View Full Version : Question about wipe on poly

Wally Wenzel
04-03-2010, 7:10 PM
I seem to spoil more of the finish than i use, i usualy pour a little poly in a 'pop' bottle to work out of, in a very short time it will thicken and become unusable and if i add a thinner i lose the quality of the finish. O yea i clean and dry the bottle very well before using it. What do the rest of you guys do to keep from wasting so much? Wally

John Keeton
04-03-2010, 8:27 PM
Wally, I have never had that problem with Minwax wipe on in the upright can. While I use it for a variety of things, I have had cans as long as a couple of years and have not had an issue.

Jeff Nicol
04-03-2010, 8:53 PM
Wally, What makes it go bad it air or some other contaminant getting in the can. What I do is get some inexpensive squeeze bottles from Harbor frieght, Michaels or where ever. Then I put some of the wipe on poly or other finish in the plastic bottle. I save all the marbles out of spray cans and then when I use some finish out of the bottle I put some marbles in the bottle to take up space and get rid of any or most of the air in the bottle. This way I can use what I need and not worry about it getting hard. I use this method with pure tung oil, danish oil and many others. What is left in the can seems to stay O.K. even after I fill the small bottle, just make sure the cap is on tight. You can get a can of "Bloxygen" from woodworking stores and put that in the can before you cap it and it will keept fresh for the next time. So get some cheap marbles at your hobby or craft store and a few cheap squeeeze bottles and yhou should be set.

Good luck,


Steve Schlumpf
04-03-2010, 11:30 PM
Wally - when I plan on using a brush, I pour a very little amount into a small plastic butter container and replenish as needed. Always seal the can ASAP.

When applying finishing coats, I use a folded paper towel and get just enough poly on the paper towel to get it wet. Again - the secret to keeping the poly from gelling up is to keep it sealed as much as possible.

If you have problems adding mineral spirits - possibly you are adding too much at one time. Depending on the amount of poly you are working with - just a few drops makes a big difference.

Bernie Weishapl
04-04-2010, 1:49 AM
Wally I do pretty much like Steve. I use a big spoon and dip some out in a butter dish and close the lid right away. Haven't had a problem. In fact the can I am using is about 2 yrs old.

neil mackay
04-04-2010, 4:13 AM
I seem to spoil more of the finish than i use, i usualy pour a little poly in a 'pop' bottle to work out of, in a very short time it will thicken and become unusable and if i add a thinner i lose the quality of the finish. O yea i clean and dry the bottle very well before using it. What do the rest of you guys do to keep from wasting so much


I have found that the satin does not go off in the can but the high gloss will go off as soon as the air space is up around or just over 1/3 of the container. Keeping a small amount in another bottle has never worked out for me either.:(

As far as I can see there is two ways around the problem. [a] Get one of those concertina plastic bottles they used to hold photographic developed in and squeeze the air out after each use. [b] Replace the air in the container with an inert gas as you use it. Not sure where these are available but they do sell them.

Wally Wenzel
04-04-2010, 4:50 PM
Thanks for all the replies to my question,I think i will get some small containers that will seal up a little better and maybe that will help, i was aware that the satin finish seemed to stand up better too.
Thanks, Wally

Rich Aldrich
04-04-2010, 9:38 PM
I just use the wipe on poly right out of the can without a problem. The can is open the whole time I am using it. Most of my work has been flat (but is starting to get round), so it open for a good half hour while I apply it on a cabinet.