View Full Version : What is your job?

Victor Robinson
04-01-2010, 4:44 PM
Just curious about the demographics on this terrific woodworking board.

Charlie Gummer
04-01-2010, 4:46 PM
Mechanical Engineer; I design highly customized deck machinery for use on workboats and research vessels. Too bad I can't vote for two as I'm also a graduate student at the University of Washington in the MSME program.

Victor Robinson
04-01-2010, 4:48 PM
Argh, sorry Charlie. I always forget to enable the "multiple vote" option. If a mod could do that I'd be grateful. :)

Orlando Gonzalez
04-01-2010, 4:56 PM
Public School Principal - about 4 yrs to retirement if the state doesn't increase the years from 30 to 33yrs of service.

J.R. Rutter
04-01-2010, 5:02 PM
In my 10th year of woodworking full-time in my own shop!

Ray Newman
04-01-2010, 5:46 PM
Before I retired in '01, I was an investigator for the US Dept. of Education and before that, the now defunct Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare from 1977-2001.

Been making expensive mistakes and large amounts of sawdust since I was child....

Michael Dunn
04-01-2010, 6:23 PM
I work for AT$T in Chicago. I work in various different Central Offices installing and repairing telephone and DSL services.

I have been with AT$T since June of 2001. I have a part time business in which I build and modify guitars. Although lately I have been spending 90% of business time building up my shop ;)

I'll post pics when I am 'finished'


Brett Nelson
04-01-2010, 6:31 PM
R&D Engineer/Scientist for Dupont during the day.

My own Residential Design & Construction Consulting Business on the side.

Finance/Investment Business also on the side.

Woodworking when I can get to it. Usually make time for woodworking about 3h/week.

Brian Kent
04-01-2010, 7:39 PM
Wow. I am actually quite surprised. I thought a much higher percentage of us would be retired.

Bruce Page
04-01-2010, 7:56 PM
As most of the contributors know, there is a long running 5-star thread over in the Lumber Yard forum called “Your Day Job”. It’s been a fascinating read.
I’m an ex R&D machinist and current aerospace development technician.

Tyler Howell
04-01-2010, 8:04 PM
35 years in the aviation industry. but I' am free to be a sailboat pilot,radio host/DJ and an EMT.

Peter Quinn
04-01-2010, 8:19 PM
I'm a fulltime wood worker at a medium custom millwork operation. I also have my own small shop for side jobs that I hope will someday be my primary income. It seems "the man" makes a lot more from my efforts most weeks than I do. Not there yet though.

Lex Boegen
04-01-2010, 8:22 PM
I work in IT as a network engineer. Woodworking is a hobby and it's the only thing that keeps me (relatively) sane.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-01-2010, 8:37 PM
Hey.....Who's this stranger.... Tyler Howell?:rolleyes:

Good to see you post Tyler!

I am a field service engineer for a major healthcare company.

george wilson
04-01-2010, 8:43 PM
I'm the only 1 retired from woodworking (and metal) ?

Rich Johnson
04-01-2010, 8:48 PM
Medical Lab equipment repair....have tool box will travel. Just 10 years away from the big R. Hobbie right now building a shop to keep me busy.

Kent E. Matthew
04-01-2010, 8:51 PM
25 years as a welder/fabricator.

Terry Hatfield
04-01-2010, 8:52 PM
I'm an insurance damage appraiser and part time preacher. I work from home...the insurance part...not the preaching part. :D I don't have nearly enough time to get out to the shop and build things but I'm working on it.


gary Zimmel
04-01-2010, 9:01 PM
Real Estate Broker and a weekend Wood Working Warrior....

Bill Huber
04-01-2010, 9:04 PM
I work in IT as a network tech, PC tech and any other thing that has a power cable on it at Federal Express for the last 26 years and before that I was a field tech for Xerox for 18 years.

Woodworking is a hobby and I am looking at retiring in a year or so.

Jaze Derr
04-01-2010, 9:27 PM
Customer service. fun.

Keith Westfall
04-01-2010, 9:37 PM
Pilot/Engineer - Fixed wing maintenance 4 years, Helicopter Pilot & Engineer going on 34 years... :eek: (now I feel old...)

Woodworking is just fun! Getting my shop set up with heat for this winter, life will be good!!

Jim Rimmer
04-01-2010, 9:39 PM
Currently Quality,Environmental,Safety & Health Region Manager for Texas Region for Emerson Process Management. I've been with the company going on 31 years and have held many positions, this being the latest. I've been WWing since I was a kid. My degree is in Industrial Arts.

Kent Parker
04-01-2010, 9:43 PM
I trained as a wood boatbuilder for eight years. The last twenty five years I've been a marine surveyor/consultant. I also perform damage investigations for marine underwriters.

This is within the pleasure boat boat industry so I examine power and sailboats for structural, mechanical and system condition. With sailboats I go aloft and examine the entire rig system, much of it with a magnifying glass.

I would love to retire and make boxes in my shop. Yeah I know, a fantasy.....



Greg Scull
04-01-2010, 10:01 PM
Software developer / manager for statewide data systems in CA. Started woodworking to build something I could hold in my hands...

