View Full Version : Made an easy rougher

Jack Mincey
04-03-2010, 4:27 PM
I picked up a easy rougher insert last week and made a tool to mount it on today. Luckly I found the taps in some of my dad's old tools so my only expense was the $14.00 for the insert. I hope that it helps me rough out the oak burl blanks I have left to do.

Mark Burge
04-03-2010, 4:52 PM
Looks great. I want to make one too. What did you use for the shaft?

Mike McAfee
04-03-2010, 5:32 PM
Looks good Jack! I attempted one yesterday myself and ended up snapping 2 taps in the process! It seems I can tap almost anything with a 1/4 20 but if I go smaller I have little success! Hmmmm patience be the key I reckon! I was using stainless 1/2 round stock (cut back flat for the blade) so I may go with some square or a milder steel round on round 3 of this project!

Maybe that's why I like the insert type tools better! :rolleyes:

Jeff Nicol
04-03-2010, 6:16 PM
Jack, I found out the secret of the square cutters for the easy rougher tools. They are the same as the inserts for helical cutterheads for jointers and planers. I found them at many places that sell the cutterheads like Grizzly's. So for next time $3.00 apiece is a better deal. I got them so I could make a few also.

Nice job,


Frank Van Atta
04-03-2010, 9:18 PM
Nice looking tool. I bet it works as well as the commercial (and much more expensive) version.

Steve Schlumpf
04-03-2010, 11:25 PM
The tool looks pretty good Jack! Looking forward to hearing how you like using it!

Mike McAfee
04-03-2010, 11:42 PM
Jack, I found out the secret of the square cutters for the easy rougher tools. They are the same as the inserts for helical cutterheads for jointers and planers.

Awesome tip Jeff, THANKS!


Bernie Weishapl
04-04-2010, 1:41 AM
Good looking tool Jack.

John Keeton
04-04-2010, 6:14 AM
Really nice job on the handle, Jack, and enjoy that rougher! I do think the secret is getting the right cutter. I have not been all that happy with the one I have.

Bob Borzelleri
04-04-2010, 7:56 AM
Good looking tool, Jack.

I bought a couple of Hunter tools. While I like the overall cutting effect, it's hard to ignore the fact that I am holding about $7 worth of parts in my hands.

The Hunters are about 20-30% less than the Easy Roughers, it seems (unless, of course, you choose the ER "Signature models" and then the price difference approaches laughable, IMHO), but they all seem to be a $3 cutter held on to a $1 bar of mild steel by a $2 Torx screw. Your handle cost can vary from crazy to that last oak branch that fell during the last minute April storm.

Hilel Salomon
04-04-2010, 8:23 AM

I've been using the inserts Jeff recommended on my existing easy rougher tools and they work great. I had a shaft turned for me, but went the lazy way and bought another of the ready made tools. Gave the shaft to a friend who has decided to make a slit in the very heavy shaft and insert the insert.
When he's done, I'll take a picture.

Frank Van Atta
04-04-2010, 12:12 PM
. . . they all seem to be a $3 cutter held on to a $1 bar of mild steel by a $2 Torx screw. . .

My sentiments exactly.

Jack Mincey
04-04-2010, 7:48 PM
Thanks everyone, I made this one using a flat file and a chainsaw file for the fillet behind the cutter. The shank is some 1/2" square mild steel I found in some of the junk I've found at my new school shop. It took a little time to fit the cutter into the tool so that it would line up staight as you tighten the screw down. I had to take my time using the small tap to thread the small hole. I had to back out the tap and clean it twice to keep it from binding. I will let you know how it works soon. I hope to rough out another burl blank next week. Jeff, I will try some of the cutters you told us about next time. I just got off the phone with a friend and we are going to cut a big old maple with a lot of stuff going on with it, tomorrow so this week will be a busy week getting it cut up and brought home.