View Full Version : IDEA - SMC Mobile Turning Library....moved to Lumberyard Forum

John Keeton
03-13-2010, 12:37 PM
As an "assist" (pronounced SHOVE) to my leap into this vortex, a couple of creekers gave me the Grumbine DVD, "Turned Bowls Made Easy." I have since acquired a few more, including another Grumbine, a Dell Stubs, couple of older Raffans, and a couple of Drozda DVDs. These have all been very helpful to me, as well as entertaining.

I recently loaned all of these to another creeker that was looking for some help in learning, and asked that he send two of them on to another creeker that had an interest in the Drozda DVDs. He shipped the others back to me.

So, here is the thought. I don't really have a need for these DVDs, and while I could sell them, it seems that with all the new turners, and even some seasoned turners that may have an interest, we could have a "floating" library of reference DVDs. The only obligation would be to cover shipping to the next creeker.

We just need to come up with the logistics of tracking them. Perhaps a couple of sticky threads - one stating what is in the library, with additions if others wanted to contribute another DVD or an extra copy.

And maybe a "checkout" thread where the current "holder" of one or more DVDs could post that "I now have the ________ DVD." Another creeker could PM that "holder" to request the DVD. As soon as it is spoken for, perhaps another post.

This may need some work, but what do you all think? Too cumbersome? Too formal?? Waste of time?

Roland Martin
03-13-2010, 12:50 PM
Being a beginner and always eager to learn, I think this is a novel idea. I personally have nothing as far as offering yet, but could sure use and appreciate some knowledge from any source availible.
As with anything new, trial and error would adjust how this could work effectively.
Thanks for thinking of your fellow turners!

Al Wasser
03-13-2010, 2:00 PM
Many of the AAW clubs have a library that is loaned out to members. Join the AAW and a local club if possible.

David E Keller
03-13-2010, 2:28 PM
John, I think it's a great idea. I have all of the Jimmy Clewes DVD, as well as numerous others that I would be willing to put into a pool. I'm not sure how the logistics of this would best be handled, but I think it's a tremendous idea.

Steve Vaughan
03-13-2010, 2:32 PM
that's a great idea!

Bernie Weishapl
03-13-2010, 2:53 PM
That's a great idea John. Actually the members could post the DVD/Videos that they have in Turning DVD/Video forum. Then if someone is interested they could PM the individual that has them and let them work out the details. Once they have been returened a post could be made again by the individual saying I have these DVD/Video's.

Mark Hazelden
03-13-2010, 2:55 PM
John, I think is a great idea and not a waste of time.

I am the librarian at my local AAW chapter. Although many people may have access to a local AAW chapter I think your traveling library would be great for people that don't have a turning club near by. I imagine most local public libraries have little on wood turning.

I think it would be important to limit the "check out" time to something reasonable.


John Keeton
03-13-2010, 3:02 PM
I appreciate the ideas so far. Bernie, my thought would be that the DVDs would never return to the original owner unless requested by the owner. They would go from the current holder to the next request. That would cut down on total shipping. Otherwise, the if the DVDs are returned to the original owner, that owner has to ship them out each time.

By doing the above, when an individual "checks out" a DVD from a "holder", the holder bears the cost of shipping. That is their cost for "borrowing" the DVD. I think media shipping on up to 3 DVDs wouldn't be more than $3 or so.

Donald Barfield
03-13-2010, 3:04 PM
I think it is a great idea. I belong to two AAW clubs. One of them thinks it is too much trouble to maintain a library,the other has a library but it is all in VHS tapes. Ever try to find a VHS player in the stores now. I would love to view some dvd's since I have decided to try to learn to do something besides pens.

John Keeton
03-13-2010, 3:09 PM
Another thought - the original owner could take a magic marker and note their name "donated by" on the DVD. If it "stalls out" with a holder for a specified length of time, then it could be returned to the original owner - maybe 3-4 months??

mickey cassiba
03-13-2010, 3:27 PM
John, I think that's a great idea, quite in keeping with the "sharing" nature of SMC. I shall bookmark this thread to see what shakes out.