Gene DiNardo
04-01-2010, 10:04 PM
G.I.S. (Geographic Information Science) Coordinator; Computerized Mapping, Spatial Analysis, and Asset Management. I'm also Chief of Permits and Inspections for the Public Works Department. 36 yrs. with 8 yrs. to go till I can be a Full Time Woodworker. Counting the days!
My true love is building Period Style Furniture in my basement.

johnny means
04-01-2010, 10:08 PM
Professional woodworker here. I specialize in children's theme rooms. Why wait till I retire to do what I love?

Russell Sansom
04-01-2010, 10:09 PM
I just retired from 27 years at a NASA Ames research center aerospace laboratory. My main job was writing cockpit displays for research aircraft and the world's biggest, maybe best, flight simulator. If that sounds like a fantastic job...it was.
Before that, I built musical instruments for a living. 7 wonderful years and now I get to go back to it!

Thomas Knapp
04-01-2010, 10:11 PM
I have been in construction all my working years. I've been in the Carpenters Union (local 212 Cleveland) for over 35 years. I'm retired and I'm glad I don't have to try to find work. Most of the carpenters I know are struggling to find enough work to live on. Ohio has a higher unemployment rate than the National average. I'm sure that, things will pick up eventually, the early 80's were almost this bad.

Myk Rian
04-01-2010, 10:13 PM
RETIRED since April 1st, 2004. I miss the people, but not the drive to work and back.

Spent 35 years as a skilled tradesman in the instrumentation field at the Ford Rouge plant.

Installed, and maintained process control systems for industrial equipment such as boilers, paint ovens, heat treating, compressors, building management systems, steel and glass making. The list goes on.

Job required a thorough knowledge of electronics, pneumatic controls, computer controls, mechanical equipment, machine shop tools.

Started building a wood working shop after retiring, and have half a garage full of quality equipment. I enjoy building things for family and friends.

My other hobby is building and flying kites. I have collected over 100 of various types. Have competed professionally in stunt kite competitions.

Gary Pennington
04-01-2010, 10:20 PM
I'm a free lance advertising photographer. Among other things, I photograph a lot of high end (for Maine) homes for Legacy Properties/Sotheby's International Realty. I get to see and shoot a LOT of outstanding architecture and joinery. Tough life.


Bruce Wrenn
04-01-2010, 10:31 PM
Full time tool collector, who owns a repair business. This week I'm building shelves for local YMCA headquarters. Next week will be hanging some doors, and week after that building a handicap ramp that will take three weeks. Got a five window set to rebuild, and then some sheet rock replacement to do. Then some facia and soffit repairs and gutter hanging to do. That takes me into June. I have truly been blessed, as I haven't missed a day of work in this recession.

David Helm
04-01-2010, 10:42 PM
Retirement age (67), on Social Security and Medicare, 30+ years as a builder remodeler, full time as a home inspector and instructor in HI at the local technical college. What the hell is retirement? Been self employed all my life and always thought I'd be able to put retirement money aside next year. Currently rebuilding my shop/office due to a felony hit and run into the building. Office is almost done. Waiting for new tools for the shop. Been playing with wood since the 9th grade.

Vijay Kumar
04-01-2010, 10:43 PM
Mechanical engineer, worked in a variety of industries from Mercedes, Smith Corona typewriters (remember those), large mainframe computers Amdahl, semi conductor equipment Applied Materials, medical devices, biomedical instruments currently. Have a BSME and an MBA (dont hold that against me). Most my work is hard core design and architecture and technical leadership of large projects. Expert ProE user, and less so with Solidworks.

A crowded small 2 car (actually a 1.5 car) garage is my workshop. Someday I need to clean up and free up space so I can actually do some work! In the meanwhile I dabble around with small projects. I am going to Festool cabinetmaking workshop this weekend--yee haw.


kelly logan
04-01-2010, 10:45 PM
Well I can lie and say something fancy but I will not. Have any of you wondered how those dead animals get off the road when you are driving in Minnesota. I scrape them off it is part of my job I work for the MnDot highway dept. The pay is not that great but I hardly ever have a medical bill

Neil Brooks
04-01-2010, 11:05 PM
Former commercial real estate broker.

Former VP - Real Estate - Chico's FAS, Inc. (http://www.chicos.com/store/home.jsp)

Former VP - Real Estate - Mother's Work, Inc. (http://www.motherswork.com/)

Former Director - Planning & Logistics - Proflowers.com/Provide Commerce. (http://www.prvd.com/)

Eyes crapped out.

Medically disabled. Doing woodworking ... among other things ;)

Still have all ten, but ... it's early !! :)

Norman Pyles
04-01-2010, 11:36 PM
I am a full time bum.

Bruce Elasik
04-01-2010, 11:36 PM
Aquaculture -- Commercial Trout Hatchery -- 32 years

Dave Cav
04-01-2010, 11:36 PM
High school shop teacher (mostly wood); trying to put a custom furniture business together a little bit at a time. Building up my portfolio and restoring old arn.

