View Full Version : Remove the Key?

Mark Godlesky
03-31-2010, 12:42 PM
I am rehabbing my 14" band saw and having a devil of a time removing the key from the shaft on the lower wheel.

I have tried the following:

1. Grabbing the key with pliers. Not enough protruding to get a good grip.

2. Tapping the key with a drift to loosen it. The key starts to deform.

3. Soak with several applications of liquid wrench and repeat steps 1 & 2.

4. Heat shaft with a heat gun and repeat steps 1 & 2.

I am hesitant to heat the shaft with a torch.

Any ideas are welcome. The key has to come out to replace the wheel bearing.



Paul Atkins
03-31-2010, 12:46 PM
If you can loosen it and you can get a gap underneath it, sacrifice a cheap screwdriver and pry it out or tap it under. You might have to sharpen it like a chisel and make it the right width. Keys are cheap and a new one would be a good idea anyway, don't try to save the old one at the risk of screwing up the shaft.

Myk Rian
03-31-2010, 1:55 PM
You could always drill and tap it for a machine screw. Pull it out with that.
Have you tried a wheel puller on it?

Chip Lindley
03-31-2010, 3:57 PM
+1 on Wheel Puller! Doubtful you can get the key out of the keyway without messing up the shaft or wheel. The key is expendible!

Grip the wheel between spokes near the hub with a 3-arm puller. A cheap Harbor Freight will do for light duty jobs. Protect the center-bored hole in the spindle end with a few washers between spindle end and puller screw. I wrap a small bunge cord around the arms to keep them in place until slack is taken up. Saves fumbling! Slowly tighten the puller screw with ratchet or pliars and see how the BS wheel comes off.

David DeCristoforo
03-31-2010, 4:05 PM
I have used the following method once or twice:

" Drill tapping holes for 8-32 thread near each end just through the key and a little bit into the shaft. Tap carefully and sometimes the tap lifts the key out when it hits the bottom of the hole. If this doesn't happen and you feel the tap may break just tap as deep as possible.

Now you have two options: Take the first two or three threads of a couple of screws so they can reach the bottom of the hole before running out of thread and carefully screw them down to the bottom so they lift the key out. Again if you feel the screw is going to strip or break don't get carried away go to option two.

Get a length of steel longer than the key and drill clearance holes for the screws. Put nuts on fully threaded screws and screw them into the key through the holes in the steel. Now put packing either end of the key to space the steel out and tighten the nuts to pull the key up."

Frank Guerin
03-31-2010, 6:49 PM
The key sets above the shaft. If this is a woodrift (sp) I would take a good flat bottom punch and a hammer and smack the heck out or one end towards the shaft hopeing to rock the other end away from the shaft. If it is a standard key I have at times reverted to a chisel and tried to hit it away from the shaft forcing it out of the keyway. Heat on the key and letting it cool often helps.

Mark Godlesky
03-31-2010, 10:00 PM
Thanks to all for the suggestions. Looks like I've got several good options to try.

I love this site.

Darnell Hagen
03-31-2010, 10:30 PM
Is the wheel still on the shaft? If so check for a set screw, and one under that one.

Russell Sansom
03-31-2010, 11:09 PM
This has worked for me a couple times. Ice or dry ice on the key. There are many variables, so it's hit or miss. But when it works you feel like a genius.