View Full Version : Saw Vise

Andrew Gibson
03-25-2010, 9:25 AM
Ive been gearing up to invest in some new hand saws and I decided that I would make the handles and sharpen and set the teeth myself. So I needed a saw vise. After doing some research I decided I could make one myself with some leftover wood I had laying around. I copied the basic design that Bob Rozaieski has on the Logan cabinet shop website... He is also a member here.

The vise is out of Ash, the jaws are 16" long, and I believe it stands about 13" above bench height. Finish is a couple coats of danish oil and a coat of wax. The wooden clamp screw is maple and I turned the dowel and threaded it myself... I guess you could say this thing is 100% homemade. :D


John Thompson
03-25-2010, 10:07 AM
Nicely done... probably could use a separate Jigs and Fixtures section to post pictures and discuss but... what you see is what you get I suppose. That should get the job done...

Randal Stevenson
03-25-2010, 1:49 PM
Does this mount to a bench, or slip in the bench vise to bring it up to the right height? (and how to figure the correct height?)

How about some action shots?:)

Andrew Gibson
03-25-2010, 2:50 PM
The longer back jaw board is designed to mount in a front vise of a bench and the front shorter jaw board rides against the top of the side vise jaw to keep it relatively aligned with the back jaw.... hope that makes sense.
I will get some pics of it in action up as soon as I can. Though I might need to make another screw for the vise as this one seems to want to slip because the cutter I was using was damaged and needs to be replaced, it caused the threads to chip out on the cross grain sides of the screw. It might not hurt to use some of the hard maple sitting arould in stead of the soft I used.

Does this mount to a bench, or slip in the bench vise to bring it up to the right height? (and how to figure the correct height?)

How about some action shots?:)