Logan William
04-01-2010, 11:47 PM
Play in a plant that makes 100+ tons of sawdust a week. Process engineer for one of the major window and door companies and am starting my own woodworking shop now that i own my house and don't have the ability to use dad's anymore. Haven't made anything other than shop fixtures yet but always getting closer.

Micheal Roth
04-01-2010, 11:55 PM
Steelworker, Nucor Steel Arkansas. 22 years in melting and casting.

Chip Lindley
04-02-2010, 12:13 AM
Retired after 37 years as a railroad freight conductor. I spent far too many years waiting for a phone to ring, either at home or in a hotel room. Railroad mergers took their toll on the working environment til is just wasn't any *fun* any more!

Now I have time to indulge in my love of woodworking, acquiring some good pre-owned WW'ing equipment at bargain prices. Refurbishing machinery is just as much fun as woodworking. But, to support my *habit* I build cabinets and custom blanket chests, and sell surplus WW'ing equipment.

Bill Leonard
04-02-2010, 7:11 AM
40 years in the front office of airplanes and helicopters. 25 of those years as an experimental test pilot. Last 13 years of flying as the principal test pilot on the Osprey V-22. Retired from flying in 2007, and now consult part time for the Marine Corps on V-22 aerodynamics and systems. Formal education as Aero engineer.
Current full time occupation split between making sawdust and reducing golf handicap. Lot's of success with the sawdust production, but not much luck with the handicap reduction.
By the way, retirement isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's better.

Ken Shoemaker
04-02-2010, 7:25 AM
Victim of corprate down sizing causing me to be a governmental malcontent.

Built a brand new shop with the time I have. I gotta post soome pics.

Greg Coleman
04-02-2010, 7:52 AM
I am also a dual entry.

Retired after 20 years active duty for the U. S. Navy working on O2N2 plants, AC units, fire pumps, galley equipment and such. A gang machinist mate for any of you old squids.

Work full time for a industrial gas company making oxygen for a steel mill. Pretty much the same thing I did in the Navy. However, this company expects us to make money.

Woodworking is a hobby that is consuming more and more of my time and money.

Rich Aldrich
04-02-2010, 8:36 AM
I am a Relliability Engineer for Manistique Papers, Inc, a small recycled paper mill in the Upper Pennisula of Michigan. I worked here for 22 years. I have a BS in mechanical engineering from Michigan Tech.

Brian Runau
04-02-2010, 8:38 AM
I work in the Mechanical Power Transmission industry as a pricing analyst. I work with domestic and overseas manufacutrers.



Chris Kennedy
04-02-2010, 9:04 AM
I'm an assistant professor of mathematics at a small public liberal arts college (Christopher Newport University). I teach and do research in the area of infinite dimensional non-associative algebra.



Troy Turner
04-02-2010, 9:11 AM
Been in the Air Force for 16 yrs so only 4 more to go :) We're done moving, hopefully, and I finally have a real shop vs. a garage or carport.

Montgomery Scott
04-02-2010, 9:12 AM
Contract aerospace airframe structures stress analyst currently assigned to the Boeing 787. Before that I worked the 777 freighter and before that the Lockheed F-35, and so on and so on.

Alan Trout
04-02-2010, 9:15 AM
Been self employed since I was 20 Been working for myself for 23 years. 8 years owned my own machine shop and sold it. Then as a independent rep for several machine tool co. and now the last 13 years as a private inspector. Its been a fun ride.


Adam Strong
04-02-2010, 9:24 AM
In a past life I was a Quality and Manufacturing Processes Technician. Not being content with living in a tiny office I moved toward self employment and now have 2 businesses. I do a lot of subcontract and handyman work for Commercial and Residential customers. I spend more than half my time in the shop, for both work and personal projects. The second business is a bakery I have started recently with my wife... I enjoy the challenges of both occupations, they are more related than you would think. Lots of lay out and design go into some of the cakes we do, similar to what goes into a woodworking project.

John Pratt
04-02-2010, 9:39 AM
Retired from the U.S. Army Infantry in 2008. Got to see the world, however, in some cases I could have passed on that experience. Decided it just wasn't fun anymore after some of the things I'd seen and it is a young man's game. I've been woodworking since I was a child and apparently my military experience and love of woodworking were a perfect fit to be a Government woodworker on an Army post. Basically, I get paid to do what I love.

David Bridgeman
04-02-2010, 9:52 AM
I'm a CPA and VP of Tax for a multinational higher education company. We own universities around the world. I enjoy woodworking to get away from the number crunching and paper pushing.

Greg Hines, MD
04-02-2010, 10:14 AM
Full time Family Physician, Geocacher, and Scoutmaster. I woodwork on the occasional weekend, when I have the time.


Tom Walz
04-02-2010, 11:28 AM
Own my own business building custom, carbide tipped tools since 1981. Do a lot of failure analysis on saw blades, router bits, etc. Couple patents on using advanced materials for cutting tools. Starting to sell woodworking tools online. .

Now run the business all day and build the web site at night. A little embarrassed because my woodworking isn’t as pretty as what I see here. I do some volunteer, handyman style woodworking and that is much appreciated if it is just good and solid.


Noah Bledstein
04-02-2010, 11:46 AM
Air Force active duty cyber law attorney.

