View Full Version : A big THANK YOU to a fellow creeker!!!!

Jack Mincey
03-29-2010, 5:15 PM
I want to thank a fellow Creeker for their generosity to our school shop. My students had a Christmas present in March last week when this New set of bowl gouges showed up in the mail. They were already used by two classes of students the same day they showed up. I would love to post a picture of my students using them, but them being minors it is my careers best interest to post just the tools. These gouges or of great use for my students, now that we have two more lathes in our shop. The gouges are Benjamin’s best and they work very well. We can still use a few ½” scrapers and skews if anyone has an extra one they can part with.
Thanks again,

Ray Bell
03-29-2010, 7:03 PM
Well whoever the anonymous Creeker is I hope he/she feels good about their generosity and thoughtfulness. This is a very nice gesture.

Fred Perreault
03-29-2010, 7:10 PM
A heartwarming story Jack. What an opportunity for the students, hopefully they appreciate all the hard work leading up to the new lathes and tools. It's very sad that in today's world we would be reluctant to take pictures and show the world the results of that work.
Oh, well...

Mike McAfee
03-29-2010, 8:14 PM
A big thumbs up to all parties involved!


David E Keller
03-29-2010, 11:24 PM
Yet another confirmation that turners are some of the most generous people on Earth! Kudos to the kind donor.

Kenneth Hertzog
03-30-2010, 7:48 AM
What a GREAT gift for school and Kids
just goes to show you the VORTEX has no bounds:D
Our kids are the ones that need to keep it spinning

Steve Schlumpf
03-30-2010, 5:29 PM
Jack - always great to hear about kids getting into turning! Bet they are thrilled to have 2 new lathes and some tools! I understand about not being able to post photos of the kids but hopefully you can post some of their work at some point!

Thanks for doing what you do!