View Full Version : Turning Black Walnut question

Scott Hussey
03-18-2010, 3:25 PM
Hey all,

I'm a newbie turner and recently got some walnut from a friend who cut a big black walnut tree down. I've cut some blanks, quarter-sawed them them and roughed the into round with my chainsaw. I've mounted them on the lathe and tried to turn them - got the outside shape ok, and tried hollowing them out. It's been difficult at best to get the inside of the bowl removed.

I cut one straight across and tried turning endgrain and it has been a disaster.

The Walnut seems to be the hardest wood I've turned so far and I can't seem to get a clean cut. I've made a few bowls out of osage, cherry, black locust, cottonwood and comparatively, I'm having a tough time getting the walnut to turn correctly.

Even after I sharpen my bowl gouge..still doesn't seem to cut well.

Is it me or is walnut just a difficult wood to turn?

By the way, I've learned a ton from you guys as I've been lurking.

Great site.



Kevin J Lalonde
03-18-2010, 3:33 PM
Walnut has been a pleasure to turn particularly when compared to osage orange and locust. Might I suggest that it being the tool positioning as the problem? Good luck.

Steve Schlumpf
03-18-2010, 3:34 PM
Scott - Welcome to the Creek!

This is one of those time when photos would really help out! Any chance you can post a couple that would show what you are turning and also what tools you are using?

Kyle Iwamoto
03-18-2010, 5:08 PM
Walnut is fairly easy to turn, IMO. I envy you guys that can get it free.
What are you sharpening the gouge with? Do you have a jig?

Bernie Weishapl
03-18-2010, 7:15 PM
Welcome to Creek Scott. IMHO walnut is a hard wood yes but one of the easiest woods to turn. I have turned a ton of walnut all with no problems. I would say it was either tool presentation or you are not getting your tools sharp. I had the same questions as Kyle. What are you using to sharpen with and do you use something like the wolverine jig? Bill Grumbine's DVD "Turned Bowls Made Easy" is one of the best for showing tool presentation and different cuts. I would highly recommend it.

Steve Vaughan
03-18-2010, 8:45 PM
You don't mention this, but how old is the walnut? I was given some walnut by a friend, but he'd told me that his dad had it around the shop for many, many years and had just not gotten to it before he passed away. When he gave it to me, it was nearly petrified on the inside. It did turn well, but I could tell it was a bit different, way harder than usual. And when I split it with the chainsaw (sharpened blade), I thought I was gonna have to buy a new chain!

Otherwise and usually, walnut's great to turn and work with. I'd agree with the presentation of the tool tip itself.

Tony Wheeler
03-19-2010, 1:03 AM
does your lathe have reverse don't ask me why I ask

Steve Vaughan
03-19-2010, 6:38 AM
Tony, that funny right there. I know exactly why you ask.

Dick Sowa
03-20-2010, 9:22 PM
I have also turned a bunch of walnut, both green and decades old seasoned, along with side and end grain. With sharp tools, and proper tool presentation it is a pleasure to turn.

Scott Hussey
03-23-2010, 11:24 AM

Thanks for the input/suggestions.

To answer the questions..

Lathe have reverse - nope - that's not it, but I got a laugh about that suggestion.

Sharp tools - yea - built a jig and that has helped

Tool Presentation - I went back and reviewed some turning DVDs and books I have and sure enough, my tool presentation was not correct. I wasn't riding the bevel correctly as I was hollowing.

I rough turned some yesterday and after applying a good sharp tools and a correct tool presentation I'm much happier with the results.

Thanks guys, I'll be posting some pics of my work soon.


Reed Gray
03-23-2010, 11:56 AM
I have found green black walnut to dull the tools quickly, from the chainsaw to the turning tools. I figure it is because the wood has a rather high acid content, or some thing like that. Air dried or wet, though, it turns nicely. I do wear a mask when turning even green walnut because I can feel kind of head achy at the end of a day.

robo hippy