David Hostetler
04-02-2010, 11:57 AM
I work in IT as a senior system adminstrator. Been in the field for 15 years now. This is my second career, first one was a mechanic. This is a lot cleaner. Been woodworking since I was a kid, started when my dad gave me a pocket knife when I was a cub scout. I started carving faces and things into just about any stick I could find. Went on to wood shop in Jr. High and High school. Built lots of skateboards, key hooks, pencil boxes and other similar small projects. Didn't do much for lack of tools from high school until age 39 when I started building my shop... What projects I did in the interim time kept my interest up, and Norm Abram certainly didn't help. My wonderful bride urged me on to pursue a shop, and woodworking, so I did...

Brian Effinger
04-02-2010, 12:04 PM
I'm an architect working out of my house for myself. Getting layed off 2 years ago was the best thing that could have happened to me.

Neil Brooks
04-02-2010, 12:10 PM
I teach and do research in the area of infinite dimensional non-associative algebra.

Well ... naturally ... I do THAT, too !

I figured it was a given. I was SURE we all did :D

[okay. THAT sounds pretty cool, Chris !!]

Kevin Barnett
04-02-2010, 12:32 PM
I do sales in the science field. We take on projects that pharmaceutical companies outsource due to capacity, specialization, or time constraints. Specifically, we make products that go into clinical trials and sometimes into the commercial pharmaceutical market under other company's names.

I also am a partner in a 20 something employee company with my brother selling into the science field and quality control departments. Specifically, we sell really fancy refrigerated refrigerators and rooms.

Brent Gamble
04-02-2010, 1:17 PM
District Judge, 270th District Court, Harris County, Texas

Louie Ballis
04-02-2010, 1:44 PM
Chiropractor in private practice since 1987.

Kerry Wright
04-02-2010, 2:37 PM
Retired Air Force, worked in RADAR maintenance. Now I'm and engineer working on NASA's Relay Satellite System in New Mexico. Built (still finishing) my wood shop for when I really retire.

Alex Leslie
04-02-2010, 2:43 PM
I've been a Financial Advisor for 23 years, full-time for the past 11. Before that, I flew crop-dusters for 15 years and managed restaurants for 13 years before that.

I started woodworking building boats to float in the gutter when I was 5. My more recent projects include a hardwood bar for my Elks Lodge and renovating, resurecting and renting-out old buildings.

Kevin Grady
04-02-2010, 2:44 PM
IT - Network Architect, been in the field for 12 years. I stumbled upon woodworking as a hobby after many years of tearing home apart and rebuilding bathrooms, kitchens, decks sheds, etc. Dream plan is to retire from the IT field some day and make woodworking my full time job.

Larry Alles
04-02-2010, 2:59 PM
Retiring after 46 years as an Engraver (Just sold my business) Hoping
to do some woodworking and play golf.

Tom Welch
04-02-2010, 3:15 PM
ROV Pilot and technican. ROV stands for "Remotely Operated Vehicles". These are unmanned submersibles that are controled from the surface. ROV's today are high tech, with fiber optic , sonar, Video , amd computer systems. And we maintain and repair it all, from 5 vdc to 3000vac. Also hydraulic sufrace handling equipment (winchs, booms, etc).

We operate in deep water up to 10,000 feet. I don't know if any of you watched the "Liberty Bell" recovery, or seen the Titanic on the Discovery channel, well that is the company I work for. :cool:

For fun when I am home, every day I am in the shop making sawdust. I get several weeks off at a time, so this is ideal, cause I get to work on a project everyday til it is finished. :D

Mike Cruz
04-02-2010, 3:18 PM
I'm a kept man. My wife makes the money, and I keep up the horse farm. 5 horses, 5 stall barn, no more room for any more horses...

Jared McMahon
04-02-2010, 3:26 PM
I babysit applications running on computers all day. And darn if it don't feel good to go home in the evening and do/make things that are physical and tangible. IT can be very engaging and challenging, but it still boils down to futzing around with ones and zeros.

Paul Wunder
04-02-2010, 4:36 PM
Almost retired. I work one day per week. 27 Years at IBM in Corporate Finance followed by several Controller positions in smaller firms. All my life my avocation was DIY jobs (personal only). I've built and remodeled two kitchens, installed two central a/c units in my homes (including ducts) built some furniture and now I am assembling my first real shop to play with. If i ever get my ClearVue installed, my wife may let me build something.

I consider myself a beginner in woodworking and frankly I am awed by the knowledge and goodwill and willingness to share on this forum. I feel that I have made many friends just by ready the Q and A's. Thanks


Steve Mostoller
04-02-2010, 5:15 PM
For the past 8 years i have been making furniture and cabinets in my own shop. Started out primarily with log furniture and railings, but that seems to have just been a passing fad. 2 or 3 years ago there was probably 30 shops in my area that did just the same(log) stuff. Today probably 10 remain, so i had to retool for cabinet making(purchase all kinds of toys), but i am having just as much fun as the first day i took the leap into self employment. Steve

Bruce King
04-02-2010, 7:05 PM
Independent Certified Master Home Inspector since 2005, prior to that I worked on Flight Simulators for 20 years, prior to that Electronics Technician.

