View Full Version : Tools Pics

Allen Grimes
11-05-2004, 5:12 PM
I don't know if any of you guys remember me, but I asked for help on a few occasions (spelling?). Most recently being to move a table saw from one minivan to another. Anyway, I got everything taken care of and even a new camera to show it off. But, first I want to thank Dennis McDonaugh for offering to help me move the saw. Thanks Dennis.

The table saw isn't completely built because I cant get those _____ extension wings squared to the main table (any suggestions?). Also the place I ordered the saw from forgot to send the blades. The sawdust on the mobile base (rockler with squared steel tube) is from the jigsaw.

Norman Hitt
11-05-2004, 5:48 PM
I guess you mean you can't get the wings flat/coplaner with the main table. If this is the case, insert all the bolts, and then tighten the MIDDLE bolt only up tight and even with the main table top. Lay a straight edge across the extension and the main table and check it. If the wing is higher at it's outside, then you need to shim above the bolt with one or more short strips of scotch tape or masking tape depending on how thick the shim needs to be. Tighten that bolt up again and check with the straight edge again. Note: (If on the first test above, the outside of the wing was low, then the shim tape needs to be placed below the bolt.) When you have the center correct, then work on the outside bolts one at a time, in the same manner, and you may have to lift up or press down to get the top faces even before tightening them up, in addition to the shimming as mentioned above.

It is a good idea to get the shimming done first on all three bolts, and then go back and get the center bolt area faces even and tighten it, and then get the outside bolt areas level and tighten them.

Hope this explanation is clearer than mud.

Also note: Other shim material can be used, but I like the tape (even aluminum foil tape if thickness warrants), because the tape doesn't fall out like other shim material while you're fiddling ith it, and can also be easily peeled off in case you get it too thick and have to start over.

Rich Konopka
11-05-2004, 6:40 PM

Nice Saw and I am anxious to hear how it works out for you. It might be too late but you may want to consider reversing the mobile base so that the foot lever and wheel are not in your way when working with the saw.

Dennis McDonaugh
11-05-2004, 6:45 PM
Sorry we couldn't get together Allen, but it looks like you made it alright. As far as the squaring the table extensions--do you mean the top of the table with the top of the extension? If so, check to make sure the extensions are flat? Its been my experience that you can usually snug up the bolts, then tap the extension with a wooden mallet to level it with the top of the table. If they won't square across the front of the table you have a problem with the holes in the wings or the bolt holes. They may have been machined incorrectly. You can enlarge the holes in the extension to give you room to move the table back and forth.

Ken Fitzgerald
11-05-2004, 10:19 PM
Nice toys.er....tools Allen!

Allen Grimes
11-05-2004, 10:20 PM
No problem Dennis, my minivan's (the one initially carrying the saw) transmission went out and the guys at the dealer ended up moving it over. Funny thing though there were six of them moving it and they were struggling. But me and my neighbor got it out and onto the base without any problems.

Rich, the front caster comes off pretty easily, so if it ever does get in the way its no big deal to get rid of it.

Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll try them out tomorrow morning.

John Miliunas
11-05-2004, 11:10 PM
Hey, congrats on the new toy.....tools, Allen! :) As far as the blade goes, you should just order yourself a WWII and get it over with! :D :cool:

scott spencer
11-06-2004, 10:55 AM
Nice saw Allen....congrats! Before you shim the wings, make sure there's no burrs interferring with a flush fit. I second the recommendation to compliment it with a WWII!