View Full Version : Thanks For The Support

Ken Salisbury
11-10-2004, 10:06 AM
I have received some correspondence recently concerning some folks feeling a lack of recognition given to them for supporting the Freedom Pen Project by those who are perceived to be “in charge”

First of all, I don’t consider myself “in charge” of anything other than managing the materials and financial aspects of the project. However, I would like to respond to that correspondence here.

It should be noted we have approximately 800 turners involved, individually producing from 1 pen to 690 pens each. In addition we have a whole host of folks who have supplied materials, contributed cash, organized TAT’s, and other events, like fund raisers etc. All of these folks deserve thanks for what they have done in support of this effort

It would be close to impossible to individually thank each and everyone involved. The contribution of the person who has produced one pen for this project or the person who contributed $5.00 to the cause are as equally deserving of thanks as those who have contributed much more time, money, and effort. . I would not single out any supporter/s based on the level of their contribution/support. We all do what we are able to do.

I look to the mail we receive from the troops (http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/emails.htm) as an indicator that our efforts are more than just appreciated. This mail is all the thanks I personally need.

So if anyone feels they have been slighted in any way, let me say:



Ken Fitzgerald
11-10-2004, 10:42 AM
The "Thanks" is in the emails and letters from those serving in our military forces! A lot of folks including Ken, Keith, Jackie and others have contributed pens, time and money to keep this thing going. Pats on the back to all who have contributed in any way. But the real "Thanks" comes from those receiving the pens! Keep in mind that all those who receive pens may not have the time or methods to send a note or email. Look at those emails and letters a "communal Thanks" to everyone who contributed to a worthwhile project!

Dan Gill
11-10-2004, 11:20 AM
My thanks to all who have contributed time, talent, money and materials to Freedom Pens. You're doing a great work.

Waymon Campbell
11-10-2004, 1:51 PM
I guess I'm going to be a little stronger in my response than you other fine folks...

If you are contributing to FPP in order to gain some personal recognition, then you are contributing for the wrong reasons!

Whether you contribute $5 or 5 minutes of your tme, you should be feeling thanks by reading the emails from the troops and from the warm feeling in your heart.

That said, I wish to personally thank all those who have contributed. Please continue to do so to the best of your abilities.

God Bless...

Ken Salisbury
11-10-2004, 1:56 PM
This thread is also on the General Woodworking Forum as a "sticky". If you care to post a response please do so there. I have closed this thread to posts. Just wanted it posted in both places.

Post any responses here (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=13681)