Jonathan Hsu
04-02-2010, 7:30 PM
Project Manager in the Oil and Gas industry. Been with the company 15 yrs...20 yrs to go before I'm eligible for retirement :{ We make pressure containing and pressure controlling equipment (upto 20k psi), mostly on the production end of the business.

Totally new to WW'ing. I'm in the spend..spend..spend mode as I need everything!

Glen Butler
04-02-2010, 10:03 PM
I do custom wood working full time, but I am technically a General Contractor. I do the wood working sub work on my own jobs and sub out everything else. I also take sub work from other generals.

Frank Warta
04-02-2010, 10:17 PM
I'm a software developer for the State of California. At times I even get to feel like I'm actually helping save the state money, but you know how that goes they always find somewhere else to spend it. Anyway still setting up shop, but the furloughs have helped give me a little extra time to get things going. They do make it harder to purchase equipment though.

Jerry Todd
04-02-2010, 10:32 PM
Retired Miami-Dade Police Dept

Callan Campbell
04-02-2010, 10:38 PM
Wow. I am actually quite surprised. I thought a much higher percentage of us would be retired.
It's all those "killed" 401Ks from the last 2 years that keep us working.:(

Joe Chritz
04-03-2010, 8:38 AM
5 OH.

Just rotating back to a uniform after two years in a plain clothes narcotics assignment. :(


Bob Borzelleri
04-04-2010, 9:05 AM
Currently almost retired again. My first retirement was in 2004. I spent 34 years in government in various capacities. 15 years in juvenile corrections and 19 years in environmental protection.

Positions included Counselor (California Youth Authority), Assistant Secretary (Cal/EPA), Chief Deputy Director (California Department of Toxic Substances Control). Somewhere in between, I found time to be a bicycle mechanic, motorcycle mechanic, founder and Director of a Residential Youth Treatment Center and, for the past 5 years, I've been an environmental consultant (but with the attainment of Social Security retirement age (almost), I am once again retired (almost).

Ivan Wolder
04-04-2010, 9:21 AM
I am a Diesel Electric fitter,I do 25 hour road service (trucks,trailers and refrigeration).Been turning wrench's for the past 34 years,and own more tools and equipment than is normal for any one person.Hi my name is Ivan and I am a toolaholic.

Johnnyy Johnson
04-04-2010, 9:35 AM
Made a living welding for 12 years, now have worked almost 26 years as an Electrical/Instrument Tech in the Tobacco Industry. Hope to retire with 30.

Jacob Mac
04-04-2010, 10:35 AM
I just started my own law firm specializing in consumer bankruptcy.

Chuck Tringo
04-04-2010, 1:02 PM
US Army Officer, been in for 14 years, just under 8 until I retire/start my next career.

Paul McGaha
04-04-2010, 3:38 PM
I'm an electrical estimator.

I've been in the electrical construction field for (33) years.


Ray Bell
04-04-2010, 4:09 PM
US Army Officer, been in for 14 years, just under 8 until I retire/start my next career.
Thank you Chuck, and stay safe. Any idea what you next career will be?

Kevin Groenke
04-04-2010, 4:17 PM
I manage a student fabrication shop in a collegiate design school, ~1200 potential users, though realistically ONLY ~300 use the shop with any regularity. Most work is architectural modeling though that rarely means building little houses: lots of conceptual stuff, prototyping, digital fabrication. I co-teach one "craft-centric" undergrad class a year. I also do in-house design of furniture and fixtures and take on the occasional commission.


Roger Newby
04-04-2010, 4:26 PM
Thirty+ years as a tool & die maker......retiring 4/30/2010:D:D:D:D:Dand that's less than 4 week away!!!!!!!!

Bruce Page
04-04-2010, 4:56 PM
Thirty+ years as a tool & die maker......retiring 4/30/2010:D:D:D:D:Dand that's less than 4 week away!!!!!!!!


I may do it this year.

Fred Voorhees
04-04-2010, 8:03 PM
I'm in the industrial and commercial insulation trade by way of a union. I will be retiring in three years thank god...having worked since back in late 1976. I am more than ready to retire and enjoy my woodworking and fishing and my grandson.

Elijah Fontenot
04-04-2010, 8:30 PM
Production Operator on a floating oil production platform in the Gulf of Mexico here!

Colin Giersberg
04-04-2010, 8:32 PM
Certified pencil pusher with the Alabama Dept. of Transportation. In all seriouness, I serve as an inspector on paving and dirt projects, with paving inspection being the primary job for the last several years. 31 1/2 years and counting.

Regards, Colin

Stephen Reid
04-04-2010, 8:37 PM
Underground miner, work in remote camps sites 4 to 8 weeks at a time then home for 2 weeks Steve

Jim Mattheiss
04-05-2010, 12:28 AM
I'm an IT Designer/Programmer in the Publishing Industry. To repeat what's been said by others - the desire to build a physical entity that people enjoy is something different from our day job.

We write software/systems that make peoples jobs easier. Try to explain the elegance of your software design/implementation to someone - it's like showing a dovetail drawer to someone who doesn't appreciate/understand the skill/beauty.



