View Full Version : Anyone set up a woodshop Co-op?

Andrew Nemeth
03-27-2010, 11:29 PM
I'm not sure where the appropriate place to post this topic is, so please feel free to move if necessary.

My family is planning to move from Columbus, Ohio to Denver, Colorado in June. The problem is I don't know what to do with all of my tools. My current shop is 13'x29' and stocked with stationary powertools (no benchtop tools). My shop is already extremely tight and I don't think I would even bother setting it up in a small garage. I'm not willing to sell the tools off and re-buy later. So I only have a few options:

1) Leave the tools here with family and come get them when I have room. I was almost resigned to this idea but another one way uhaul trip across country will cost me at least $1500 and I will be without a shop for at least a year.

2) Pack the tools up now and place them in storage for a year in Colorado. I'm guessing it will cost about $300-$500 to move them now. I may even be able to find a place to store them for free once I'm there but I won't have easy access to use them.

3) Find someone who has more space than tools and exchange tool use for rent. I know there are a lot of sticky legal issues to this plan including liability and tool damage but it might have some positive points too. My brother in-law kinda fell into a similar situation in Washington, D.C. with a place to restore cars and it has worked out great, he has become good friends with all the guys working in the shared space, including the owner. Everyone helps each other out, when needed, and treats each others tools, projects, and space with respect. (Everyone has their own hand-tools, but the stationary equipment is all shared).

Has anyone here ever traded tool use for shop space? If so, how did it work out and is there anything you can share about the experience? Would anyone here consider trading the use of your tools for shop space if no other options were available? Any other ideas or thoughts?

As always, thanks for the input,


Lee Ludden
03-27-2010, 11:42 PM
This came up on a quick google search.
