View Full Version : Hacker Bench -- Woof Woof

Tom LaRussa
11-08-2004, 10:35 PM
I made a couple bench doggies out of some scrap oak I had in the junk bin. The one is much shorter than the other because one of the dog holes is directly over the horizontal support thingie -- oops -- so it can't go down all the way.

I also fashioned a sort-of, semi-pseudo tail vise out of the vise on the end of the bench.

Here are a couple pics:

Alan Turner
11-09-2004, 9:51 AM
On an old bench, I did the same with a shoulder vise, and found that it racked a bit too much. Hope yours is better.

Tyler Howell
11-09-2004, 10:05 AM
Go Tom Pumping them out!
PS Bring the pooch Back!:p

Tom LaRussa
11-09-2004, 10:58 AM
On an old bench, I did the same with a shoulder vise, and found that it racked a bit too much. Hope yours is better.

How wide did you make it?

Mine sticks out less than 2" beyond the edges of the vise itself.

Alan Turner
11-09-2004, 2:32 PM
My bench, no longer with me for lack of room, was probably about 25" or so wide, and the jaws were full width. The vise itself was probably 10-12" wide. I ended up not liking that configuration, or any other part of the bench for that matter, but that didn't compel me to make another for about 20 years or so. I had that bad bench a long time. It used to warp so badly that one time I got angry, took it off of the leg set, and ran a series of TS kerfs down the middle, but not through to the ends, flipped it upside down, and filled the kerfs with yellow glue. I can't say it helped much, and it was always out of flat. One of the resaons I gave it away, with warnings, was that I couldn't stand to see it every day after my new bench was in place.