Ron Carlton
04-05-2010, 12:32 AM
Retired Petroleum Geologist (changed careers in 1992), practicing Physical Therapist.

Bryan Morgan
04-05-2010, 1:51 AM
Sr. Systems and Network Administrator for the flagship division of a global business services company. I specialize in Linux based servers and Cisco, Juniper, and hp network hardware.

Its ok except once we went public the whole company changed from being customer centric to shareholder/bean counter centric and we've since plummeted.

Woodworking gets me away from technology and allows me to use my hands more. Also gives me a greater sense of accomplishment when I complete a project. Computers/networks used to give me this sense except now projects are never really completed... the bean counters just change their minds every couple weeks and everything becomes a never ending disaster... thats what you get when you have people managing and making decisions about things they know absolutely nothing about, trying to impress the share holders.... :)

With any luck, I will never work for a public company again! ;)

Joe Kieve
04-05-2010, 7:39 AM
Retired from "world's largest airline". Built shipping and storage boxes for aircraft parts for 25 yrs. Sure is nice not having to get up at 4 a.m. any more. :o

Chris Knoth
04-05-2010, 7:47 AM
U.S. Army Soldier. Currently stuck in Afghanistan and unable to do any woodworking. Love this site though. Got a lot of catching up to do when I get home.

Rob Music
04-05-2010, 8:40 AM
In my former life, I was involved in my family's tile and marble business. In 1998, after 15 years of growing to hate it more and more, I sold my part and returned to college. Since 2001, I have been a high school AP World and AP European history teacher. I also teach AP Psychology.

I am currently un-duplexing an 1878 brick Italianate. I'm in the ninth year of the one-year remodel. I am also in the process of converting a two-car garage into a three-season workshop.

I always wanted a wood shop. I decided to finally do it when the 100 year old black cherry tree fell in our yard and it was cheaper to have it milled into lumber than to having it cut up into firewood and hauled away.

Ron Petley
04-05-2010, 9:03 AM
Respiratory therapist , 20 years,(part time now) and stay at home Dad part time, I just go to work to get out of the house a little.
Before that I did trace metal analysis, with my BSc for the feds. Prior to that I was self employed as a photographer and a furniture maker. I got in my wood working early to make sure I did not miss it. I have just finished building a wood shop for myself to make what ever I want while the Munchinkins are at school.
Great thread wonderfull people.
Cheers Ron.

Duane Murray
04-05-2010, 10:55 AM
U.S. Army Soldier. Currently stuck in Afghanistan and unable to do any woodworking. Love this site though. Got a lot of catching up to do when I get home.

My hat off to you Chris and a heart felt wish for your safe DROS.

After 36 years of working for the same company (Petroleum Refining) I will be retireing on April 30th. I spent the first 25 years in the Operations Department and the last 11 as an Instructor in the Training Department.

I've always loved woodworking but shift work and four kids limited the time I could spend doing it! :D As such, I'm looking forward to making daily visits to my shop and having the time to do things right! :)

Tom Stryker
04-05-2010, 1:45 PM
Data Analyst with the Maneuver Battle Lab at Fort Benning, Georgia. Hooah :D

Rod Sheridan
04-05-2010, 2:44 PM
Electrical Technologist with Telesat Canada. (We own and fly our satellites, fly other companies satellites, and perform transfer orbit services for satellites, and of course we have earth stations for the ground based stuff).

I design and supervise maintenance programs for electrical and mechanical equipment at our earth stations.

I also am interested in vintage motorcycles, gardening and of course wood working...........Rod.

Bob Elliott
04-05-2010, 3:35 PM
As most of the contributors know, there is a long running 5-star thread over in the Lumber Yard forum called “Your Day Job”. It’s been a fascinating read.
I’m an ex R&D machinist and current aerospace development technician.

What Lumber Yard Forum? link?

Dan Friedrichs
04-05-2010, 3:38 PM
What Lumber Yard Forum? link?

Bob, the "Lumber Yard" is a private forum for Contributors to SMC. It shows up once you make the min. $6/yr donation.

John A. Callaway
04-05-2010, 3:42 PM
I work for a large east coast railroad for the past 7 years now. I am a Locomotive engineer as well as a conductor. The economy slowing down took my hands off the throttle and put me back on the ground with a radio and a lantern. :mad:

I love what I do, but it is one of the most poorly managed corporations... yet they still manage to turn billions a year in profits.

I have powder coated heavy equipment professionally, drove the big brown truck around town for almost 6 years, hung interior trim and case work for almost 5 years, driven forklifts, and , by the time I was 17 years old, I was a ASE certified auto mechanic.

If I had the talent, I would have loved to been a tattoo artist...or if I had the means, I would have been a architect. Funny how life gets in the way of your dreams though.

Don Jarvie
04-05-2010, 4:00 PM
12 years as a Pharmacist and now work for a Pharmacetical company.

Had lots of time off in Pharmacy - 3 to 4 12 hr days but now the M-F grind limits the shop to a few nights and some weekends.

The 2 1/2 year old also cuts in the shop time.

