View Full Version : Dust Deputy on Festool 33

Joe Cowan
03-29-2010, 7:15 PM
Just received the new Dust Deputy designed for Festool. It took about 15 minutes to assemble and try out. Works like a charm. It is amazing how much was in the DD container after trying it out for a few minutes vacuuming off the top of my workbench. I now have the Vac, DD, and the boom arm and a major step in the direction of a cleaner shop environment.

Callan Campbell
03-31-2010, 4:18 PM
Yep, 2 stage DC is nice, isn't it-I bought the same unit for my CT-22. I posted on talk Festool, and reviewed it a bit with some pictures. I only sanded some walnut and vacuumed up chips around the shop at first, but have now sanded a painted standing flower box outside in the backyard, and sanded a cedar plant table for refinishing with some more coats of Spar Varnish. Next to nothing in the hose going to the Festool Vacuum. All in "the box" as we say.:cool::cool::cool:

Brian Kincaid
03-31-2010, 5:08 PM
I like mine as well. Is yours a little loose sitting on top of the CT? Mine is. I really like the fit and finish of the unit. It's heavy duty all around, but I might have preferred the metal DD over the clear plastic.
