View Full Version : Finding equivalents to omnijig bits

Glen Butler
03-08-2010, 11:17 AM
I have the PC Omnijig, but I have a hard time getting Porter Cable router bits in these parts. Freud are easy to come by and CMT is OK. I am having trouble finding out the size of the different omnijig bits so I can match them. The D4 I know is a 1/2" OD. I don't know the angle. I think 7*. What problems will using an 8* bit cause? or even 14*? Freud has some bits that are close bit not quite the same.

Bottom line is how critical is it to use the exact bit PC recommends? Is it all a matter of making sure the stops and templates are set up for the bit you are using?

Robert Reece
03-08-2010, 11:41 AM
The bits are detailed in the user manual, which is available online. If you can't find it shoot me a PM and I will send it to you.

Whiteside makes the exact bits you need for the jig. I ordered them a while back. You won't be able to change bits because the fingers have an angle on them that you have to match with the dovetail bit. You might be able to get away with changing the straight bits.

Glen Butler
03-09-2010, 8:29 PM
Thanks for pointing that out. The angle of the finger is the kicker. So obviously through dovetails are a no go. But it seems with half-blind I should be able to use something else.