Dar Lounsbury
04-05-2010, 4:15 PM
42 years as a Locksmith for a large school district, 35 schools and 5 other sites. Second job for 28 years working as a dealership motorcycle and power products mechanic. Moved between several brands but the work was about the same. When the last dealership went broke, I just cut everything back to just the school district. Health will force retirement within a few months.


Bill May
04-05-2010, 9:48 PM
full time trim carpenter/ custom millworker. USMC. SSGT 2001-2007 0311/0321

04-06-2010, 9:06 AM
40 years in the wholesale meat industry, the last 30+ as part owner in a smaller niche company. Started woodworking as summer jobs during college. Found out it is in my blood (Dad spent many years as a carpenter to supplement farming). Many home improvements plus various projects along the way.

Ben Abate
04-06-2010, 10:38 AM
Retired Iron Worker and Fabricator for 33 yrs.

Dan Galcik
04-07-2010, 7:25 AM
I'm an RN specializing in home infusion therapy. I worked in ER and ICU previously as a nurse, and in psychiatry as a tech. All I know is health care (started working in a hospital right out of high school in 1975). I've always wanted to build furniture but never lived in a home suitable for a shop. Now I have that shop, a huge garden and hothouse, and more landscaping than I need to do.

Al Willits
04-07-2010, 8:08 AM
Nothing quite as fancy as some, but I work on a technical help desk for a Natural gas supplier that also does sales, service and repair of HVAC and assorted appliance's.
We have a service dept of over 375 techs and I get to try and help solve their problems in the field, also assist our phone reps and customers too.

Been at this since 1978 and retirement is getting sooooo close...:D


Tony Bilello
04-07-2010, 9:14 AM
I voted "Work full time from My shop" which is almost correct but not quite.

I was a full-time owner/operator of a custom woodworking shop years ago. Then went on to other things.

Currently I have 2 full time professions if that is possible.
I work offshore on oil rigs and platforms as a Protective Coatings Inspector. That covers everything from paint to thermal sprayed aluminum to asphalt to whatever. I work most of the year 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. When in the 'off' mode, I run a full-time custom woodworking business. This is a real business not a game. I lease a commercial building, I have a pick-up truck and a 16 ft box truck dedicated to the business. I have part-time employees and I make a decent living from it.
Somewhere inbetween all of this madness, I find time to sail.

jared herbert
04-07-2010, 9:39 AM
I graduated from Iowa State University in 1973 as an Industrial Engineer and then worked for Pella Window Co for 18 months. Couldnt take being inside all of the time and had athe opportunity to start farming with my father. I eventually bought him out and have been farming for 35 years. I grow 800 acres of corn and soybeans. Mostly seasonal work so it gives me a lot of shop time and am also building a house on the north shore of Lake Superior, 375 miles away, not the handiest job but worth it. I have been making things out of wood for as long as I can remember.

Will Rowland
04-07-2010, 11:08 AM
Mechanical engineer by degree, but I have been an AP photographer, pilot, management consultant and now EVP-Operations for a manufacturing company.

Eventually I learned that I was better off maximizing my earnings potential, and being able to enjoy my hobbies without financial constraints, than I was trying to make my hobbies my job...

Harvey Melvin Richards
04-08-2010, 11:07 AM
Started a custom cabinet and furniture shop 25 years ago. However for the last 5 or 6 years I've been an R&D designer/machinist/fabricator that designs/fabricates & repairs specialized production machines. Shop is mostly just expensive tool storage these days.

Barry Rhoads
04-08-2010, 11:41 AM
Electrical Engineer since 1981. Worked with Air Force and NASA for about 16 years. Started my own firm in 1995 with 20 people presently on staff. We do medical, jails, schools, data centers, banks, commercial....you name it. The firm is licensed in 46 states and Puerto Rico. We have worked in Europe and Central America as well. Been side line wood working for about 34 years. Built both of my houses on afternoons and weekends. Both are log homes......great big hand cut dovetails!

Joe Jensen
04-08-2010, 12:31 PM
I'm an engineer by training and now general manager of a business at a high tech microprocessor company. I've been woodworking since I was 8 years old. In my day job I push powerpoint and sell ideas for the future all day. I love coming home and doing something with my hands, something concrete where I can feel and touch the results...joe

Bobby O'Neal
05-30-2010, 10:37 AM
Journeyman Lineman for Middle Tennessee Electric out of Franklin, Tennessee.

David Nelson1
05-30-2010, 11:48 AM
Former machinist, fabricator, and Airframes and Power Plants mech. Now doing project management full time for a leading aviation defense contractor.

Dave MacArthur
05-30-2010, 12:30 PM
USAF Instructor Pilot, F-16/A-10 etc. 24 years, retiring soon maybe.
Delta Airlines Pilot, currently on military leave
Run a property management business for 30 clients/houses or so; Real Estate Agent.

Caspar Hauser
05-30-2010, 12:37 PM
Full time joiner for the last ten years or so working out of my truck/job site/borrowed shop doing trim work, custom kitchens, cabinetry, doors, windows, built ins etc. Happily I haven't dropped a day yet though it got damn uncertain for a while, more work than I can cope with right now.

