View Full Version : Drums....anyone made one?

Matt Hutchinson
03-11-2010, 8:43 PM
So, for a number of years I have tossed around the idea of making a djembe or some type of drum. Have any of y'all attempted anything like this? Thanks!


John Keeton
03-11-2010, 8:48 PM
Matt, there was a thread a few months ago where a creeker built a special lathe setup to "turn" a staved drum. I don't recall the title or the name of the OP, but it was a really interesting setup. You may want to search for it.

curtis rosche
03-11-2010, 8:52 PM
make a digery doo i have a friend who made one,,, not sure how though

David Christopher
03-11-2010, 8:58 PM
Matt, this guy made some pretty cool drums


John Keeton
03-11-2010, 9:09 PM
Matt, this guy made some pretty cool drums

http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=130207&highlight=stave+drums BINGO!! Thanks, David. That was the one I was thinking about.

Matt Hutchinson
03-11-2010, 11:33 PM
Hey, thanks guys! That's an interesting thread. I haven't yet joined any drum forums, but it may me worth it for research. Plus, who knows, if get into it maybe they would be a place to market them!!

Anywho, that's quite down the road in any case. I just like the idea of making a drum! I have been thinking that trying to develop products for niche markets may be worth exploring. But I am also really into music, and I play the cello. And making instruments has always been an intense interest of mine.


Bob Borzelleri
03-12-2010, 12:20 AM
Funny you should ask. After seeing the film, "The Visitor" last year, I went out and bought a djembe. Since buying a lathe in November, I've pondered turning one.

My djembe is 14" x 25" tall. Were I to give it a try, I'd do a 10" or 12" head. Mounting the blank might be quite interesting, though.

Now that I've seen the stave drum project, I would think that doing a djembe in the same manner would be the hot setup. I recall seeing a video somewhere of two guys doing a 25 or so inch segmented bowl. Horizontal or vertical would probably both be viable options. Hmmm...

Jordan Schulze MI
03-12-2010, 1:56 AM
Here's a little rig I put together to make drums. Works pretty well. I have a seperate machine designed to turn the inside round. Hopefully with any luck I'll have the CNC version of this rig up and running this weekend.

Charlie Reals
03-12-2010, 8:08 AM
Now, those drum related threads look inviting. I have helped make several Taiko drums from wine barrels and have crafted many hand held NA style drums but have never rounded them other than sanding.

Don Geiger
03-13-2010, 7:06 PM
I used to build staved cylinders out of Cypress about 8" diameter and turn them round on my lathe and used them to build bird houses. I made a plate out of MDF that had a rabit on the edge so it fit nicely into the cylinder and connected it to a face plate for the drive end and another with a center hole for the tail stock end. I turned several and only had one come apart on the lathe. The exciting part was when the pieces hit the fluorescent light over my head and I had glass raining down on me. I'd only been turning about a year at that point. It was an early lesson in safety. I have since installed clear plastic covers over my fluorscent light bulbs.

I have often thought it would be a great way to build drums.

Don Geiger

Matt Hutchinson
03-15-2010, 7:59 PM
Jordan, that's a pretty slick looking setup. I would basically be attempting the same construction, but would try to turn both the inside and outside on a lathe.

What materials/wood do you use? Thanks!
