View Full Version : Well I learned a few things today

Philip Johnson
03-12-2010, 7:56 PM
I thought if a tool doesn't have at least a 5hp motor its not good for much.

I went to the Lie Nielsen tool event to look for a small block plane which was suggested to me as a good first plane by the forum in a previous thread. I basically wanted something to shave a bit off here and there and clean up dovetails etc. I ended up with the 60.5 but that 103 sure was a nice little plane. It fit my hand really nice but the lady working their felt the 60.5 would be better for what I wanted so I took her advice. She had one in stock and offered to sharpen it up for me so I took her up on the offer. I was pretty amazed at how easy it was to clean up a board with the proper and sharp tool.

Well I got home and found a few pieces of maple laying around so I thought I would play a bit. The edges of the boards had been jointed on a power jointer but didn't fit together very good, a couple swipes with that little plane and I had an edge as smooth as glass and a perfect fit.....hmmmm maybe I can sell that 2500 dollar jointer and just buy the right hand plane....hmmmm. So I made some more shavings the finish that little plane puts on a piece of wood is unbelievable, I think me and that little plane may become best friends. I'm not quite ready to throw out all my power tools but I must say I was amazed at what can easily be done with a good quality sharp hand tool.


Bill Houghton
03-12-2010, 8:26 PM
and just set your feet on this slippery slope of hand tool use.

Amazing, isn't it? You are discovering why a lot of folks use tools that the power tool makers would have you believe are obsolete.

Thomas L. Miller
03-12-2010, 9:39 PM
I too have learned a bit about hand tools recently. I've learned to use the power tools to do the "grunt work" and the hand tools for the joy of the process. But beware, hand tools can fuel a tool addiction that's just as fierce as that caused by power tools. :p

Russell Sansom
03-12-2010, 10:02 PM
...a jointer plane and a shooting board!

You don't have to put on the full-nielsen to appreciate it, either. A beaten up old Bailey #7 or, better, #8 will show you what you've been missing.

And don't let these addicts fool you. A nice block plane and and tuned up #8 is almost all you need. OK, add a smoother. I see adequate #4's selling on ebay for under $30. OK, you need sharpening gear, but that's only $5 for 3 grades of lapping film and a homemade sharpening jig.

Once you get there, have the significant other lock up your credit cards.

Rick Markham
03-12-2010, 11:31 PM
I just got my first plane recently, and my LN 60 1/2 is supposed to be here monday :D I'm already an addict, only took a few swipes of my LN #8 to have me hooked... now I just gotta get all of the rest of the hand tools i want... err... NEED! :cool: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/Rick357/008.jpg

Jim Koepke
03-13-2010, 3:47 AM
I think you will like the 60-1/2. It is a nice little plane and the adjustable mouth is a nice feature. The 102 & 103 tend to be more handy if you wear an apron and like to carry a plane in a pocket.


Terry Hatfield
03-13-2010, 5:33 AM
Welcome to the jungle Phillip. It's all down hill from here. Soon you will be posting plane storage ideas. :D No turning back now.


lowell holmes
03-13-2010, 9:15 AM
Now Jim,

You know he needs all three planes.


Don Morris
03-13-2010, 9:28 AM
Yep, I'm too old to spend a lot of time learning all the techniques, so many times I use power tools to save time. But I often use hand planes to finish the job, to correct errors, and sometimes to do a job that power tools would have not been the choice of tool to use. To me the wise woodworker is the one who knows when and where to use which.

David Keller NC
03-13-2010, 11:28 AM
Rick - that's a pretty funny picture, because both items can be quite addicting, though one could argue that the handplane isn't nearly as dangerous to your health - though that depends a great deal on whether your significant other is firearm trained and has issues with buying woodshop tools. :D

Philip Johnson
03-13-2010, 6:04 PM
The wife has too many projects for me to do to worry about tool storage..but one of these days. For now I'll keep him oiled and wrap him up and keep him in the box he came in.....not sure how long that will last.

I got out in the shop today and finished a small shelf thing for the daughter....put the litttle plane to use softening the corners and making all the edges look nice...not sure how I made it so long and never owned a plane.