Prior to that twelve years as a technical lecturer in an Art college.


eugene thomas
05-31-2010, 3:37 AM
work as boiler plant operator full time and have woodworking business as side (fulltime)business.

Greg Bender
05-31-2010, 8:22 AM
Work as a Industrial Electrician for Ingersoll Rand Rotary Compressor Division in North Carolina.Prior life spent as a Field Service Engineer but lost the urge to travel at the end of the 90's.

Greg B.

Bill LaPointe
05-31-2010, 9:47 AM
Mostly retired business owner. Retired 4 years ago. Owned a surplus and salvage company for 15 years, primarily commercial-industrial surplus. (Got a lot of great deals on tools and machinery) Owned an income tax prep business with 400 offices around the US. Sold the tax business 5 years ago. Still own and operate 2 pawn shops that we have owned for 25 years. She Who Must Be Obeyed still works most days there. I told her if she would work 1 more day a week I could afford to drink more! Spend most of the day in my shop makin' stuff.

Tom McMahon
05-31-2010, 9:52 AM
Full time antique restorer, part time furniture maker.

Ronald Blue
05-31-2010, 10:05 AM
Traveling Mechanic for BNSF Railway. I work on anything that is related to track maintenance except for trucks and hand held power tools. Electrical, hydraulics, engines, pneumatic, and welding and fabrication as needed. I work outdoors 99% of the time and rarely am doing the same job 2 days in a row. I am a relatively new woodworker and am slowly advancing to more difficult projects. I was a tool and die maker before changing jobs.

Nathan Palenski
05-31-2010, 12:08 PM
ROV Pilot and technican. ROV stands for "Remotely Operated Vehicles". These are unmanned submersibles that are controled from the surface. ROV's today are high tech, with fiber optic , sonar, Video , amd computer systems. And we maintain and repair it all, from 5 vdc to 3000vac. Also hydraulic sufrace handling equipment (winchs, booms, etc).

We operate in deep water up to 10,000 feet. I don't know if any of you watched the "Liberty Bell" recovery, or seen the Titanic on the Discovery channel, well that is the company I work for. :cool:

For fun when I am home, every day I am in the shop making sawdust. I get several weeks off at a time, so this is ideal, cause I get to work on a project everyday til it is finished. :D

Do you drive big or little geek? :D

Roger Newby
05-31-2010, 2:03 PM
Retired after 30+ years as a Tool & Die Maker. Now I make precision firewood.:rolleyes:

Kevin Gregoire
05-31-2010, 2:09 PM
worked as a machinist for a hydraulic cylinder manufacturer before having to go on
disability retirement.

Josh Bowman
05-31-2010, 3:23 PM
Nuclear Plant Operator for 28 years then retired and contracting now temporarily as a Nuclear Plant Operator teacher :D

Shawn Stennett
05-31-2010, 3:39 PM
I work for a Nucor Steel Mill, the nations largest recycler, before that I was a aircraft mechanic on C130s in the Marine Corps and then a Wal-Mart manager. Strange progresson.

Robert gree
05-31-2010, 4:33 PM
I must say there is a very diverse employment range here its amazing.

Im still a young whipper snapper (20) But i started in the IT field decided it wasn't for me and took a job at a grocery store. While working there i started my own speaker enclosure business at 18 and have had it and other jobs since. From commercial floor restoration to currently landscaping. I have 3 more weeks before i start working for lockheed martin as a assembler. After 90 days there they will put me in school and start moving me up.

John McCaskill
06-01-2010, 2:55 PM
Engineering Development for an oilfield service & equipment company - work on a variety of stuff, including 15-20,000 PSI sand separators, chokes, downhole tools, well testing, pressure and flow control equipment, on-shore and off-shore. Been doing some WW'ing since dirt was a new invention, and turning for the last few years.

Joe Jensen
06-01-2010, 11:27 PM
Engineering Development for an oilfield service & equipment company - work on a variety of stuff, including 15-20,000 PSI sand separators, chokes, downhole tools, well testing, pressure and flow control equipment, on-shore and off-shore. Been doing some WW'ing since dirt was a new invention, and turning for the last few years.

So why haven't you solved the problem for BP :eek:

C Scott McDonald
06-02-2010, 1:01 AM
Field service ATM machines for a Global company.

No, I won't tell you how to get one open. :p

To anwser your next next question they can hold a lot of money.

To anwser your next question, No I don't have any sample I can give out while working on one.


Jay Maiers
06-02-2010, 8:14 AM
I spend my days banging out construction prints set-up prints, and floor plans at a trade show exhibit "house". We design and build custom exhibits, plus we sell system / prefab components.

steven c newman
06-02-2010, 1:19 PM
actually, I am retired, in a way. 20+ years in the OHARNG. Since 96, I have been in the Retired/Reserves. Also, "retired" after 22 years of making Rubber Hose ( air hose questions, anybody) and currently making plastic pepsi product bottles at Plasti-Pak. Been a Concrete/Carpenter and a "rod-buster" for a Construction Company. 5 more years, and I can retire for good. Been working since I was 14! If I'm tired now, what will it be like to be "Retired"?