View Full Version : Craigslist surprise wood gloat!!

Bill Wilcox
03-31-2010, 12:20 PM
Several weeks ago, I was lurking around on Craigslist looking for materials on the cheap to build my shop ( the 3rd stall in my garage). I already found a nice band saw, drill press and 60,000 btu shop heater.
Well it was 9:30PM and all of a sudden this ad popped up.
It was an ad for some black walnut. 160-180 timbers, 14"-4" diameter, 8'-12' long. There was no picture on the ad however the price was right.
I responded to the ad and the gentleman called me back with directions to where the wood was. I drove up there and met this person and we hit it off right away. As we were riding in his truck I was telling him what I do now that I'm retired and his interest perked up. When we got to where the BW was, I couldn't believe my eyes. This stuff was beautiful. All the wood came from a BW plantation that was planted in the early 80's and this pile was the thinning that was done almost 2 months ago. We quickly shook hands and made the deal.
I went back home and called several of my friends who have trucks and a trailer and we began hauling this treasure to my place. After the first load we knew that a snowmobile trailer was not a very good trailer to use and from then on just used pick-up trucks.
The problem was not the moving and lifting of this wood. We could load the trucks in 5-10 minutes. It was the drive. This pile was located 1 hour from me. All in all it was a great time getting out with friends and doing something that raises a sweat. I took us a better part of 2 weeks to get everything moved because we could only do it 3 times a week and being all disabled and one buddy has cardiac issues, we needed to take our time. On the last trip, we spotted some fallen box elder in a person's front yard and one of the trunks had several large burls. We pulled over and talked with the owner and he told us that we could take all the wood we wanted. Well on our drive back down was stopped and cut 2 nice burls off the trunks and thanked the owner and off we went.
The burls are on top of the pile.
I also found on CL some free paint and scored 2 5 gallon pails to seal the ends. I figured with all of the logs I have now that AS might break the bank. So I use my logging tongs and wood rollers to move the timbers around and get the ends cut and sealed right away. I move about 20 logs a day to the stacking pile and behind those I have 40 more timbers to cut and seal. Not bad for $150.00.

bob svoboda
03-31-2010, 12:25 PM
Great Gloat. That should keep your shop busy for some time. Can't wait to see some finished pieces from that great pile!

John Keeton
03-31-2010, 12:53 PM
Bill, that is a great haul!! The problem I would have would be the overwhelming guilt of doing a maple bowl knowing I owned a lifetime supply of walnut!!!:eek::o

charlie knighton
03-31-2010, 1:33 PM
great gloat

Bill Wilcox
03-31-2010, 1:51 PM
Bill, that is a great haul!! The problem I would have would be the overwhelming guilt of doing a maple bowl knowing I owned a lifetime supply of walnut!!!:eek::o

John, thats funny because I also have down the hill on my property a huge maple that has one of the trunks that has fallen over with a diameter of well over 38" and total length of of 45 feet. There is also on the other side a smaller trunk that has a peculiar lean to it so that may need to be felled as well. We had a wind storm last year that blew a number of trees in my area that I plan on harvesting. Some very tall Aspen, Birch and Maple. Too bad I don't have any Cherry trees down then I would be set.
Between moving the timbers and renovation of the garage, I just don't have much time left in the day to do what I want. I promised myself that I wouldn't turn anything on my new Jet 1642 till I finished the garage. And my better half reminds me daily of that. LOL

alex carey
03-31-2010, 2:26 PM
wow thats a sweet gloat.

David E Keller
03-31-2010, 2:37 PM
Great gloat. Looks like a lot of turning to be done.

Steve Schlumpf
03-31-2010, 3:19 PM
Bill - Congrats on all the Black Walnut! Looks like it's almost a second career just to cut and seal the logs! Have fun!

Looking forward to you getting the garage finished so you can start turning!

Tony De Masi
03-31-2010, 5:33 PM
That's not a wood gloat. That's a complete forest goat.



Bernie Weishapl
03-31-2010, 6:31 PM
Great gloat and congrats.

