View Full Version : wooden mosaic tile

Loren Hedahl
04-02-2010, 2:07 PM
Kitchen remodeling in-process. Existing back splash and behind counter walls were 1 x 1 white mosaic ceramic tile glued to 3/8 ply underlayment. These are now removed and the glue residue sanded down to bare wood.

I have a large stash of #3 common ash that has a lot of character for cutting into mosaic tile size, say 3/4 x 3 inch. Rough cut now, it could be planed to 7/8 inch thick, sawn into 3/4 inch strips then resawn to approx 3/8 inch thick on a band saw and cut to 3 inch lengths.

Just wondering if anyone has done this -- and have any recommendations.

I'll even accept, "You must be insane!" :>)

Peter Quinn
04-02-2010, 4:57 PM
I have done this at work in cherry, figured walnut, and QSWO. Several thousand pieces IIR. These were for a mosaic, not a back splash. Not much to it really. I have a suggestion, DONT DO IT. Hideously boring to make, and...

Wood is organic.It supports mold and bacteria growth in crevices, which tiles have in droves at each intersection. It moves significantly. It is not waterproof or stain proof. How will you grout it? I think of a backsplash as more of a battle shield than a mere decoration. And behind a stove? Combustable is a bad idea there,

I'd be inclined to do almost anything else. The figured ash might make a fine wall piece elsewhere in your home, but in the kitchen with the water, food, spills, flames and such you need a more durable material. Like ceramic or stainless, or sealed stone.

You could make 1/8" splines and put 1/8" grooves on all 4 sides, and glue down the squares with Bostic flooring adhesive, a pin nail or brad here and there to hold it in place. I just wouldn't do it in the kitchen personally.