View Full Version : wood source?

Jamie Oren
03-10-2010, 5:15 PM
i need a good wood sorce in the boston area. my wife is going home to see her family and i would like to get something for my troubles. we dont get many domestic hard woods here in HI.:)

Matt Newton
03-10-2010, 8:55 PM
Where in the Boston area?

Bob Bergstrom
03-10-2010, 10:26 PM
Find local tree trimmers and where the local city workers dump the parkway trees. You'll be surprised what is discarded in the city.:D

Jamie Oren
03-11-2010, 2:33 AM
north boston, and she is going to have to buy it i dont see her cutting it for me! haha

neil mackay
03-11-2010, 4:49 AM
]Find local tree trimmers and where the local city workers dump the parkway trees. You'll be surprised what is discarded in the city.:D[

Absolutely, one of the best places to get all sorts on timber, even rare stuff. I once picked up some Carpathian Elm. The neighbors bought a new house and remodeled the gardens etc and out it went. Great pick up, the wife did not care what it was, it just had to go. :D

Montgomery Scott
03-11-2010, 9:06 AM

Jamie Oren
03-11-2010, 12:14 PM
cool, thank you

Dick Sowa
03-11-2010, 5:55 PM
I don't know if you have any, but there may be restrictions on bringing in wood from elsewhere. I would check with both your local agricultural folks, and with the airlines. It would be awful to have your wood confiscated before you got home.