View Full Version : #24 Monogrammed Platter

John Keeton
03-18-2010, 9:31 PM
After the Ebony and Ivory experience, I needed to do something more simple, and quicker!! When I did a previous platter (Bad Moon A'Risin' for those that may recall) I had a piece of Claro from resawing a 3" thick blank. It was 1.25", a beautiful piece of wood, and it just called out to be another platter.:)

This was a quick turn, but I thought I might do a little something different, so I incised a "K" and laid in a little gold paint. It is hard to tell from the last pic, but the underside of the rim is undercut to follow the curvature of the top.

8.5" x 1.25", BLO and shellac. I will probably put on a couple coats of lacquer.

John Keeton
03-18-2010, 9:34 PM
And, this is what was in the back yard as I was on the way to the shop this afternoon! The two hens are outside the pic, but they were not yet interested in "courting.":D;) Just a little early yet - but, not for the TOM!!

Baxter Smith
03-18-2010, 9:54 PM
Now that is a Kool Turning! I can almost see it hanging by your front door! Maybe a little sign underneath. "Home of former flatworker".:D

brian watts
03-18-2010, 9:57 PM
And, this is what was in the back yard as I was on the way to the shop this afternoon! The two hens are outside the pic, but they were not yet interested in "courting.":D;) Just a little early yet - but, not for the TOM!!

what day do you want me up ?:D

Brian Effinger
03-18-2010, 10:09 PM
Now that is a Kool Turning! I can almost see it hanging by your front door! Maybe a little sign underneath. "Home of former flatworker".:D

:D Good one! :D

Outstanding platter. I love the details you put into it, and am amazed at your steady hand. Nice straight lines in that "K". Really well done.

Oh, and turkey... mmmmmmmmm!

George Morris
03-18-2010, 10:14 PM
Nice turning,better Turkey. Turkey season is coming!

Bernie Weishapl
03-18-2010, 10:14 PM
Great looking platter John. Really well done.

Joe Wiliams
03-18-2010, 10:14 PM
And, this is what was in the back yard as I was on the way to the shop this afternoon! The two hens are outside the pic, but they were not yet interested in "courting.":D;) Just a little early yet - but, not for the TOM!!
Well, now you need a bigger lathe to turn a bigger platter to put that turkey on:D

Pete Jordan
03-18-2010, 10:22 PM
You are amazing, John!

gary Zimmel
03-18-2010, 10:50 PM
Looks like you took that great piece of walnut and turned it into one sweet looking platter John.
Beautiful work as always...

David E Keller
03-18-2010, 10:56 PM
That's a beautiful piece of wood, and I really like the design of the platter.

I'm not sure about the 'K', but each time I look at it, it grows on me a little. I kind of wonder if a little gold detail around the rim might tie it all together.

All in all, it's another really nice piece.

Bill Bolen
03-18-2010, 11:16 PM
Another nice one John. Those Tom's are strutt'in thier stuff around here too...Bill..

Dick Mahany
03-18-2010, 11:54 PM
That Claro is absolutely stunning. Can't wait for pics of the rest of the Alphabet !

Steve Schlumpf
03-18-2010, 11:57 PM
Beautiful platter John! Might be the combination of style and wood color but this has a real 'old world' feel to it! Very nice!

James Williams 007
03-19-2010, 4:07 AM
I wait for your work every week thanks for posting! I have a question though, how do you finish the bottoms of your turnings? All of mine just end up with the recess for the chuck and I sand that by hand when it comes off the lathe. I am looking at cole jaws or making a doughnut type setup but i am curious how you get away from having the recess. Sorry for going off topic!

Roger Bullock
03-19-2010, 6:21 AM
It amazes me that your "something quick and simple" is still a beautiful piece of art. I really like that walnut and agree with Steve about giving it that old world feel. At this rate you had better buy a couple rolls of 2010 penny's when they come out. When we have the next copper shortage.....I'm blaming it on you.

Dave Haughs
03-19-2010, 6:26 AM
Beautiful wood

Roland Martin
03-19-2010, 6:27 AM
Very nice platter John. The claro figure and colors are great. I like all the different details, very classy piece.

Donny Lawson
03-19-2010, 6:33 AM
Great looking platter. I can't wait to see what # 25 brings.

John Keeton
03-19-2010, 6:33 AM
Thanks guys! Like I said, this one was a quickie - needed to vent my frustration from the last one, and the Claro is such a pleasure to work with.

