View Full Version : #23 Ebony and Ivory - the refinish and lessons learned

John Keeton
03-17-2010, 7:47 PM
I stripped the lacquer, along with part of the dye, with lacquer thinner. With some sound advice, particularly from Paul Atkins, I tinted some lacquer with black pigment, and brushed on three more coats, rubbing them out with 1200 grit paper, 0000 wool, and finally some polishing compound. It far from perfect, but much better than I thought the re-do would turn out.

I learned some valuable lessons with this one. First and foremost, I am not sure I will attempt a dyed piece again - not saying I won't, but this one certainly wasn't fun. Brushing on a finish is a definite NO!!!

And, should I soon forget this experience, and try it again, I would dye the rim. I shellaced it natural, but it was virtually impossible to keep it from getting black on it. Not happy with that, but it won't clean up, and it won't take the dye. The only option would be to paint it - not going to do that.

Also, I did turn another finial at the suggestion of Steve Schlumpf. He had some very good suggestions on a reshape of the upper portion - which I should have implemented without question. But, I couldn't leave well enough alone, and I made some other changes and made the second one taller - too tall! I think I do that out of some need to compensate for being short!!:D

Here are the two finials - the taller one being the second one that didn't get used. On a positive note, it is slimmer! (In this pic, the finish has not been rubbed out.)

Steve critiqued both finials for me, and even did some comparison notes for me on the pic - extremely helpful! Thanks, Steve, a lot!

So, just another one along the trail of experiences. I don't expect everyone to comment again, just wanted to post the final pics 'cause I said I would!!

Mark Hubl
03-17-2010, 7:59 PM
I think it came out pretty well. Some techniques need some practice. The piece looks good, the next will be better.

David E Keller
03-17-2010, 7:59 PM
It looks good to me... Proud of you for sticking with it.

One thought for the rim... You could glue in a band of veneer to clean up the look. I've never done it, but it's just a thought. Admittedly, not all of my ideas are good ones.

Steve Schlumpf
03-17-2010, 8:01 PM
John - I think you did a really nice job on the refinishing! I also like both of the finials - hopefully you can turn something to fit under the second one!

Have you thought of a black magic marker to color the rim of the HF? Should work!

Mike Minto
03-17-2010, 8:15 PM
looked good to begin with, however, looks even better now, to me; nice!

charlie knighton
03-17-2010, 8:21 PM
very nice...

John Tomasello jr
03-17-2010, 8:22 PM
The finished piece is worth all your blood, sweet & tears.

Baxter Smith
03-17-2010, 8:28 PM
The finish looks great John! A lot of work I am sure but you ended up with a very good looking piece!

Peter Lamb
03-17-2010, 8:28 PM
Don't give up yet on dyes!!

Curt Fuller
03-17-2010, 8:47 PM
That looks awfully nice to me. I like both finials and I think the proportions are such that either compliments the hollow form. As for the dye, don't throw in the towel yet. Black is the most difficult color and you've done a great job with it.

Roland Martin
03-17-2010, 8:50 PM
It looks like a nice save John. I like both of these finials, but think the one you chose blends in better with this form. Good call and a great looking piece.

alex carey
03-17-2010, 8:52 PM
I don't know anything about dying or ebonizing but it looks to me to have turned out pretty nicely.

Donny Lawson
03-17-2010, 9:16 PM
Very Nice piece of art. Put it in a museum for others to go Ahhhhh over.I think the taller of the two tops looks better. Keep'em commin. I admire all of your work.

Frank Van Atta
03-17-2010, 9:31 PM
A great looking piece. Probably worth the pain of refinishing.

Bernie Weishapl
03-17-2010, 9:38 PM
John that is a beauty. I really like with you did with it and the finials look really nice. Well done.

Gary Conklin
03-17-2010, 9:42 PM
Your hard work truely paid off. Well done!

dean griffith
03-18-2010, 7:08 AM
Looks great John. Very nice finish and form!

Roger Bullock
03-18-2010, 7:41 AM
I like the form on this one. The new final seems to work better in my eye.

I feel your pain about not wanting to finish another piece in black. Black is a PITA. Niece #1, new house, several pieces of flat work, no problem, black finish, PITA. Niece #2, new husband, new house, several pieces of flat work, no problem black finish, PITA. Self no more black finish.....uncle. Wife, I'd really like to have black furniture for the guest bedroom, :eek:....yes dear. PITA....finish....not wife.

John Keeton
03-18-2010, 10:51 AM
Thanks, all, for taking a second look! On to #24 - already on the lathe.

Have you thought of a black magic marker to color the rim of the HF? Should work!Steve, I did try the Magic Marker, but the BLO and shellac effectively sealed the rim. I may try some fine sandpaper to see if I can get it to take some color.

I like both of these finials, but think the one you chose blends in better with this form. Good call and a great looking piece.Roland, I cannot take credit for that "call." Both Ms. Keeton, and Steve, felt the shorter finial was more appropriate. Far be for me to go against one I consider far more talented than me:), and for sure, the woman I consider my best friend!!;) I was overwhelmingly outvoted!:D

James Combs
03-18-2010, 9:46 PM
I am not into hiding wood grain but other then that... yeah nice.

Joe Meirhaeghe
03-19-2010, 6:03 PM
1st I like your end results.
However I'm not quite sure I understand the brushing a finish problem.
I brush finish 95 % of my turnings with excellent results.

John Keeton
03-19-2010, 7:54 PM
I brush finish 95 % of my turnings with excellent results. Joe, I do too - on natural wood. But in this case, brushing the lacquer pulled the dye up in parts of the maple, and left me with a splotchy mess. Had I sprayed the finish, I don't believe I would have had that difficulty.