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View Full Version : Acrylic source

Jay Yoder
03-10-2010, 10:23 PM
I was wondering where to begin searching for 1/4-3/8" thick acrylic for jigs? I have tried the borgs, but they only carry 1/16 in small sheets. I only need about 1 sq foot...

Jamie Buxton
03-10-2010, 11:04 PM
One source... http://www.tapplastics.com/index.php?

John Coloccia
03-10-2010, 11:09 PM

Now, I HAVE bought 3/16" acrylic at my local Home Depot (or Lowes, I forget), but it was GARBAGE. I pealed off the protective covering, and it was chipped, marred, etc. My local guys just don't handle anything. I was just using it for a pattern, so no big deal, but it shouldn't be difficult to get a sheet of acrylic correct.

Rich Engelhardt
03-11-2010, 12:08 AM
Since you're in NE Ohio - House of Plastics, on Carnegie. in Cleveland is a good place to start.
Just google them for more info.

Larry Edgerton
03-11-2010, 7:30 AM
I get great service from www.norvaplastics.com (http://www.norvaplastics.com) in Norfolk.

Brian Backner
03-11-2010, 10:32 AM
Also consider combing through their cut off bins. Full or half sheets of thicker acrylic tend to get expensive. Cut offs can usually be had for some number of dollars per pound. I've picked up some really thick stuff like this (2" thick at $7/# - which was only about a square foot!). The "thinner" stuff - like 3/8" or 1/2" - is usually available in larger pieces, certainly large enough for most jigs and cutter guards, for $5-15 a chunk.

Just don't take too much cash or credit cards with you or you may end up hauling back waaaaay more than you need. DAMHIK.


Henry Lankford
03-13-2010, 4:01 PM
Check www.hartvilletool.com (http://www.hartvilletool.com) They have 1/2" acrylic reasonably priced for one sheet.

Carl Carew
03-13-2010, 5:01 PM
I would strongly suggest that you use Lexan rather than the "plexiglas" you will usually find at the home depot type sources. It is much easier to machine and is stronger. My source is "I have acrylic, lexan, and plexiglass plastic sheets for sale. For all your plastic needs visit www.njplastics.com (http://www.njplastics.com)
We can also make anything out of plastic sheet, rod, tube,podiums,tabletops,window glazing.
Call Tom @ 973-362-0219. Thanks! "

I have bought lexan from him for my company and he is very easy to work with and he had the best prices I could find for large sheets but he is also willing to sell small cut to size pieces. I use the small pieces to make templates for my lathe duplicator.

J D Thomas
03-13-2010, 5:43 PM
Believe it or not, I've purchased most of my plexiglas/acrylic/lexan on eBay. It's usually fairly cheap if you're patient, but shipping does add to the overall cost. I've also found the bidding is not all that competitive and many are Buy It Now situations. Check it out, you might be surprised.