View Full Version : bud vase's and first earings.

alex carey
03-31-2010, 11:36 PM
1- these are some olive earring's. My first time making them, not really sure but they look too hefty, they are probably better as simple pendants. Still need to get the metal thingies.

2,3,4- Saved this piece of Bradford Pear from my fire pile. It had been in the sun for a year or so. Bone dry and cracked quite a bit. Had to take away a ton of material to get rid of most of the cracks. Still had some though.

5, 6- Piece of olive I took out of the fire pile as well. I thought it was cracked in the middle and I wanted to make a mallet but when I opened it up it was pretty nice.

Bernie Weishapl
04-01-2010, 12:23 AM
Really nice pieces Alex. I really like the olive wood.

Frank Van Atta
04-01-2010, 1:55 AM
Nice pieces of "designer firewood."

John Keeton
04-01-2010, 7:15 AM
Alex, the Bradford Pear sure is a nice looking piece of wood! I have a couple pieces, and this makes me want to turn some of it.

The olive looks good everytime - it just has a lot of character.

Good work!

Steve Schlumpf
04-01-2010, 10:20 AM
Looks like you've been busy! Really like the grain in the Olive wood!

Baxter Smith
04-01-2010, 10:25 AM
All these posts about earings and pendants make me want to try some as well! They look good! Nice color and grain in both the olive and pear.

Matt Ranum
04-01-2010, 1:21 PM
Really like the vases, how big are they its hard to tell with no frame of reference.

David E Keller
04-01-2010, 1:24 PM
Nice looking vases. The earrings don't look too hefty, and some women really like larger jewelry.

alex carey
04-01-2010, 2:30 PM
both of the bud vases are 10" give or take.

John the Bradford pear has been pretty rough turning, I roughed out and then sealed some and left it for a year and it still had a huge tendency to crack before I returned it dry. I do like the wood a lot though. I'm not particularly fond of my shape on that vase though, top seems too big to me.

John Tomasello jr
04-01-2010, 7:15 PM
The olive wood is my favorite