Nick Mastropietro
03-13-2010, 3:56 PM
John this idea has the potential to expand the vortex exponentially. As for me, whenever I'm about to undertake something I haven't done before, I read just about everything I can find on the subject. The DVD's offer an additional resource and delivery method that often times a book and static pictures can't communicate clearly. I just got through watching Raffan's DVD "Turning Wood" and would be willing to add it to the library. I also do a bit of trap shooting and in the community of shooting sports the motto is "Shoot Safe and Share Your Sport" your idea is in keeping with that tradition. You not only turn out great bowls you turn out great ideas. Thanks

Paul Atkins
03-13-2010, 4:50 PM
Sounds good to me too.

John Keeton
03-13-2010, 5:01 PM
Now, we need some moderators to chime in with some logistical help!!

kenneth walker
03-13-2010, 5:38 PM
I think thats a great idea John.

Ray Bell
03-13-2010, 6:02 PM
Wonderful idea John. I happen to have two copies of "Ellsworth on Woodturning" (don't ask, something about getting old, and forgetfulness). This is a book, but I would be more than glad to donate one to the library.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-13-2010, 6:02 PM
So what do you want?

I don't think a separate forum would be justified.

I can certainly turn this thread or another into a sticky..that's no problem.

John Keeton
03-13-2010, 6:19 PM
Ken, let me give some thought to a system, and I will do a separate thread to start the library. Then you can make it a sticky. It can be an ongoing list of available DVDs/books. Just thinking this through at this point. I guess we would need to PM you with additions as others couldn't edit the list, and an ongoing series of posts probably wouldn't work as well.

Probably, we will need another thread just to keep a running "I hold the_____ DVD." so folks can look and PM the holder for a loan.

I will try to work on that in the next couple of days.

In the meantime, if everyone will continue to think about ideas on how best to do this and think about whether others have donations.

Steve Schlumpf
03-13-2010, 6:26 PM
John - interesting idea but I do have a few concerns. I'll send you a PM.

Matt Ranum
03-13-2010, 8:19 PM
Very good idea IMO too. The only downside I could see is if they videos were to be returned to the original owner then that person would be paying postage quite often to resend them to the next person.

But I do like the idea.

John Keeton
03-13-2010, 9:10 PM
Matt, if you will note in my follow up post, I explained that would not happen for that very reason.

We need to hear from Keith and the mods before going futher anyway. In the meantime, if others could please post the titles of any DVDs you would donate to the library.

Keep in mind that there is a possibility they would be lost or damaged and/or not ever returned. So, this would be a gift to the cause.

If the details get worked out, and it is a go, I think it would be great for new turners, and even some that have been turning for awhile.

Matt Ranum
03-13-2010, 11:13 PM
Must have missed it, sorry John, glad it was covered.

Bob Borzelleri
03-14-2010, 12:10 AM
Great idea, John. I think the operative assumption here is that people offer up DVDs that they are willing to let float away and do good things for people who could use the instruction. Obviously, anyone who has an expectation of getting them back should probably not participate. My sister still hasn't returned Volume 27 of my Great Books of the Western World and it's been 47 years.

I guess there is always the possibility that some creative mind could infiltrate the Creek and start collecting the DVDs for their own nefarious purposes, but I'm sure there are ways to keep that from happening.

I have Jimmy Clewes "Back to Basics" DVD.

Hey, what about old XBox games? :D


Norm Zax
03-14-2010, 5:55 AM
Great idea! We're doing exactly the same at our local club with journal issues. My comments:
* have an excel file with all existing vids and current holder listing, but keep it in a collaboration optioned site (such as http://www.editgrid.com/)
* how about us overseas users? Im willing to pay two way delivery as its not fair to ask you guys to send overseas, though it will slow the process down (cant send till you get my first mail).
* Have all CD/DVD include a list of those who had it and when, sort of a traveling log like this funny site www.wheresgeorge.com (http://www.wheresgeorge.com)

Jeff Nicol
03-14-2010, 6:57 AM
John, The "SHOVE" has put you into a great state of mind. This idea is a very good one. I have borrowed DVD's from others and bought one from another. This would give many the opportunity to see some of the video's that are out there easily and send them on to the next viewer.

