View Full Version : TTT? Trio of Tru-Stone Tycoons

Alan Zenreich
04-02-2010, 1:01 PM
Well, sort of a trio, but started out as a quartet.

These are my first Tru-Stones and first Tycoons.

I had to do some repair on the Black/Gold top and the Red/Gold bottom. The repairs are only visible under magnification and bright light, but I know they are there. So, instead of 4 pens, I am thinking three, by combining the R/G top with the B/G bottom.

The other two are Red Jasper and Banded Malachite.

I turned them with en Easy Rougher Ci1 carbide chisel (works great for Tru-Stone if you take it slow)

I have a flock of photos of these three/four pens on a page on my web site. If interested, get the address from my profile, go to the What's New page, and select Pens... there's a section for Tru-Stone. The attached photos here aren't as sharp as the originals... the joys of uploading <vbg>

Steve Schlumpf
04-02-2010, 1:15 PM
All of them look great! Really like the Malachite!

Alan Zenreich
04-02-2010, 1:33 PM
Thanks Steve.

It takes a light touch with some of these materials. I blew up the end of the black/gold cap (it's quite brittle and shatters easily).

I had a couple of cut offs left over from drilling, and decided to try a repair. I turned away the blown out part down to the bare brass tube.

Then I drilled through two of the cut offs, sanded them carefully, and used CA glue to glue them to the tube and to each other (total three sections on the tube, with the last two sections being a total of 5/8" near the top of the pen). I put this all in a vise for drying. Then used a pen mill to square up the end.

It turned rather nicely, and after micromesh and buffing, it's REALLY hard to see where the repair is located... it's invisible until you know what you're looking for.

So, this was a good exercise in finding out what I can do with the material. And what not to do. I think I have a new mantra "I can fix that!" <vbg>

John Keeton
04-02-2010, 3:56 PM
Alan, on pens I am never sure what I am looking at, and I don't know anything about exotics or manmade materials. That said, I like the black/gold and the red/gold the best and I guess those are the Tru-Stone?? Anyway, nice job on all of them!

Alan Zenreich
04-02-2010, 4:00 PM

All of the pens in the photos in the first message are Tru-Stone.

Check out the R and B Crafts web site for more information about the wide variety of Tru-Stone colors/patterns.

I fully expect you to buy a Tru-Stone blank and turn a tiny little hollow form from it <vbg>

My pens web page shows some wood, acrylic and Tru-Stone pens. All fun to turn, and make great gifts.

David E Keller
04-02-2010, 6:48 PM
Nice looking pens... I'm not sure about the mix and match solution... I might just keep the two with imperfections. You could send them to me, and I'll let you know how the repairs hold up.:D

TruStone can be a bit frustrating to work with, but it sure makes for some beautiful pens. The malachite is far and away my favorite of the bunch, but they all look great.

Alan Zenreich
04-02-2010, 7:07 PM

I'm not sure about the mixed colors either.

Of course, if there was someone out there whose school colors were red and black, then they might want that combination.

Bernie Weishapl
04-02-2010, 10:12 PM
Those are beauties Alan.