View Full Version : need advise on MC of wood for turning

Martin Rock
03-08-2010, 1:27 PM
Hi All
I would like to turn a bowl out of a cherry block with 12% MC .

the bowl will be 3 inch tall 11 inch in diameter

It`s for a birthday present in 4 weeks. Is it too wet, can it warp or crack afterwards?

thanks for comments or suggestions

bob svoboda
03-08-2010, 1:43 PM
Depends on the humidity--In my area 12% would be quite stable. I have turned quite a bit of Cherry in that range and have never had a checking/cracking problem.

John Keeton
03-08-2010, 1:57 PM
For cherry, I think that would be fine. I did turn a piece of Chinaberry that was at 14%, and it warped some on me. But, it is a pretty fast growing wood, very lightweight, and I think prone to movement anyway.

Martin Rock
03-08-2010, 2:27 PM
I live in Québec which is north of New York State, it gets pretty humid in the summer. The air dryed wood never gets dryer than 12%.



Bernie Weishapl
03-08-2010, 5:09 PM
You probably will be fine with it. 12% it may move a little but don't think it will be to much. Down here I have did some cherry and it went slight oval but our humidity is extremely low. Some of my kiln dried equalized at 7%.