View Full Version : You Tube Video

04-04-2010, 10:12 AM
I found these on you tube the other day and as I watched them my pucker factor went through the roof. The links below are just two of many videos from this kid you should see. This kid in this video seems like a smart kid but I think he's just never had any good instructions. Considering his technique though the results aren't too bad. If someone could show him the right way to do things he might be pretty good. Not trying to poke fun of him or anything just looks like a lot of potential for him to get hurt.




David E Keller
04-04-2010, 10:49 AM
I ran across this kid yesterday while looking for videos on making wooden eggs... I had to stop watching them because it made me nervous.

His technique may not be the greatest, but his tools sure are dull!

Sean Hughto
04-04-2010, 11:06 AM
Dave, I'm no master (been turning less than a year), but I've turned many pieces of scrap into eggs just for the practice:


I usually use a skew, but have also used gouges. I usually just turn them between centers. A few swipes of sand paper cleans up the parting areas. Give it a shot. If I can do it, anyone can.

And, Happy Easter!

Toney Robertson
04-04-2010, 11:07 AM
Someone should send him a Grumbine DVD. :D


Bernie Weishapl
04-04-2010, 12:17 PM
I watched them but had to stop. That is a accident waiting to happen.

Bill Bolen
04-04-2010, 1:38 PM
Yikes! and a big gulp!

Steve Schlumpf
04-04-2010, 1:53 PM
I forced my self to watch...

I agree with Reed's comments - it would be great for this young turner to get with a club and receive some proper instruction on tools and how to properly use them!

alex carey
04-04-2010, 3:16 PM
I too forced my self to watch and wow those tools are soooo dull. I wonder how long it actually takes him to turn this stuff, I noticed he has to skip forward in the video quite a bit.

I also watched his video on making a bud vase and I nearly yelled at my computer "WATCH OUT". He adjusted his tool rest with the lathe on and actually hit the spinning wood. This kids getting lucky.

John Tomasello jr
04-04-2010, 7:24 PM
Scary can we even count the number of dangerous things that happen in this video

Gordon Seto
04-04-2010, 9:21 PM
I also watched his video on making a bud vase and I nearly yelled at my computer "WATCH OUT". He adjusted his tool rest with the lathe on and actually hit the spinning wood. This kids getting lucky.
Moving the tool rest while the lathe was on was the tame part. IMO, it is crazy to stick the fingers inside the vase to sand as he started at 7:10

The young man is probably from England because he uses the term kitchen paper instead of paper towel. At least he doesn't use cloth towels.

Jon Lanier
04-04-2010, 10:58 PM
I'm thinking that our butter knives are sharper. whew!

Allen Neighbors
04-04-2010, 11:12 PM
I wonder if there's anyway to get in contact with him. I'd like to send him some info on sharpening, at least. He really does need a little guidance. Think of what he could do with a little instruction and some sharp tools!!

alex carey
04-05-2010, 4:36 AM
i noticed robohippy sent him a comment with some safety tips.

Gordon Seto
04-05-2010, 9:26 AM
I'd like to send him some info on sharpening, at least. He really does need a little guidance.
He claimed to be 14, from UK. Quote from his YouTube Profile:
"I do not believe that you need to have any formal training to learn woodwork, afterall I havn't."

I am glad he doesn't have the access to use a chuck yet. With his techniques and the high lathe rpm, I believe launching the blank is 100% and the chance of getting hurt is high.

Where is the adult who let him loose with the power tools? I hope the adult doesn't think that dull tools are safer tools. Lack of sharp tools is only part of his difficulties. His disregard for grain direction proved that he needs Woodturning 101.

I hope his screen name "TeenWoodworker" doesn't mislead other young people to think those are some instructional videos. I wish UTube has a rating on "What Not To Do"!

Bill Wilcox
04-05-2010, 7:20 PM
Well I watched the video's and since I have subscribed to YouTube, I was able to send this young man a message. I first of all I tried to point out to him that I think it is great that he has taken wood working up as a avocation. I also mentioned to him that there were several things I noticed about his work process that I felt he needs to address. The first thing I mentioned was SAFETY. The other issues was technique with his tools and machines.
So, with those two points made, I invited him to check out the creek. I let him know that there are many people here who run into the same trials and tribulations as he does and he will feel right at home here. I also mentioned that there are people here from around the world and even in the U.K.
I asked him that if and when he logs on here to make sure he lets people know that he is the "teenwoodworker" from YouTube and to really check out the turning forum.
So we will see if he shows up because I would hate for this young man to injure himself.

Bill Wilcox
04-05-2010, 7:24 PM
Well I received a reply from Alex "teenwoodworker".

I have had a number of commetns on tool sharpening, i have always sharpened my chizel, sadly not enough. Nowdays i sharpen my tools reguarly and i get much better results. The goggles which i wear provide perfect eye protection for the time being, i do have other types of saftey glasses in my shop and for some reason these goggles give me the best protection. I do plan to get a face shield at some point but i will have to use my current goggles for the time being. I can't remember who it was but i have been advised to visit that site before, which i have done. Thanks for your advise, Alex!

I guess he has been here.

04-05-2010, 8:14 PM
Since I made the original post Ive gone back and made a few suggestions as well. For some dumb reason It never occurred to me invite him to SMC. Anyway maybe we can help him before he kills himself.