View Full Version : Bowl blanks laying around.

Donny Lawson
03-17-2010, 5:52 PM
How many bowl blanks do you have laying around at one time ready to turn?Pics??

Karl Card
03-17-2010, 6:10 PM

here is most of mine... there are some spindles in there but that is where i keep my spindles and bowl blanks.. i got cherry, walnut. claro walnut, persimmon, red elm, spalted mango, spalted maple, brazilian walnut, teak, and some stuff i forgot about

Nathan Hawkes
03-17-2010, 7:38 PM
no pics, but hundreds of blanks in the shed........

alex carey
03-17-2010, 7:48 PM
Here are a few pictures of my basement, all of the brown boxes also have wood in them, quite a few more of them aren't shown. I have more wood than I turn, I probably only do about 10-15 projects a month.

Mike Minto
03-17-2010, 8:18 PM
nice collection; i have a 'wood closet' upstairs where i keep my 'good' wood, and alot of logs in the garage; just don't want it outdoors. i'll get a couple of pics out like youz other guyz.

Donny Lawson
03-17-2010, 9:26 PM
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are some nice pics and more blanks than I thought I would see.It looks like you spend almost as much time cutting blanks as turning them. I see where all the anchorseal goes.How long has some of those blanks been there? More pics please.... This makes me want to go to the shop and cut more blanks. I'm way way WAY behind you guys on the blank count.

Bernie Weishapl
03-17-2010, 10:38 PM
No pic's but at last count I have around 135 bowl blanks, probably 75 spindle blanks and about 35 vase blanks.

Richard Madison
03-17-2010, 11:20 PM
Maybe two or three. Why so many? Can only turn one at a time.

James Combs
03-17-2010, 11:23 PM
I have about 150 or so "pen" blanks and a half dozen or so other blanks. Do pen blanks even count (after see the photos above)???

Karl Card
03-17-2010, 11:30 PM

all the mail boxes are penblanks. and then i also have about 180 pen blanks not pictured that i just got about a week ago...

someone ask why so many bowl blanks or wood period... i absolutely love wood.. to many species not enoughtime..

alex carey
03-17-2010, 11:46 PM
I have so much wood because I never know when more is going to come my way. I usually get my wood by just listening for a chainsaw while on my way to school or just in my neighborhood. Soon as I do I take a detour and see whats coming down. Mine as well take as much as I can, If its good stuff and I didn't have room I could always just give it away to the local club or sell it online.

John Keeton
03-18-2010, 6:31 AM
Donny, I really appreciate you posting this thread. Up to this point, I felt my nearly weekly purchases of bowl blanks, and cutting the 25 or so fresh blanks, was a sure indication I was slipping into some sort of neurotic state - perhaps even to the point of an obsessive disorder.

However, now, after seeing picks from Alex and Karl, I again feel secure in my sanity.

You guys, however, have a serious problem!!!:eek::D:D

Donny Lawson
03-18-2010, 6:31 AM
I guess pen blanks would count too.I have alot of those.,but bowl blanks I have about 10 or so right now. I do have alot to cut out though.

Toney Robertson
03-18-2010, 6:58 AM
I don't have a problem at all except for the lack of storage!!! :D




Jeff Nicol
03-18-2010, 7:25 AM
Well lets just say that if I stacked it all up to about 6 feet high they would cover about 50'x50' area. So roughly 160 4x8 pickup beds fully loaded and that is not counting the 20,000 bd ft of flat lumber I have sawn and stacked. Having a Woodmizer sawmill at my beckon call since 1985 creates a lot of wood and turning blanks!



bob svoboda
03-18-2010, 8:56 AM
There's a locally authored book about the logging industry in coastal Washington entitled "They Tried To Cut It All". Looking at some of these pic's it looks like maybe they succeeded!! :eek: :D

Karl Card
03-18-2010, 9:14 AM
I envy you guys who get the wood in a "log" state. It seems to me that would give you the ability to pick much better cuts. I have been trying to get with friends in the area to let me know where trees fall or anythng is in the way... Id surely pickup it up for free...lol
All my life I have lived in the country with trees all around me on all four sides... then i start woodworking and turning and geeee not a tree in the yard, cant cut the neighbors trees for houses and it just seems so ironic

Fred Perreault
03-18-2010, 10:05 AM
I have lotsa blanks, but they are mostly in a long, round, cylinder shape. I save all my indoor space for "stuff"

Baxter Smith
03-18-2010, 10:14 AM
I have built several new lumber racks over the past year to try and get all my wood into one building. Now with this turning stuff, I am going to have to modify or build even more!:eek::D