You may have to become a moderator!

Good luck,


Roger Bullock
03-14-2010, 9:34 AM
Great idea John. My turning and skills are limited to date. Mostly what I've turned is pen, personal furniture turnings, columns for kitchen remodel, a few utility bowls, and starting to turn pendants. I've been wanting to expand more into bowls and hollow forms.

Reading and see you and other Creekers work is inspiring but let's face it you can only learn so much from reading a post and looking at a photo. I've looked into buying a few DVD's but which ones. Several have posted to add them to a club library but for guys like me (no turning club within an hour plus drive)we are left in the void.

I would greatly appreciate any DVD on bowl turning and give my SMC promise to add a post once I've viewed it and pay for the shipping to the next Creeker.

Roger Bullock
03-14-2010, 9:49 AM
John I just thought of this. I would also be willing to purchase a new DVD and add it to the collection once I've viewed it that is. I guess I should say, "If I'm willing to participate, then I should be willing to contribute."

David E Keller
03-14-2010, 11:29 AM
Just a thought... how about considering making the DVD exchange open to contributors only. It is not that restrictive given the small sum required to be a contributor on SMC, and it would help support the creek. In other words, you could only access the thread on DVD swap if you were a contributor.

This may be a bad idea for a number of reasons, but I thought I would throw it out there.

03-14-2010, 12:44 PM

I think this is a great idea. You mentioned in your original post sharing "extra copies". Were you referring to extra store bought copies or home made copies? I was just wondering if we could do this without getting involved in copyright issues. I don't have a problem with this since no one is making a profit, just wondering if we could do this with out getting into trouble.


John Keeton
03-14-2010, 3:54 PM
David, Steve and I had already discussed having it for contributors only, and Glenn, I would only want to use original DVDs. I could see a problem with copies. I should have said "extra" copies of a particular copy. My thought at this point is to have them numbered simply for ease in keeping up with them.

Roger, I hope others would do as you suggest and contribute DVDs after they have watched them. Over time, we could have several to float around.

It may be a couple of days before we know whether this will work or not.

03-15-2010, 8:27 AM
Just a thought... how about considering making the DVD exchange open to contributors only. It is not that restrictive given the small sum required to be a contributor on SMC, and it would help support the creek. In other words, you could only access the thread on DVD swap if you were a contributor.

This may be a bad idea for a number of reasons, but I thought I would throw it out there.

I agree with this idea.


Dave Haughs
03-15-2010, 9:52 AM
I think this is a great idea! I realize I am not a contributor yet (I just need to stop being lazy) but I am very interested in this as well.

I think you're right, all we need is one sticky post listing them all that someone has the ability to edit, then say I have one of the discs and I mail it off to someone else I could just post in there "DVD #5" shipped to "Frank" and someone could then update that sticky showing that Frank has DVD 5 then delete my post to keep it clean, even have a list of people in line for a particular DVD just by posting up and someone updating the main post and deleting the others.

Joe Little
03-15-2010, 10:06 AM

This is a great idea. I borrowed a few from my local library's interlibrary system and I received DVD's from around the country for FREE. It was too good and I saved the cost of buying the DVD's so I donated to the library. Perhaps we could suggest a voluntary donation to SMC or a related charity?

Keith Outten
03-15-2010, 12:26 PM
I have shared my thoughts with Steve on this subject via PM. I sugest that we take this to the Lumber Yard Forum to finalize the decisions that must be made.

Steve Schlumpf
03-15-2010, 1:50 PM
I am closing this thread and moving the subject over to the Lumberyard Forum for further discussion. Please add your ideas/comments to the new thread at that location.