Doug W Swanson
03-31-2010, 7:02 PM

I live across the river in Vadnais Heights so let me know if you need to get rid of that walnut!:D


Bill Wilcox
03-31-2010, 7:03 PM
Thanks for the congrats. The nice thing about this wood procurement is that the gentleman (Doug) was very happy to learn that the wood was not just going to be used as lumber. He said that he will be excited to see the wood used for art and turning. Doug is the maintenance Forman for a business and they have planted tree plantations all around their business. There were Sugar Maples that were being tapped, and Doug said that there are several other plantations that will be thinned and harvested not only this year but also in coming years. The BW plantation is scheduled to be harvested in 5 yrs. Doug also told me that he will call me on every thinning they will be doing. So all in all this was a real good meeting.

Greg Just
03-31-2010, 7:53 PM

I live across the river in Vadnais Heights so let me know if you need to get rid of that walnut!:D


I'm not far from Doug and would love to help you with all that wood. That is Super Gloat!

Pete Jordan
03-31-2010, 9:00 PM
One of the great gloats of all times!

Leo Van Der Loo
04-02-2010, 12:02 AM
That is a lot of wood Bill,I don't think you are planning to turn all that wood are you ?
But whatever you are going to do, I recommend that you get the wood off of the ground and sheltered if at all possible, the sun and wind can be murder on the wood, also a couple more coats of paint if you have the time and inclination, one coat doesn't quite do it, but yes better than nothing of course.
Still congratulations on a nice haul and the possible future deals to be had :-))

Bill Wilcox
04-02-2010, 6:41 AM
Thanks Leo, I have put 3-4 coats of paint so far and all the wood is finally trimmed and off the ground. The wood is in a fairly shady area so the sun won't be hitting it once the leaves come out.
One question I do have: What would you use to cover it? I was thinking of some poly tarps but am worried the heat build up would make it worse.
Any comments are welcome.

Matt Ranum
04-02-2010, 8:46 AM
Congrats on the gloat, and the future connection!

Personally I wouldn't put anything directly on top of the logs, make a makeshift framework of some kind to keep the tarps/plastic/pole shed steel off of the logs themselves for a ventilation gap.

Scott Hackler
04-02-2010, 10:18 AM
congrats on the haul. The good thing about Black Walnut is that it is really wet and takes forever to dry (in my experience here in Kansas). Before long your hands, lathe, tools and walls will be coated with that lovely black stain that BW leaves!!!.

Leo Van Der Loo
04-02-2010, 10:51 AM
Bill sheets of OSB or plywood would be nice, but not many have that amount of sheets lying around, so yes tarps will work but it would be better if you could get them up off of the logs, so air can circulate, a bit at least to keep the temp down.
Though sheltering just one side (sunny-side) would help a lot also, like if you piled the logs up and put tarps over it on one side, you'd cut out the most of the sun and have it open at the same time.

Bill Wilcox
04-02-2010, 1:43 PM
I know it doesn't look like it but when the trees pop their leaves the timbers will be quite a bit of shade. I will get some tarps and I have some fence posts (metal) that I can place in the corners and then tie the tarps over the piles. I am just concerned on if rain will affect the wood.

Bob Bergstrom
04-02-2010, 6:02 PM
Go to the metal salvage yard and look for any old sheet metal (like corrugated siding or roofing. Rolled roofing works too. Put it over the logs and weight it down with focks or wood.

Jon McElwain
04-02-2010, 6:12 PM
You could use a couple of logs to make an A frame and cover that with a tarp.

Leo Van Der Loo
04-02-2010, 10:07 PM
I know it doesn't look like it but when the trees pop their leaves the timbers will be quite a bit of shade. I will get some tarps and I have some fence posts (metal) that I can place in the corners and then tie the tarps over the piles. I am just concerned on if rain will affect the wood.

Yes I saw there was shade already showing in your picture, though it doesn't show the orientation of course, anyway do what you can to keep the hot sun off, as for what was mentioned "sheet metal" I don't think getting the air all heated up under that is a good idea, I do remember how hot it can get in a sheet metal barn ;)