I'm not sure about the 'K', but each time I look at it, it grows on me a little. I kind of wonder if a little gold detail around the rim might tie it all together.David, we think alike!! In fact, that is the design, but the failure was in the execution. There is a slight groove on the perimeter. When I did the platter, I painted in the groove and "K" before sanding so I would have good crisp edges. But, I should have made the groove more pronounced, and I used a "less gold, more expresso/gold".

Unfortunately, with sanding and the application of the BLO, the "less gold" paint really faded out. After the platter was finished, I had very little contrast - even in the "K."

So, I brushed in some brighter gold in the "K" - carefully!! Couldn't do the groove again, because I would not have been able to keep the gold in the groove and I was afraid of getting it outside the groove in the grain of the wood. I am not steady enough to cut that kind of a line with an artist's brush!!!:eek:

You are exactly right, though. It needs the gold carried to the rim - but, I don't think I can get that groove redone.:o

I wait for your work every week thanks for posting! I have a question though, how do you finish the bottoms of your turnings? All of mine just end up with the recess for the chuck and I sand that by hand when it comes off the lathe. I am looking at cole jaws or making a doughnut type setup but i am curious how you get away from having the recess. Sorry for going off topic!James, thanks for your kind words!

Regarding your question on finishing the bottom, depending on the piece, I do use both Cole jaws, and a donut chuck. I normally turn the recess for the medallion at the same time that I turn the recess for the chuck, and I use an awl to mark the center point of the piece so that I can later use the tailstock to line up the piece in the donut chuck.

But on this one, it was one of those sizes that falls "between" the settings on the Cole jaws. I DO NOT understand the rationale behind that design!! Talk about poor engineering!

Anyway, finishing this piece on the bottom was fairly straightforward, and I didn't want to fool with the donut setup. So, I opened the jaws of my chuck all the way, flipped the platter, placed a cushion (triple) layer of drawer liner on the face of the jaws, and pulled the tailstock in on the center point. By extending the quill all the way, I had plenty of access to turn the center with the various profiles.

Hope that makes sense!??!?

dean griffith
03-19-2010, 7:11 AM
Beautiful work and detail John!

Toney Robertson
03-19-2010, 7:12 AM

That is some pretty wood and once again the details look nice and crisp.


Jeff Nicol
03-19-2010, 7:46 AM
John, You could try some gold leaf in the next project and see how that goes. It is pretty easy to apply after the finish is on. Fun to see what it looks like when done too. But the stuff is thin as the hair on my head so no heavy breathing or sneezing!

Beautiful platter by the way!


charlie knighton
03-19-2010, 8:22 AM
very nice, go Hokies!

steven carter
03-19-2010, 9:41 AM
Beautiful platter, you done good! Oh by the way, I've decided to change the spelling of my last name to Karter just in case you have the urge to send the platter my way:D


Paul Douglass
03-19-2010, 11:04 AM
Beautiful, you are an artist.

Mike Minto
03-19-2010, 11:56 AM
John, that's cool - I mean, really Kool (see, I used a 'K', like you, just a punny, oh, well, nice try :o on my part)! The coloring is excellent, what a great project! PS - gonna serve that bird on it? after all, Turkey does begin with a 'K'!

bob svoboda
03-19-2010, 12:44 PM
Hmmmm. Beautiful platter, beautiful turkey.......I think I'm getting an idea!!!
Very nice work, John

Charlie Reals
03-19-2010, 1:26 PM
Nice work once again John. I chased 3 of those birds:mad: outa my yard this morning! Along with the Canadian geese I'd like to uhh uhh never mind

Jack Mincey
03-19-2010, 4:07 PM
This turning is very very nice a always. You have a great eye for form and detail which always shows in you bowls. Oh and the turkey would be in real danger if he was living behind my house.

John Tomasello jr
03-19-2010, 7:15 PM
John as always a beautiful piece

John Keeton
03-19-2010, 7:41 PM
You all are really great and thanks for such kind comments! I know I wear you out with these turnings, but I am having a bunch of fun with this!:)
Oh and the turkey would be in real danger if he was living behind my house.
JackJack, this one is safe - at least for now. He has about an 8" beard, and I know his granddad lives close by!;) HE is the one that is in real danger!!:D On the other hand, by the last week of season, anything with a beard should be cautious!!

They are fun to watch. There are 3 of these young toms - all about the same size. They are in the yard nearly everday, and the hens just ignore them. They know granddad is around, too.;)

John, You could try some gold leaf in the next project and see how that goes. Jeff, several years ago, I used some gold leaf on a nonwoodworking project. It is neat stuff - may have to find a way to use it on a turning.

James Combs
03-19-2010, 9:05 PM
Nice John, as usual.