View Full Version : Churchill Pen - New Photos

Mike Minto
03-09-2010, 7:53 PM
Finally got all the supplies I needed to make my first Churchill pen. Needed 2 new (expensive!) drill bits, bushings, even a new mandrel. Anyway, I like the larger pens because I get to see more of the wood. Myrtle burl, finished with lacquer and CA. 2 wheel buffed, hand buffed Renaissance wax. My first fountain pen, too.

Bob Vavricka
03-09-2010, 7:59 PM
Your pictures are too small for me to see very well. I would like to be able see them better. I really like to looks of the Churchhill pens that have been posted and want to try some myself. Where did you get your kits for the Churchhill pens?
Bob V.

Mike Minto
03-09-2010, 8:22 PM
I know the pictures aren't very good - took them with my phone, and uploaded them in a rather roundabout fashion with a PC. Will retake and repost, perhaps tonight. I got the supplies from Arizona Silhouette.

James Combs
03-09-2010, 8:26 PM
Mike, I just completed my "First Churchill Pen" (see my posting). I had some trouble with the first bushings I got from Woodcraft. I took them back and they made good on them but it was still a delay. BTW the Woodcraft bushings use the standard smaller "A" mandrel whereas most everyone else's use the larger "B" mandrel. (I probably got the letters backwards but you got the point) The problem with bushings was that there was two different sets pack with the same part number. Something else to watch. When you assemble the pen and are trying to make sure the grain lines up remember that the cap goes over the quill and is NOT the top of the pen like most of the others. I didn't realize that when I was assembling so my grain is not only misaligned, the cap is turned 180* wrong.

David E Keller
03-09-2010, 9:46 PM
Looking forward to some better photos. I think I may have to get a few of these in my next AS order. By the way, these go on sale from time to time at AS, so you might keep a look out for them.

Mike Minto
03-09-2010, 10:33 PM
James, yes, I did see your post - what a coincidence! Your pen is very nice, and thanks for the reminders. Wish I had known about the difference in bushing/mandrel sizes before, as I said I had to buy a new mandrel to fit the larger bushings (you got the letters correct - the 'B' is larger). Then again, today I made the Churchill pen and started a Cigar, alternating between the two as finishes cured, so it has actually turned out to be a convenience. The Cigar is still on the mandrel, BLO curing. Will post that later after some finish builds up and I assemble.