View Full Version : Shaper Gloat

Tom Welch
03-11-2010, 7:27 PM
I just bought a Delta 43-419 3 hp shaper for $600. :D It came with a mobile base. And a bunch of assorted cutters, 3 wrenches owners manual and a matched rail and style cutter set and 2 different raised panel cutter profiles. What do you think good deal or not. It runs smooth and the motor sounds good.:)

Todd Reinbold
03-11-2010, 7:33 PM
Sweet deal! Gotta get me one of those.

Joe Shinall
03-11-2010, 7:48 PM
Good deal Tom. You suck by the way. But good deal. Hope to pick up one when I have the cash. Always see them for 4 and 500 bucks but not when I have it to spare.

Peter Quinn
03-11-2010, 7:53 PM
That is a great deal on a fine tool, and getting some cutters to start things off is a nice bonus for you too. Be careful, shapers have a nasty habit of multiplying when you aren't looking. I'm up to three, and I've started locking the doors and leaving the lights on. I don't know how they keep getting in?

Do you have experience with a shaper? If so great, if not, ask before doing anything that isn't clear and get some good information about shaper set ups. Its a very versatile and powerful machine. It is not a router table in any way. Shapers have a nasty reputation for eating fingers, and humans have a nasty reputation for stupidity when ignorant.

Walter Plummer
03-11-2010, 8:16 PM
+1 on sweet deal. Now you need to score a stock feeder.

Erik Christensen
03-11-2010, 8:28 PM
you got your money's worth on just the cutters - the shaper was free

be careful with it - best investment you could make is a power feeder

Joseph Tarantino
03-11-2010, 9:22 PM
without wishing to appear sarcastic, what is a shaper used for? in what ways is it different from a router table? i'm moving from sheet goods to rough stock and cabinetry so i'm looking to expand my knowledge base. thanks.

David DeCristoforo
03-11-2010, 9:31 PM
"...without wishing to appear sarcastic, what is a shaper used for? in what ways is it different from a router table?"

Without wishing to appear sarcastic, search this forum. You will find numerous lengthy and sometimes a bit "heated" discussions on exactly this subject...

PS Great score on the shaper and cutters. As someone already pointed out, the tooling alone is worth more than you paid.

jim sauterer
03-11-2010, 10:03 PM
i thought they put people in jail for stealing.i paid 1100.00 plus shipping and i thought i got a good deal.great score.good shaper.

Chip Lindley
03-12-2010, 12:24 AM
Good Gloat Tom! Those included cutters tip the scales in favor of a big *YOU SUCK!*

Tom Welch
03-12-2010, 1:08 AM
Thanks guys. Peter, I know what you mean about them multiplying, I have a 5 hp PM 2700 Powermatic shaper on back order.(won't be in til May) My goal is to get one more shaper, I would love to have 2 set up for rail and stile cuts, and leave the 5 hp shaper for shaping everything else.
I have 0 experance with a shaper, but bought 2 books and have been studying up on it. Lots of experiance with the router table, but man this is in a whole different league.
I will be getting a power feeder in the very near future, I will probbly have to buy a new one unless fate shines her face upon me once more.

Rod Sheridan
03-12-2010, 8:17 AM
Good Gloat Tom! Those included cutters tip the scales in favor of a big *YOU SUCK!*

Tom, I'm with Chip.............I'm jealous................and oh by the way...


Regards, Rod.

Joseph Tarantino
03-12-2010, 12:46 PM
i guess that will teach me what to do whenever i'd like some first hand insights into something.