View Full Version : AnchorSeal 2 (!)

Mike Minto
03-08-2010, 1:03 PM
Just bought a can of AnchorSeal 2 - had only used one can of the 'original' before - any of you guys use that yet? I've yet to open the can.

Steve Schlumpf
03-08-2010, 3:29 PM
First I had heard of it - so did a quick check: http://www.uccoatings.com/Home/Products/ANCHORSEAL2

Looks like the direction everyone is going - the 'green' or earth friendly products. I would think it would work as good or better than the original.

Bernie Weishapl
03-08-2010, 5:06 PM
Looks like a good product although have never used it. Getting ready to order some so may have to give it some thought.

Allen Neighbors
03-08-2010, 7:22 PM
I buy it in 5 gal buckets. AS2 is about $10 a bucket more than the original, but it looks like that's the way to go next order. I guess greener is better.

Baxter Smith
03-08-2010, 7:27 PM
Picked up a gallon at Woodcraft a couple of weeks ago. They didn't have any of the AnchorSeal 1 I had gotten before. I think it was 21.?? a gallon. Don't know remember how that price compares to AS1.

Jeff Rich
03-09-2010, 5:27 AM
As I understand it, Anchorseal 2 will replace the original.
UC sends letters about updating the pricing and products to me, mainly as a customer courtesy.
They are trying to get away from petroleum based waxes, which as of late have fluctuated wildly in price. I have used Anchorseal for a a few years and find it works very well. I am sure the new formulation has been tested thoroughly as they have a lot of logging companies depending upon their product. By the way, it is less expensive to buy a 5 gallon jug at $70.00 than to buy the one gallon jugs elsewhere. It takes a bit to use that much, but you always have some!

Donny Lawson
03-09-2010, 6:33 AM
Does Anchorseal go bad? If not that would be the way to go.I don't use it alot but here lately I started using more but 5 gals. would last a long time.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-09-2010, 8:38 AM
I bought 5 gallons and shared it with another turner.

Sean Hughto
03-09-2010, 10:11 AM
I bought the two gallon clear direct from UC (free shipping) last week. I used some this weekend on a maple rough out. It goes on well and dries nicely. So far so good.

Brian Effinger
03-09-2010, 1:47 PM
I bought 5 gallons and shared it with another turner.
My turning club buys a 55 gallon drum every once in a while and shares the cost and product with the members. If I remember, it works out to $7 a gallon. :) Of course it helps that UC Coatings is right here in Buffalo.

I think the next purchase is coming up for discussion at tonights meeting, which is good, because I am out.

Charlie Reals
03-09-2010, 3:22 PM
I am waiting on a 5 gallon can of AS2 out of Louisiana delivered to Ca. for $94.00.
I bought a gal. of the original formula at WC in Sacramento for $22. No one out here close has bulk.

Richard Madison
03-09-2010, 4:56 PM
Donny et al,
The following in response to my inquiry to UC re. shelflife of Anchorseal 2.

The longevity of our endcoatings is dependant on handling and storage. If there is a gap in the seal the water can evaporate or the product can be contaminated by impurities. If the product is left outside in extreme temperatures it can break down and become useless. A properly sealed container stored in a basement-setting can last indefinitely.

Donny Lawson
03-09-2010, 8:02 PM
Thanks Richard,
I might have to invest in a 5 gal. bucket myself. If I can find it where the shipping is not outrageously high. Any suggestions of where to buy?

Brian Effinger
03-09-2010, 10:27 PM
Donny et al,
The following in response to my inquiry to UC re. shelflife of Anchorseal 2.

The longevity of our endcoatings is dependant on handling and storage. If there is a gap in the seal the water can evaporate or the product can be contaminated by impurities. If the product is left outside in extreme temperatures it can break down and become useless. A properly sealed container stored in a basement-setting can last indefinitely.

One other thing to think about is getting the anti-freeze version of it, if you live in a northern climate.

Paul Douglass
03-10-2010, 10:42 AM
Thanks Richard,
I might have to invest in a 5 gal. bucket myself. If I can find it where the shipping is not outrageously high. Any suggestions of where to buy?

Looks to me that is you buy direct from the company it is FREE shipping to eastern states. GA is on the list.

Jeff Fagen
03-10-2010, 10:54 AM
What's wrong with using latex paint to seal log ends?
A local turner told me he's done it for years and you can pick up a gal. at a garage sale for a buck.

Bernie Weishapl
03-10-2010, 12:05 PM
Jeff latex paint will work in a pinch but for the long term it doesn't work well. If you cut logs into blanks, use latex and turn them within say a couple of weeks to a month you are probably fine. I don't turn all my blanks right away. Some sit maybe for 3 to 6 months or longer and latex IMHO just doesn't cut it.

Allen Neighbors
03-10-2010, 6:35 PM
Does Anchorseal go bad? If not that would be the way to go.I don't use it alot but here lately I started using more but 5 gals. would last a long time.

Donny, I've had 5-gal buckets of anchorseal in my shop over the winter for the last 6 winters (that's 20 gallons over 6 years). It has frozen before, and turned a little thin. :o So I took the lid off, and used an electric drill and a paint stirrer to stir it well. It seems to have re-constituted it, and I used the rest of it. :) The other bucket of that purchase of two (I buy 2 at a time) hasn't had any ill effects of the freezing weather, and all is well. :D
If it sets for a month or so before I use it again, I just shake the bucket back and forth a little before pouring up enough to use.