new road. That may be the last time I use local air-dried wood on a piece like this. It was a real bear to work with and took a good 3 weeks in just milling, re-milling, flattening. I'm lucky they turned out at all. You could sit and watch the pieces bow and warp as they relaxed after every cut. Grrr.

Construction was pretty straightforward. Mortise and loose tenon, courtesy of the Domino. Lots of hand tools. A couple of pocket screws in the bookcase. Everything was bookmatched - even the ends match each other. The doors are mirror images of each other. Way more attention to detail than I've done in the past, and though the design isn't perfect, they have limited space to work with. Blu-Motion soft close doors, oak-pinned shoulder joints on the drawers. I documented the build on my Picasa album from the pile of wood in the trailer, but I don't think I can link it here.

The finish is several coats of Land Ark original oil (AWESOME stuff - easy to wipe on, satin finish, smells strongly of oranges. It's simply tung oil, beeswax, linseed, pine oil and orange oil). A couple of coats of Land Ark liquid wax on the tops that will be buffed out next week.

I undercharged. MAN, did I undercharge. Wow. I made almost $2.10 an hour. Almost. But it wasn't about the money - it was about building and relaxing and enjoying evenings and weekends in the shop. And the experience. I don't think I'll do this for a living, but I really enjoyed myself. First time working on the fly with no plans on anything with substance. Never once got into a pickle I couldn't fix. A really nice experience and proof that nice projects aren't beyond even this beginner's reach.

Joe Leigh
04-04-2010, 11:33 AM
Beautiful work Nathan! Crisp clean lines, great attention to detail and of course beautiful Cherry....Elegant simplicity.

John Thompson
04-04-2010, 12:15 PM
Great looking piece.. simple yet eloquent design. You did an extremely careful and detailed job of book and grain matching to the point of quite out-standing. You get an extra Kudo for this statement...

"Never once got into a pickle I couldn't fix. A really nice experience and proof that nice projects aren't beyond even this beginner's reach"... Nathan

That is evidence you are definitely headed in the right direction and close to getting there. No matter how good or how long there will always be things that have to be fixed. If you know what magic to pull up from your box of magic tools and how to proceed with them once you do... there is litterally nothing you can't tackle with wood.

Congratulations on a well done piece...

John Schreiber
04-04-2010, 1:27 PM
Those are pieces to be proud of.

Now, $2.10 per hour may not be the best rate of pay you've ever had, but it may lead to a whole new way of spending time and making money.

Derek Noel
04-04-2010, 2:40 PM
Don't do the math in terms of $/hour that is depressing. Calculate how many new tools this project will buy you. :)

Very nice design, and well done. your pictures are going to my "pictures of stuff I like" file that I reference when I need inspiration.

Chuck Isaacson
04-04-2010, 7:05 PM
I dont see why you couldnt put a link to your photo album.. I would like to see it.. Looks real nice. I cant wait to get to build something like that. In time..

Mark Valsi
04-04-2010, 9:16 PM
Very nice !

Nathan Conner
04-04-2010, 11:45 PM
Well, here's the link to the pictures of the build. If the mods remove this, I guess I expect it. Not sure what's ok to post anymore.

Thanks for the comments!


Paul Murphy
04-05-2010, 10:49 AM
Nathan your pieces look great! I love the figured cherry, especially the drawer fronts, and bookmatching. About the underbid; you may have invested in the best form of advertising: superior work. It wouldn't surprise me if you get some calls from people who see these pieces.

As far as the cherry moving around, that sounds like it might not have been dry enough, or had enough time to acclimate. Did you check the moisture content, and sticker the wood in your shop to acclimate? My personal experience with logs sawn from my woods is that air drying works fine, as long as I acclimate the wood to the dryer conditions of my shop. In any event you managed the wood movement well, the cherry looks spectacular, and I think the results were worth all the effort!

Michael MacDonald
04-05-2010, 12:42 PM
Well, here's the link to the pictures of the build.

I looked through them... great story. Love the results.

Thomas Pender
04-06-2010, 8:19 AM
And are a real pictorial essay of your fine work. I do like your entertainment center and intend to do one next - out of QSWO though. I have been using the non-completion of the entertainment center as an excuse not to buy a large HDTV yet with my teenager;). Again, congratulations on a very meritorious work and thanks for your fine photos on your google page.

Brent Ring
04-06-2010, 10:51 AM
Very Nice Work. I need to take some pics for a dining set I am working on