View Full Version : semi-hollow form

Fred Perreault
03-31-2010, 12:01 PM
I have never turned anything that I would call a hollow form, and this is probably regarded a "semi-hollow" form. It is 6.5" x 4.5", and is a stack of scraps I had..... walnut, cherry, maple, and cypress. The walls are form 3/16ths" to as much as 3/8ths" at the transition. I was a 'fraidy cat. I used a 1/2" gouge, a 3/8" gouge, and the very inexpensive "hollowing" tool from PSI that comes with the 6 different tips. Working around an inside corner, partially in the blind, is all the fun my nerves can take. Kudos to the folks that can create vases and the like. They must have more Valium than I do.
I am sure that I would need other, better tools to do more extensive hollowing.

Frank Van Atta
03-31-2010, 12:50 PM
Great use of scraps. I call this form a "recurved" or "closed form" bowl - one of my favorite forms.

John Keeton
03-31-2010, 12:50 PM
Fred, that is quite attractive! I like the wood combination, and the "bias" or diagonal glue up really adds to the piece. Nice way of finishing off the bottom, as well.

Looks like a nice "in the wood" finish - what did you use?

Fred Perreault
03-31-2010, 1:47 PM
Actually, I turned the piece this morning, oiled it with General Salad Bowl Finish, and the after a half hour I wiped some Minwax Antique Oil on it. I usually like the less glossy look. It wasn't even dry when I took the pics. I sat having lunch, staring at it. I have no idea what I would use it for.

John Keeton
03-31-2010, 2:13 PM
I have no idea what I would use it for.These turnings have to have a functional purpose??????:eek: Nobody told me that!!

Steve Schlumpf
03-31-2010, 4:57 PM
Looks pretty good Fred! Nice to something that is a little different!

Hollowing can be challenging but it is something you get used to a little at a time. Should you decide to make the jump - there are hollowing systems out there that make the process a heck of a lot less strenuous!

Bernie Weishapl
03-31-2010, 6:40 PM
Fred that is a pretty piece. Love the wood combo's.

David E Keller
03-31-2010, 6:52 PM
I like it a lot... Good wood combo and the bottom is very interesting.

Ted Calver
03-31-2010, 6:56 PM
I like the shape Fred. Turn a matching top with a small knob and fill it full of cookies. Hollow forms are nice but it's hard to get the cookies in...or out. :)