View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
03-29-2010, 9:52 AM
29 Mar 2010

Good Morning to each of you.!
Today is the LOML's birthday, so I'm busy trying to figure out what to do for her today. Gotta keep up those hubby points ya know.!!

It's about time to start yard work again as the weather is getting warmer. I really like this time of year.

Been busy with my dad and his recent cancer diagnosis as well as still dealing with things from my oldest (wayward) son.

Woodworking wise, I finally got my first chair repair job under way and have figure out how to get it apart. Now it's time for joint cleanup and reglue of the chair. I'd like to know how to build chairs, but that seems to be a woodworking science all on it's own.

Well, that's it for me...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Troy Turner
03-29-2010, 10:29 AM
Let's see...man that was a while ago :) I make belt racks for the local tae kwon do so I spit out 5 of them this weekend. Now just waiting on the paint to dry for final assembly. Was wanting to do some yard work, but it's supposed to be nice this week so I'll have some time do it later.

Terry Hatfield
03-29-2010, 10:33 AM

Tell Tracy we said HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Cheryl's is in a couple weeks. Already ordered her present so I'm good to go. :D

I spend all day Saturday cleaning out, throwing away and rearranging my storage building and compressor room. I can actually walk in both now and have storage to spare.:eek:

Everyone have a blessed week!!!


Andrew Gibson
03-29-2010, 10:57 AM
I made this...

You can't really tell but the maple has some really nice curl in it.

Jesse Espe
03-29-2010, 11:09 AM
Removed furniture and 20 year old wallpaper from my daughter's bedroom. Cleaning up residual glue today, paint tonight. Hopefully get the new bunkbed in by tomorrow.

Rod Sheridan
03-29-2010, 11:35 AM
I cleaned up the garage in preparation for the new saw arrival and moved my TV antenna to the other end of the house.

Regards, Rod.

Joe Shinall
03-29-2010, 12:14 PM
Wow Andrew, those are some nice handles. Let's see, Friday night I laid new tile in my parent's bathroom for them. Saturday morning I had baseball practice and then bought more timbers and built a raised garden in the backyard and shoveled 2 yards of potting mix out of my truck into the gardens. Sunday I grouted the tile at my parent's house and tried to finish up the flower gardens but to no prevail.

Have to finish the front garden today since it rained me out of the yard yesterday. But I am way too damn sore to even look at the gardens right now. That was a harsh weekend.

Jim Rimmer
03-29-2010, 12:32 PM
I cleaned up the garage in preparation for the new saw arrival and moved my TV antenna to the other end of the house.

Regards, Rod.
What kind of saw are you getting?

Rod Sheridan
03-29-2010, 12:43 PM
Hammer B3 Winner............Rod.

Dave Wagner
03-29-2010, 12:44 PM
Been working on updating the bathroom. New wainscoting is in, the floor is in. We found this old buffet at an antique store locally, I modified the top 2 drawers to fit around the sink/plumbing and made a new plywood (temporary) top for it. We will be putting in a solid surface (granite or silestone, corian, etc..). Coming along nicely. !! :)

Larry Norton
03-29-2010, 1:29 PM
Sprayed the second coat of Target water base lacquer on 2 end tables I'm building for a customer. Worked on 2 jelly cabinets for my upcoming shows.

Jim Rimmer
03-29-2010, 5:46 PM
Been working on updating the bathroom. New wainscoting is in, the floor is in. We found this old buffet at an antique store locally, I modified the top 2 drawers to fit around the sink/plumbing and made a new plywood (temporary) top for it. We will be putting in a solid surface (granite or silestone, corian, etc..). Coming along nicely. !! :)
Nice repurposing. Beautiful cabinet.

Fred Voorhees
03-29-2010, 8:15 PM
Spent most of the weekend in Atlantic City with the wife celebrating our 20th anniversary. Had a few good meals, spent time together in the jacuzzi in our room, did lots of walking on the boardwalk, relaxed here and there and just generally enjoyed each others company without the distraction of being home and what that would bring. Did come home on Sunday morning and planned on watching the NASCAR event from Martinsville, but that was rained out, so I did get some hours in the shop furthering the four foot high floor cabinet that I am currently working on.

Shawn Pixley
03-29-2010, 8:55 PM
Continued to work on new cabinets for the Master Bath. Started the finishing process. Also built two new shooting boards for the two new planes I got with my annual bonus.

Jim Becker
03-29-2010, 9:36 PM
Ah, Dennis...good to see you back and posting. I hope the LOYL's birthday was grand!

I actually got to spend a meaningful amount of time in the shop this weekend working on my latest tack trunk commission. 'Swore up and down I'd not do stuff for other folks, but this is a nice little niche that provides some benefits. This one is going to be a real looker in QSWO veneer ply and black walnut trim...the same design as the previous two with a chest over a single drawer unit. With any luck, next weekend will entail final finishing and I'll be posting pictures accordingly in the Woodworking Projects Forum here at SMC.

Doing this work has reinforced in my mind the need to make a small change in my shop, too. My slider, despite it's wonderful intended functionality, still has a 50"+ right side extension table like my previous cabinet saw did. It's nice for storing things (!), but honestly, it doesn't really get used during cutting and pretty much forces me to have to "do uncomfortable things" during material handling when I'm working with full sheets of plywood, especially in cross-cut orientation. The alternative would be to find a different location for my J/P, but there really isn't a good choice for that anywhere else. So...I need to reduce that right-side table in a meaningful way so I can move the whole saw a foot or more to the right. In my copious free time, of course, and when I have the ability to rent or borrow a pallet jack so I can actually move 1500lbs of steel plate, cast iron and aluminum from the spot it currently rests upon...LOL

03-30-2010, 10:03 AM
I finished this up with a buddy of mine

This is the video (we spent an entire afternoon on the video...wasted time, it was great!)
Our longboard project (http://www.nwbwoodworks.com/blog/)

I've attached a pic. The board is red birch, tiger maple and cherry. 44" long 9" wide, with a wheel base of about 33". Used the Domino along all glue joints.