View Full Version : What to do???

Toney Robertson
03-16-2010, 7:18 PM
We are going to have some timber cut and it seems like a shame to waste all the tops. I don't know how many of you know it but when they cut a tree for lumber/veneer they pick a spot usually just below a group of branches and it is cut there. The rest/top is left to rot. There would be a lot of good wood, not to mention the crotches and possibly a burl or two. Last cutting there was an oak tree that was a good 30" in diameter where they cut and the rest was left.

There will be almost 900 trees cut, 18 different species and unless I want to spend the next 15 years cutting and processing I don't know what to do. Would there be any commercial entities that would want that much wood?

Any ideas?



John Keeton
03-16-2010, 7:47 PM
Toney, this is called a business opportunity!! Sounds like a lot of work, and without a Woodmizer, I don't know how one could feasibly do it. But, it sure seems a shame for all of that to just rot. What about making a deal with someone in the firewood business to let them take the bulk of it, and set aside the crotches, burls, etc. for you?

David E Keller
03-16-2010, 9:07 PM
I like John's idea. You could also elevate yourself to hero status with a local turning club by offering them a shot at it.

Toney Robertson
03-16-2010, 9:09 PM
Toney, this is called a business opportunity!! Sounds like a lot of work, and without a Woodmizer, I don't know how one could feasibly do it. But, it sure seems a shame for all of that to just rot. What about making a deal with someone in the firewood business to let them take the bulk of it, and set aside the crotches, burls, etc. for you?

We probably are going to utilize a firewood guy but I know there will be hundreds of secondary logs above the point where the loggers cut and of course the crotches etc.

Of course, we would have to get someone we trust for the firewood. I would not want any other trees cut down.

Maybe if we get someone trustworthy it would work like you stated.

Tough dilemma.

Toney Robertson
03-16-2010, 9:11 PM
I like John's idea. You could also elevate yourself to hero status with a local turning club by offering them a shot at it.

Unfortunately the "local" club is 50+ miles away.

It would be cool if I knew of someone that wanted to process all of this for sale but I would imagine there is no one in the area.

Mike Minto
03-16-2010, 9:25 PM
yeah, dilemma - yours is a problem i'd like to have...

Steve Mawson
03-16-2010, 11:51 PM
What a nice problem to have. I used to live in Fort Wayne and have not been back to Indiana for several years. Want some help??? I have a truck and chain saw, just a small one-saw that is. Know what you mean about the waste but perhaps the firewood might be a good idea. Do lots of people heat with wood or just for fireplace? Good luck figuring out the right direction.

Baxter Smith
03-17-2010, 12:31 AM
Some crews have chippers come in with them and use the tops for mulch. Don't know if something like that is available in your area.

Gary Chester
03-17-2010, 12:42 PM
50 miles isn't that far for that much wood... I'd at least contact the local club for advise.

Al Wasser
03-17-2010, 2:05 PM
I hope a knowledgeable forester is helping you with the logging or you may be getting the short end of the stick so to speak. Make a call to your Sate Forester and/or County extension agent. The may know of some "cottage" industry in your area that can use some more of the wood.

Toney Robertson
03-17-2010, 4:19 PM
I hope a knowledgeable forester is helping you with the logging or you may be getting the short end of the stick so to speak. Make a call to your Sate Forester and/or County extension agent. The may know of some "cottage" industry in your area that can use some more of the wood.


Oh yea, NO WAY I let timber go straight to a sawmill. We hired a professional forester. First and foremost for us is that we want to do what is best for the woods and then secondly is the money aspect that you mentioned. I think it is VERY important that he is working for us so our priorities get put to the top of the list.

It is amazing the amount of money that people get screwed out of if they do not hire a independent forester. I just found out that a friend sold some walnut trees for very little money IMO. It is a shame.

As a matter of fact, I was stunned by the range of bids we received this time. Literally the top bid was double what the lowest bid was. That is a huge difference and I can almost guarantee you that if they were sold directly to a sawmill we would not have even gotten what the low bid was.

