View Full Version : Minor Tool GLoat

Gary Groves
11-08-2004, 2:10 PM
Lowes was clearancing out some Delta stuff. They had a 12" DP regular 199 clearance for 139. Got there right before they closed and asked If they could do any better. 100 bucks. Now granted it's not a floor model, but to get me started and for the odd occassion, I thought it was a pretty good deal. What do you think?

Christian Aufreiter
11-08-2004, 2:15 PM
Lowes was clearancing out some Delta stuff. They had a 12" DP regular 199 clearance for 139. Got there right before they closed and asked If they could do any better. 100 bucks. Now granted it's not a floor model, but to get me started and for the odd occassion, I thought it was a pretty good deal. What do you think?

I'm not familiar with the drill press but I already hear the PIC POLICE coming!! :eek:

Tyler Howell
11-08-2004, 2:18 PM
What's that?? Was somebody gloating?? No pictures???? Must not have been, My mistake.:p :p

Congrats on the "Virtual Gloat" Gary.

Gary Groves
11-08-2004, 2:27 PM
Humble apologies to the PIC police. In my defense, NO digital camera yet, and the DP is still in the box while I try to finish building my router table. (Trying to recover from cutting a piece 2" short) :mad: That cost me 30 bucks to buy new wood. I wouldn't have been so bad if they had been the inside pieceses, BUT NOOOOOOO they were the outside show panels!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Oh well. To steal a saying A bad day in the shop is still better than a good day at work!

Russell Svenningsen
11-08-2004, 3:00 PM
Breathe man, breathe......in with the good air, out with the bad.....breathe.

As my father(a contractor), used to say, "I cut it twice and it's still too short."



Gary Groves
11-08-2004, 6:25 PM

I'm not too upset about it. Typical erro when you rush. I had my Father-in-Law available to help cut the sheet down, but he makes me a bit nervous when he helps hold, cause he likes to 'help' pull the sheet instead of just supporting. I rushed the measurement. I saw 4 pieces the same....Not. 4 Pieces had the same width. But, different lengths... Oh well.